Mercury in Libra
8/29/21 10:10 PM
Natural Chart / Whole Houses
Mercury in Libra (General)
When Mercury is in Libra, people are generally more charming and diplomatic and are more interested in the relationships in their lives. Their communication skills improve and they are open to learning new subjects. They are more willing to talk about social contracts, the listen to the "other side" and compromise on important issues.
The House where Libra falls in your chart is the area of life that will most be affected by Mercury in Libra
- If your rising sign is Aries, Libra is your 7th house
- If your rising sign is Taurus, Libra is your 6th house
- If your rising sign is Gemini, Libra is your 5th house
- If your rising sign is Cancer, Libra is your 4rd house.
- If your rising sign is Leo, Libra is your 3rd house
- If your rising sign is Virgo, Libra is your 2nd house.
- If your rising sign is Libra, Libra is your 1st house
- If your rising sign is Scorpio, Libra is your 12th house
- If your rising sign is Sagittarius, Libra is your 11th house
- If your rising sign is Capricorn, Libra is your 10th house
- If your rising sign is Aquarius, Libra is your 9th house
- If your rising sign is Pisces, Libra is your 8th house.
Mercury in Libra and the 12th House
When Mercury is in Libra and the 12th house you are ambivalent about sharing your thoughts and ideas with others. On the one hand you want to want to share your secrets while on the other hand you want to keep them to yourself. There is an underlying fear here of being judged wrongly for your thoughts and so for this reason you tend to think more than you speak and reserve sharing your opinion on matters that arise.
Aspects, or relationships between planets, is another dimension of astrological interpretation that could and should be considered. For example, let us say that you have Pluto at 3° Libra, that would mean that Transit Mercury is applying a conjunction to your natal Pluto. A conjunction is a type of aspect in which the energy or urge of one planet merges with the energy/urge of another planet and you cannot tell them apart.
When Mars conjuncts Pluto your mind becomes stimulated and you can become obsessed with an idea that you can't shake; or you become driven with finding out the truth of any matter that interests you. There is depth to your thinking now and you can use this is an good aspect for research, study, and uncovering secret knowledge.
How will the ingress of Mercury into Libra manifest for you?
- Carolina Dean