Saturday, January 4, 2020

2020 Predictions: Seattle WA

Note: Over the 2019 Christmas Holiday I was approached by a reporter with the Seattle Times asking for my predictions for 2020 with an emphasis on Seattle, Washington. Unfortunately, literally everything I wrote for that article wound up on the cutting room floor, with the exception of a passing reference to Seattle's "birth-chart" I supplied to the reporter along with my predictions. You can read the article in it's entirety here and below you find my original report.


Saturn-Pluto Conjunction 

The big news among Astrologers for 2020 is the upcoming Saturn Pluto conjunction which occurs around Jan. 12th.  Saturn is called the Great Teacher and while he can be a brusque disciplinarian, he really wants to give us structure and teach us responsibility. Pluto, on the other hand, is all about deep, meaningful change. With a conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in the 1st house of outward appearance in Seattle’s natal chart we can expect to see major changes in the appearance and infrastructure of the city. 

This could manifest as environmental cleanup, beautification efforts, new construction, as well as efforts to heal the environment and address climate change. While such changes may be inconvenient or uncomfortable for Seattle citizens at the time, they are much needed and will be a far cry from superficial. Seattleites may be called upon to make sacrifices in their lives (conveniences) for the greater good. The Saturn Pluto conjunction is also making a sextile to Seattle’s natal Sun ensuring that the resources needed for change will be available to the city and ultimately it will improve Seattle’s identity. There may even be some type of campaign or concerted effort to “rebrand” the city in some way that improves the way people see and feel about Seattle. 

Uranus Conjunct Uranus 

Uranus entered Taurus in March of 2019 and will continue to pass through it until it enters Gemini in 2025. This puts Uranus in Seattle’s fifth house which rules over love, children, recreation and creativity. With Uranus transiting through this sector of Seattle’s chart we can continue to expect sports and the creative arts scenes of the city to be innovative, exciting and original as well as a boon to the city; Seattle can be more progressive and accepting of diversity in people and relationships as well. 

Due to the slow movement of the planet, transiting Uranus making a conjunction to Natal Uranus is a once-in-a-lifetime event in a human’s life occurring around the age of 84 years. For Seattle, a conjunction of transit Uranus to natal Uranus in the first house can indicate a renewal or re-affirmation of more accepting attitudes surrounding alternative lifestyles and unusual (i.e. against the “norm”) expressions of love. 


Due to its retrograde motion, Mars will spend approximately half of the year in Aries, which represents Seattle’s 4th house.  With many new and different people moving into Seattle, the city can see an increase in activity of all kinds. We can possibly see an increase in crime during the latter half of the year. People yearn for the familiar, the way it used to be… they will look to their leaders for comfort and safety.  

Jupiter Conjunct Saturn 

Jupiter makes a conjunction to Saturn in Aquarius on December 21st 2020 but it will be felt a few weeks building up to exact.  Jupiter is known as the Great Benefactor and its nature is to expand while Saturn’s nature is to contract. When these two planets touch each other, it can create an explosive reaction.  The last time this occurred was in May 2000 and won’t happen again until 2040. Because of its relative rarity, this is called the Great Conjunction.  This conjunction can indicate a time of growth, good fortune, and many opportunities for financial prosperity and wellbeing. This being so close to the end of the year 2020, the term “out with the old, in with the new” is appropriate here.  For the city of Seattle this can indicate an economic boom that stimulates the economy and leads to new business, new jobs, and new prosperity.   This conjunction can also indicate the possibility of a shake-up in politics with incumbents being voted out in favor of new candidates who are more energetic, and who can see the big picture, devise big plans, and make them so. 

Jupiter in Capricorn 

Jupiter, being Seattle’s oriental, or guiding, planet plays an important role in the city’s life. Jupiter as the oriental planet makes Seattle a social and economic powerhouse.  Jupiter entered Capricorn on November 19th, 2019 and will remain there until it enters Aquarius on December 19th, 2020. Jupiter will spend the majority of 2020 in Seattle’s 1st house.  Jupiter in the first house gives Seattle a friendly and optimistic vibe. People in general are blunt and more outspoken but they are nice about their candor. Jupiter in this position can also indicate an influx of people moving into Seattle so the city can expect to see steady increase in the population throughout the year.  With more people coming into the area, we can expect a larger drain on resources which affect the economy in the form of the price of rent, gas, and groceries going up in response to this greater demand. 

Saturn Enters Aquarius 

Whenever a planet changes signs, it is felt in the world. Some planets, such as the moon, change signs more often due to the speed at which they travel and may not be as noticeable as a slower moving planet. The slower a planet travels around the sun the more time is stays in one sign and the longer and stronger its influence is felt.  Since Capricorn is on the Ascendant in Seattle’s birth chart, that makes Saturn it’s chart ruler and a very important planet in Seattle’s chart. Saturn takes about 29 ½ years to transit, or move through, all twelve signs in the zodiac.  Those Seattle citizens born around 1991 with Saturn in Aquarius, will be experiencing their first Saturn Return when Saturn reaches the exact degree it occupies in their natal chart. Those born around 1962 will be experiencing their second Saturn Return. These individuals will begin to feel its effects almost as soon as Saturn enters Aquarius just before Spring. Unfortunately, due to Saturn Retrograde, the Saturn Return will be longer than usual as it moves in and out of Aquarius. This is a time when people experiencing their Saturn Return will face obstacles and blockages that give them the opportunity to mature and grow. 

The ingress of Saturn in Aquarius on March 19th occurs in Seattle’s second house which rules over money, material matters, and personal values.  Financially speaking the city may be more concerned about finances that what is called for. You can expect a more conservative outlook in terms of money and financial matters. People may be more concerned with saving over spending which can affect the overall economy. This is not a time for Seattle to take any risks with its money, but rather to take a more traditional and “safe” approach to financial growth and responsibility. In this way, Seattle will see slow and steady financial growth which comes through hard work and the wise use of resources.  

Saturn takes a step backwards into Capricorn on the first of July 2020 as a result of being retrograde. This puts Saturn back in the 1st house where it will stay until it starts moving forward again entering Aquarius on December 16th. Saturn in the 1st house balances and tempers Jupiter’s presence there so while the city remains optimistic and friendly, it takes on a more responsible and mature approach to life. This time can be something of a “course-correction” for Seattle where the city acknowledges things that it has been doing wrong and makes the effort to change what is not working as it should. We can see changes in policies that address social, economic, and legal inequalities. 


With the exception of the Sun and Moon, every planet in our solar system will retrograde at some point this year. While each retrograde represents their own problems or obstacles, they also provide us with opportunities for growth and improvement in various areas of our lives.

Mercury Retrograde

The retrograde you will most often hear about is the Mercury Retrograde. Mercury rules over communication, travel, and technology so whenever Mercury stations retrograde you will experience problems with these areas as well as those areas ruled over by the sign which Mercury is transiting at the time of the retrograde. 

Mercury Retrograde (MR) occurs roughly three times a year and last for about three weeks each time. Before MR occurs it is important to back up your electronics devices, check your anti-virus/ security settings on your computer, have your car checked out (stop ignoring that nagging sound), double check privacy settings on your social media, etc… During MR, do not sign any contracts, purchase new electronic devices, and try to schedule any major traveling for when after MR is over. 

  • The first Mercury Retrograde will occur on Feb 16th and last until March 9th. The retrograde begins in Pisces and Mercury moves backwards into Aquarius before moving forward again. These signs represent the 3rd and 2nd houses respectively. While MR is transiting the 3rd house of travel you can expect more than the usual traffic jams, bus delays, increased accidents on the roads, delayed flights, and breakdown of the modes of both communication and transportation. When Mercury transitions into the 2nd house, this can be a time when the city reevaluates its values and what it stands for. This retrograde also occurs at the height of tax season, so any money owed to the city or it’s citizens can be delayed.  This may also be a time when Seattle’s budget, programs, grantees, and agencies could see an audit, so it’s important that everything be in order.
  • The second Mercury Retrograde happens on June 17th in Cancer and ends on July 12.  With MR transiting the relationship sector of the chart people, businesses, and organizations which have contracts or agreements with the city can expect them to be reviewed or renegotiated during this time. While this is a good time to negotiate, both parties should wait until Mercury moves forward again before finalizing any deals.
  • Finally, the last Mercury Retrograde of 2020 occurs in Scorpio on October 13, and moves backwards into Libra before stationing direct again on November 3rd. These signs represent Seattle’s 11th and 10th houses respectively.  During the time that MR is transiting the 11th house there could be some scandal or upheaval involving humanitarian or activist groups operating within the city.  The group may close its doors, lose its funding, or break from a national organization and go in its own direction.  As MR shifts into the 10th house, a prominent individual among the city’s leaders may experience a career setback. He or she may be accused of irresponsible behavior or suffer from an inability to set and obtain clear goals to the satisfaction of the public or his or her superiors.  A change in their social status can result and they could be demoted, fired, or removed from office depending on their specific position in the government. 

Carolina Dean 


·         Chart- generated using

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