Monday, August 31, 2020

Horoscopes September 2020

September 2020

Aries- You're more of a workaholic this month pouring all your energy into what it is that you do. You feel more efficient, organized, and goal oriented. You can accomplish a great deal of work now with the right plan and attention to details. 

Taurus- You're less inclined towards work this month and would rather have more fun. You spend more time now socializing, dating, or engaging in your hobbies or other past times of interest. 

Gemini- You're more of a homebody this month. You spend more time at home either alone cleansing, organizing, or (re)arranging your living space or with your loved one's sharing more quality time and or reminiscing. 

Cancer - Your mind races this month with new thoughts and new ideas. You are more talkative and engage with others more on a mental level. You crave mental action and have to stay busy or else you get bored and frustrated. 

Leo- You could be presented with an opportunity to make more money this month, which is important to you. Having money makes you feel more secure and confident in yourself and having more money means more security, more self-confidence, and greater self-esteem.

Virgo- You are feeling more confident and self-assured this month. You have more energy and you attract a lot more attention. You feel refreshed and renewed. You may change your hair or clothing to stand out more.

Libra- You shy away from the world now to be alone with your thoughts. You may spend more time in meditation or practicing healing arts. This is a good time to confront and heal emotional or physical baggage.

Scorpio- You identify more with your friends this month and spend more time with them. You're more social and prefer to engage in more group activities that one-on-one pursuits. These relationships will prove to be valuable to you in some way. 

Sagittarius- You're feeling more ambitious this month and this is a good time for taking advantage of opportunities to advance your career. You're boss or mentor is more favorable of you now and may entrust you with more responsibility. 

Capricorn- You feeling more philosophical this month and are keen to explore mental realms and consider big ideas. You feel the urge to travel, to see new places, meet new people, and expose yourself to new ideas. 

Aquarius- You feel a greater than usual need of passion and intimacy this month. You want to make a profound and powerful connection with someone else. This can heat up in the bedroom and you find anyone dark and mysterious attractive and desirable. 

Pisces- Relationships heat up this month. You are eager to have a happy, healthy, relationship with someone special. If you are partnered, you're more willing to compromise and let your partner shine in the relationship. If you are single, you can reassess what you're looking for in a partner, what is important to you and what is not.

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