Mars in Leo
6/11/21 6:33 Am (Pacific)
Natural Chart / Whole Houses
When Mars is in Leo people are generally more honest, sometimes brutally so, creative, and independent. They are also more fun loving and desirous of pleasure, and are able to show a great deal of aggression and strength. People prefer to have more fun when Mars is in Leo and they are less interested in work. They may socialize more, date more often, and tend to engage more in their hobbies and interests. Generally speaking, people want to be admired, appreciated, and celebrated more than usual.
Where Leo falls in your natal chart is the area of life that is being activated by this Mars in Leo.
If your rising sign is Aries, Leo is your 5th House.
If your rising sign is Taurus, Leo is your 4th House.
If your rising sign is Gemini, Leo is your 3rd House.
If your rising sign is Cancer, Leo is your 2nd House.
If your rising sign is Leo, Leo is your 1st House.
If your rising sign is Virgo, Leo is your 12th House.
If your rising sign is Libra, Leo is your 11th House.
If your rising sign is Scorpio, Leo is your 10th House.
If your rising sign is Sagittarius, Leo is your 9th House.
If your rising sign is Capricorn, Leo is your 8th House.
If your rising sign is Aquarius, Leo is your 7th House.
If your rising sign is Pisces, Leo is your 6th House.
Mars in Leo and the 10th House
Mars in Leo in the 10th house of career, life-path, ambition, and public profession translate to I act willfully in regards to my career and reputation. You are more focused on your career and may have more focus and drive to have success. You have big, grand dreams of fame, success, and riches. You're more about the big picture now and focus on long-term goals rather than instant gratification. People take notice of your accomplishments. With Mars conjunct Mercury in your 10th house you can be a little too boastful right now so be careful of overconfidence. The Mars/Mercury conjunction in the 10th House square Uranus in the 7th house can create tensions between yourself and people who can make or break your career. Romantic of platonic relationships may suffer in favor of work relationships as well. With Mars the planet of aggression in your 10th house, you may have problems with your parents, boss, mentors, or other superiors at this time.
Aspects or relationships between planets is another dimension of Astrological interpretation that should be considered. For example, let us say that your Natal Moon is at 29° Aries, this would mean that Mars at 0° Cancer is forming a square to your Natal Moon. When the Moon is square Mars you tend to be more rash and to act out based on your emotions. You come across to others like a child having a temper tantrum and you are generally more grumpy than usual. Relationships with others, especially women, can be more strained and difficult.
- Carolina Dean