Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The Sun in Leo 2020

The Sun in Leo 
7/22/20  1:37 AM PDT 
Natural Chart / Whole Houses 

Sun in Leo (General) 

When the Sun is in Leo, people are more interested in fun and less interested in work and responsibilities. They usually spend more time with their friends, socializing, going on dates, or they spend more time on their hobbies.  People can be more extroverted and high on life.  People just want more attention, in general, and they are more likely to stunt on others or be more melodramatic to get that attention. 

Where Leo falls in your natal chart is the area of life that is being activated by the Sun in Leo. 

  • If your rising sign is Aries, Leo is your 5th House. 
  • If your rising sign is Taurus, Leo is your 4th House. 
  • If your rising sign is Gemini, Leo is your 3rd House. 
  • If your rising sign is Cancer, Leo is your 2nd House. 
  • If your rising sign is Leo, Leo is your 1st House. 
  • If your rising sign is Virgo, Leo is your 12th House. 
  • If your rising sign is Libra, Leo is your 11th House. 
  • If your rising sign is Scorpio, Leo is your 10th House. 
  • If your rising sign is Sagittarius, Leo is your 9th House. 
  • If your rising sign is Capricorn, Leo is your 8th House. 
  • If your rising sign is Aquarius, Leo is your 7th House. 
  • If your rising sign is Pisces, Leo is your 6th House. 


Sun + Leo + 10th House 

When we apply our keywords to the Sun (I am) in Leo (I will) and the 10th house of career ambition and profession we can translate this to I am willing to use my focus and energy to further my career. When the Sun is in Leo and the 10th house, your focus is on your career, goals, and the direction of your life. You may find yourself torn between wanting to have fun and wanting to work hard to have more accolades and notoriety. Your higher ups are definitely giving you the attention (and scrutiny) that you want so you're going to have to be careful that you present yourself as someone who is responsible and mature and who can make the right decisions. It's okay to have fun, to socialize, and engage in your hobbies on your own time --- just don't let it interfere with your work. 


Aspects, or relationships between planets, is another dimension of astrological interpretation that could be and should be considered. Let us suppose that you have Mars in 9° Taurus, then this would mean that the Transit Sun is forming a square to your Natal Taurus. A square is a type of aspect in which the urge or energy of one planet is in conflict with the urge or energy of another planet. When the Sun forms a square to Mars you can feel restless and have either too much or too little energy. You can be more irritable and find yourself quarrelling with others. 

Ruler of the House 

The Ruler of the House can also be considered. The Sun rules Leo, so the ingress of the Sun in Leo will have an affect on the area of life that that Leo rules in your Natal, or Birth, Chart. For example, let us say that Leo is your 10th House in your natal chart. this would mean that the Ruler of the 10th House is in the 10th House. 

To begin our interpretation we might say that building up a good reputation in business and gaining recognition for your achievements become a goal in and of itself. This is a time in which you really want a profession in which you can make a name for yourself. You're not really thinking about short term satisfaction but rather long term goals and aspirations.  You can lay the foundation now for great success and achievement later. You're more ambitious and want to rise to the top of your profession or field. Fame and recognition becomes important to you. 

How will the ingress of the Sun in Leo manifest for you?

Carolina Dean 

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