Monday, September 6, 2021

New Moon in Virgo 9/6/2021


New Moon in Virgo
9/6/2021 5:52 PM (Pacific)
Natural Chart / Whole Houses

The New Moon in Virgo
When the New Moon is in Virgo people generally experience feelings of being more humble, they want to be of service to others, but they can also be more critical and discriminating. People want to improve their routines, refine their processes, and make everything efficient and running smoothly. Since Virgo rules both health and work, this new moon is good for starting a new diet or health regime. Its important that you don't attempt to make too many changes too quickly or you may not stick to you program, instead focus on making small, but powerful, changes over time.  This is also a good time to organize or improve your work environment and you relationships with your co-workers.
New Moon Trine Uranus
As you can see from the chart above, the New Moon in Virgo is applying a trine to Transit Uranus in Taurus. Under this aspect excitement and change can happen suddenly and without warning. You may experience chance encounters that lead to adventure, or you can find yourself drawn to new and unusual people. You'll need to check the natal houses where these planets are positioned to get an idea of the area of life where you can expect such excitement to take place.
General Suggestions for Working With New Moon in Virgo Energy
  • practice humility
  • be of service to others
  • balance your checkbook, double check your taxes
  • catch up on any record-keeping
  • read a murder mystery, or solve a crossword puzzle (in ink)
  • invite a friend over for a game of chess, scrabble, or mahjong
  • start the process of spring cleaning
  • declutter & organize your home or work space to be more efficient
  • prune and water your plants
  • engage in journaling, writing, or editing that needs to be done
The House is Where it Happens
The Astrological House in which the New Moon occurs in your Natal Chart gives an indication of the area of life activated by the New Moon and where you can expect to see the energy of the New Moon in Virgo to play out. Since the September New Moon occurs in 25° Virgo, you would look at your Natal, or Birth Chart to ascertain in what House 25° Virgo occurs.
The Twelve Houses of Life
  1. The self, ego, appearance, initiative, leadership, fresh starts and new beginnings.
  2. Money and material matters.  Your physical environment, income, money, and your sense of self-esteem.
  3. Communication in all its forms (thinking, writing, speaking, etc... ) as well as siblings, local travel, teachers and community events.
  4. Home, privacy, your basic sense of security, your mother, children, and your own ability to nurture others.
  5. Creative expression, drama, attention, love, and romance.
  6. Health and service to others. Your routine, diet, exercise and helpfulness to others.
  7. Marriage, partnerships, and relationships of all kinds.  Contracts, business deals, etc...
  8. Birth, death, sex, other people's money and property.
  9. Expansion, the higher mind, foreign matters (languages, cultures, travel) luck, adventure, risk, philosophy, ethics and morals.
  10. The public, fame, honors, reputation, awards, boundaries, rules, discipline, authority, the father.
  11. Groups of people such as friends and associations, networking, social justice.  Originality, sudden unexpected events, invention, surprises, and all things futuristic.
  12. Endings. Completion, tying up loose ends, old age, karma, making amends, and the afterlife. Imagination, creativity, poetry, and the subconscious mind.
New Moon in Virgo and the 11th House
When the new moon occurs in your 11th house, you may spend more time with your friends and can be more vulnerable and open with them.  Now is a good time for networking or socializing for either business or pleasure.  You are attracted to anyone or anything that is new, unusual or different. The New moon in your 11th house also your annual wishing moon.
Aspects, or relationships between planets, are another dimension of astrological interpretation that should be considered. In my own chart, the New Moon at 14° Virgo is applying a conjunction to my Natal Sun. When the New Moon makes a conjunction to your Natal Sun, this is a good time to adopt a new attitude or a new outlook on life. You might want to re-evaluate your relationships now and consider if they are worth continuing or releasing. If they are worth continuing, how might you improve them? Who you are on the inside now more closely resembles who you are on the outside.
Where does the New Moon in Virgo fall in your natal chart and how will it manifest for you?
Carolina Dean

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