Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Astrology of Zac Efron

At the time of the native’s birth, the Sun was in Leo, which would be the native’s Sun-Sign. However, many factors go into the delineation of a natal chart and this report doesn’t solely rely on the placement of his Sun but also the placement of the other planets and other factors as well such as aspects, or relationships, between planets. The archetypical Libra is a diplomat and a peacemaker. He seeks peace and calm wherever he goes and responds well to music, art, and things of beauty. The native takes a sensible and practical approach to life and living. However, other people see him as someone who is practical, cautious and serious. He is a patient, hardworking, and responsible person. 

The native is ambitious and goes about achieving his goals and aspiration in a purposeful manner. He is energetic, passionate, and enthusiastic and has a strong desire to express himself. He is resistant to change and can be single-minded in his pursuits. However, he may be susceptible to subliminal manipulation.

The native is naturally proud and has a penchant for drama, seeking the spotlight in all that he does. He has intense emotional reactions. The native is a people pleaser with an almost obsessive need for perfectionism. He may be too critical of himself and also suffer from a distorted image of his own body which he also projects on others.

Growing up, the native likely enjoyed the benefit of his family’s prosperity and social status. He had a good, moral upbringing. However, the native was likely shy when he was young and had to mature faster than his peers. For this reason, he developed certain coping skills to help him navigate life. Though he is quite patient and reserved, he can be aggressive when it comes to defending his home and family.

The native is charming and flirtatious but is somewhat at a loss when he does not have a partner. He has a wound that revolves around a fear of being alone. In matters of love, the native often seeks out or is drawn to someone who is warm, nurturing, and supportive. He seeks the security of a traditional relationship and he will be strongly attached to the woman who can fill the role of nurturer for him. The native has many friends of the opposite sex, one of which may become his wife. The native has strong, passionate emotional and sexual urges. However, he can also be possessive and jealous of anyone that he desires. He can be an aggressive pursuer of anyone who he finds attractive and desirable. His approach to sex can be technical and predictable, and lacking any spontaneity. While he is a master at attending to the details of pleasure, his lovemaking may also lack a certain amount of intimacy.

The native seeks out the approval of others and is motivated to be liked by them. He wants to be noticed and appreciated. The native has an intuitive mind capable of profound insights. He is interested in communication and the exchange of ideas. He seeks out groups that will increase his knowledge. His friends are often his greatest teachers. He is often the initiator of any social activity. He must be cautioned against any selfishness as financial losses, disappointment in love, or loss of friendships may result.

The native seeks knowledge and tries his best to remain objective as he collects the facts of any matter, subject, or situation. He is also a natural worrier who struggles with the complexities of anything that isn’t simply black and white. The native has leadership ability and often is capable of new ways of thinking in philosophy and education. He is serious about his own growth and education. He will often work behind the scenes in chartable efforts but will also gain recognition for those efforts.

The native seeks a career that allows him balance between his public and private lives. An artistic and creative career that allows him to meet and socializing with many people from various backgrounds is most ideal. He will likely achieve fame and notoriety for his work and enjoy a good reputation.

The native seeks a higher spiritual identity by searching the subconscious. He may experiment with alternative forms of spirituality and spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, and mysticism. The native’s mission in life revolves around foraging his own path in life rather than surrendering his responsibilities to others allowing them to make his decisions for him. He seeks a more independent life. For this reason, he must learn to refrain from trying too hard to please other people and compromising his personal integrity in order to advance in the world. He must learn to achieve his desires by his own direct actions.

Carolina Dean

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