Sunday, February 16, 2020

Astrological Remediation


Astrological Remediation (N): The use of astrology to remedy problems, negative issues, or conditions indicated by the planets in a person’s astrological chart (i.e. natal, transit, progressed, etc...)

Astrologers see natal placements as representative of energies locked in place in your chart. When these energies vibrate at a high, or positive, frequency we take this energy to a good place and can benefit from the results. Difficulties, problems, and obstacles result when these energies vibrate at a low, or negative, frequency.  In other cases, the energies of one planet can react either positively or negativity to the energies of another planet (i.e. aspects) as well. 

Astrological remediation was widely practiced in ancient times and is still utilized today by some Astrologers who prescribe remedies to raise the vibration of energies represented in the chart. These remedies often take the form of mantras, gems, amulets, talismans, devotions, or ritual acts such as candle spell rites, mojo bags, doll-babies, or the use of gems, stones, and metals in the form of talismanic jewelry; alternatively an astrologer may recommend fasting, prayer, or acts of devotion such as contributing money to a cause or organization associated with the planetary energy that is being remediated. 

Alternately they may suggest healthy ways to use undesirable or negative energies represented in the birth chart and / or playing out in the individual’s life. For example, Mars in the 8th house can indicate a greater than average need for sex in a relationship. With an emphasis of sex over other aspects of a relationship this can lead to an imbalance in the relationship and possibly the end of a relationship is the sex is not balanced by other activities. A Remedial Astrologer may suggest that a person with an 8th House Mars redirect that sexual energy into some other physical activity such as boxing, running, weightlifting, etc.

Basics of Astrological Remediation 

First it must be understood that all remedial prescriptions are acts of intention, that is, they are performed with the belief that the remedy will positively address the issue, condition, or problem that concerns the individual. 

The process of astrological remediation occurs in three steps, they are 1) identifying the problem 2) examining the chart and 3) prescribing the remedy


Your client is a 32-year-old female. She has not been in a relationship in over four years. She explains that she has trouble meeting men and the few men she does meet turn out to be undesirable. 

Step One: Identify the Problem 

You speak to the client and ask a few follow up questions. You determine that she is not interested in dating several men, or casual sex but rather her ultimate goal is marriage and a family. 

Step Two: Examine the Chart 

You erect your client’s natal chart and examine it with an emphasis on the planets and houses associated with love and marriage. You determine the following:

  • Her Venus is in detriment in Scorpio.
  • Her Venus is making a square to Saturn.
  • She has Leo in the 7th house; and the ruler of her 7th house (the sun) in in her 4th House.

You determine that her Venus is weakened in Scorpio and it is cut off from its natural resources (charm, attraction, beauty, etc..), and that she will need to adapt in order to fulfill Venus’ full potential of love, romance, and harmony. The Venus / Saturn square indicates obstacles to the path of love; experiencing frequent rejection and disappointment in matters of romance; and feeling lonely, isolated, and unworthy of love. Finally, the ruler of her 7th house in the 4th house is indicative of her desire to have a home and start a family with someone.

Step Three: Prescribe the Remedy 

Venus rules matters of love and romance, and the ruler of the client’s seventh house is the Sun. Therefore, the planets we want to remediate are Venus and the Sun. The remedy or remedies you prescribe will need to strengthen Venus, alleviate its square to Saturn, and raise the vibration of the Sun energy in the chart. Obviously, no individual spell, ritual, or remedy will cover all of the above conditions; therefore, the remedial astrologer may suggest several remedies from which the individual may choose to perform at one time or another. Some such examples include but are not limited to the following:

  • A green candle dressed with Venus Oil and rolled in Venus-Ruled herbs and burned down on top of a copy of the Natal Chart on the day (Friday) and in the hour (Sunrise) of Venus. Venus is also “exalted”, or most powerful, in Pisces so dressing your candle with Pisces oil would also be appropriate. 
  • It would also be wise to do any magical work when Venus is transiting Taurus, Libra, or Pisces. Venus rules both Taurus and Libra and it is exalted in Pisces. Also when the Sun is in Leo (Ruler) or Aries (Exaltation) 
  • Creating a sigil of your name on the Kamea, or Magic, Square, of Venus. This would also be done on the day of and in the hour of Venus. This would then be carried on your person. 
  • Fasting from sunrise to sunset on Friday (Venus) and or Sunday (Sun) 
  • The recitation of a mantra or affirmative prayer at morning, noon, and sunset on a daily basis.
  • Creating a love-drawing mojo bag with emphasis on Venus and or The Sun symbology and related herbs, roots, oils, etc.. 
  •  Surrounding yourself with or carrying any gems, stones, or metals that vibrate at the frequency of Venus and or the Sun. 
  • Wearing clothing that vibrate at the same frequency of Venus and or the Sun. 
  •  Finally, the counter the Venus Square Saturn aspect, an altar may be set up with a black candle representing Saturn on the left and a green candle representing Venus on the right. Each candle should be dressed, or anointed, with their corresponding Planetary Oil. Next, we would introduce a third planet to alleviate and remediate the negative energy of the square. In this case, I would suggest a blue candle representing Jupiter (aka the Greater Benefic) and this would be dressed with Jupiter Oil as well. The candle would be lit in this following order as you may your prayer or petition: first Saturn, then Venus, and lastly Jupiter. This is a rite they may have to be performed more than once and could be enhanced by performing the ritual during an astrologically auspicious time.


Astrological Remediation is a very old practice still in use today in which an astrologer will prescribe certain remedies to alleviate or remediate difficulties represented in an astrological chart. Remedies may include, but are not limited to spells, prayers, or the use of amulets and talismans. The process of astrological remediation occurs in three parts. They are 1) Identifying the problem, 2) Examining the Chart and 3) Prescribing the Remedy. All remedies are intentional acts performed with the sincere belief that the prescribed remedy will alleviate or remediate the problem or difficulty represented in the chart in question.

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