Friday, May 22, 2020

New Moon in Gemini 2020

New Moon in Gemini 
5/22/20  10:38 AM (Pacific) 
Natural Chart / Whole Houses 

A New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon both occupy the same degree of the same sign of the zodiac at the same time. As you can see from the above image the Sun and Moon are in 2° Gemini making this a New Moon. When the moon is in Gemini people feel more like talking about their emotions. They may feel restless, indecisive, and flighty. People are more reflective, though they may have trouble sticking to one subject for any length of time. They are more open to change and they are open-minded about the form such change may take place, but again they will find it difficult to pin things down in a decisive manner. 
The Astrological House in which the New Moon occurs in your Natal Chart gives an indication of the area of life activated by the New Moon and where you can expect to see the energy of the New Moon in Gemini to play out. Since the May New Moon occurs in 2° Gemini, you would look at your Natal, or Birth Chart to ascertain in what House 2° Gemini occurs.  

The Twelve Houses of Life 

  1. The self, ego, appearance, initiative, leadership, fresh starts and new beginnings. 
  2. Money and material matters.  Your physical environment, income, money, and your sense of self-esteem. 
  3. Communication in all its forms (thinking, writing, speaking, etc... ) as well as siblings, local travel, teachers and community events. 
  4. Home, privacy, your basic sense of security, your mother, children, and your own ability to nurture others.
  5. Creative expression, drama, attention, love, and romance. 
  6. Health and service to others. Your routine, diet, exercise and helpfulness to others. 
  7. Marriage, partnerships, and relationships of all kinds.  Contracts, business deals, etc... 
  8. Birth, death, sex, other people's money and property. 
  9. Expansion, the higher mind, foreign matters (languages, cultures, travel) luck, adventure, risk, philosophy, ethics and morals. 
  10. The public, fame, honors, reputation, awards, boundaries, rules, discipline, authority, the father

Chart Emphasis 

If you look at the chart above you'll notice that all of the planets occupy the left or Eastern side of the chart (in astrology the compass points are reversed). When a majority of planets are in the Eastern side of the chart when can expect people to be more proactive. They are ambitious go getters and self-starters who are self-motivated and prepared to take any risks necessary in order to obtain their goals. People will not wait around for opportunities to come to them but rather they will make their own opportunities and run with them. 

A Practical Example 

New Moon + Gemini + 8th House 
Using our keyword system the new moon in Gemini and the 8th house can translate to I feel the urge to communicate about / I am curious about deep transformation in the area of sex, and shared resources.  With the New Moon in the 8th house you may feel the need to change something about your sex life such as attracting a new lover. You may feel restless and sexually frustrated and go back and fourth about doing anything to find satisfaction. You may waffle on what it is that you want in a lover or if you really want one anyway. 

In addition let us suppose that you have Pluto at 3° Libra in your birth chart, this would mean that the New Moon in 2° Gemini is making a Trine to your Natal Pluto. A trine is a type of aspect in which the energy or urge of one planet is supportive of the energy or urge of another planet. When the Moon makes a trine to Pluto you feel more powerful, confident, and mysterious. People are attracted to your mystique and you have more sway over them. 

Carolina Dean 

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