Saturday, August 22, 2020

Astrological Plackets

Astrological Plackets 

I first learned about plackets in the mid 1990's when I obtained a copy of Ray Buckland's Advanced Candle Magick 

Placket comes from an Old English word meaning vagina. They are simply two squares of cloth which have been sewn on three sides forming a pocket. If you are not handy with needle and thread you ca purchase paper greeting card envelopes in various colors which you can leave as they are or further decorate with drawings, collage, stencils, or ink stamps to name a few (see below) 

They are used in spells and rituals to hold certain items such as photographs, petition-papers, name-papers, affirmative prayers, or small objects  such as charms, gemstones, or dried roots while you are working towards your goal or attempting to manifest your intentions represented by whatever you place inside the placket.  When creating your placket(s) you may wish to keep color correspondences in mind and match the color of your placket to your goal. For example 

  • White- Protection, healing, cleansing, blessing, all purpose.
  • Yellow- Creativity, communication, compelling.
  • Pink- Romance, friendship, happiness.
  • Orange- Employment, activation, stimulation.
  • Red- Health, passion, lust, strength, love.
  • Purple- Power, success, independence, spirits.
  • Brown- Friendship, law, stability, order.
  • Blue- Truth, justice, mental health, wisdom, wishes.
  • Green- Abundance, physical health, luck, prosperity
  • Black- Banishing, binding, protection, cursing.

In terms of Astrology, you can also make use of  astral colors 

In addition, you can further decorate your placket with astrological symbols for the 10 Planets and the 12 astrological signs. This can be done by painting the symbols on your placket, embroidering them with needed and thread or sewing the symbols on them in the manner of a patch. 

For example, let us say that you wish to attract more love and romance into your life. You might craft a red placket (for love) and embroider the symbol for Venus (the planet of love and romance) in green thread. Then you would place something in the placket symbolizing your goal. Some choices may include but are not limited to the following. 

  1. a photo of a specific person you wish to love you 
  2. a wish list of qualities of the type of person you wish to attract 
  3. a specially chosen bible verse that you have written on paper 
  4. a petition paper 
  5. a sigil drawn on paper 
  6. a hand-drawn Magic Square 
  7. a magical seal, such as a Seal of Solomon 
Next you might five-spot the item with Venus Astrological Oil (or a condition oil such as Lavender Love, or Come to Me) place the item inside your placket alone or with something else such as small piece of rose quartz, or a Queen Elizabeth Root, etc... Place the placket on your altar between two candles. On the left you might put a green candle dressed with Venus Oil and on the right an Astral Candle dressed with the corresponding Astrological Sign Oil  

For example, let us say that the specific person you want to attract is a Taurus. The astral color for Taurus is also green, so you would etch their name on a green candle and dress this with Taurus Oil. Now let us say that you don't have any specific person in mind but that you want someone who has Leo like qualities. Then you would carve the words my lover on an orange candle and dress this with Leo Oil. 

If you don't have the time, energy, or inclination to make several plackets, you may wish to simply create two: one for attracting and blessing and another for banishing and cursing. For this purpose, I suggest using a white placket for attracting and blessing and a black one for banishing and cursing. To pull in astrological energies you can sew a black circle on the white placket representing the New Moon - this placket will be for attracting and blessing. Next, you can decorate the black placket with a white circle which will be used for banishing and cursing (see photo above) 

Carolina Dean 

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