Friday, November 6, 2020

The Progressed Chart

The Progressed Chart  

What Are Secondary Progressions? 

Secondary Progressions are a predictive tool used by Astrologers.  They operate on the principle of a year-for-a-day, that is, a day in one's life represents a year in the future and how those planets progress through the chart each day represents your personal development through the years. For example, let us say that you were born on May 8th, 1988 and wanted to know about your 20th year of life then you would check the transits for midnight on May 28th, 1988. 

Secondary Progressions differ from other predictive charts such as transits and return-charts in that while transits help predict events that happen in your life, secondary progressions are used to track the evolution of your personal development.  

​How to Track Your Progressions 

Progressions are tracked in the same manner as transits.  Before the advent of computers, an astrologer would use a copy of your birth chart and an ephemeris to track your progressions. Armed with your birth chart, they would open the ephemeris to the date of your birth and count forward the same number of days as the year of life in question and then draw the symbols for the planets in the signs on that date along the outer edge of the natal chart. 

Today, computers and free online tools make the process much easier. Below you'll find an example of a progressed chart for Zac Efron. This Progressed Chart was drawn up for Jan. 1st, 2021, representing his 34th year of life. 

As you can see from the image above, the central chart shows his Natal Horoscope and the progressed planets in green can be found in the blue shaded area along the outer edge. 

Interpreting the Chart 

Interpreting a progressed chart isn't much different that interpreting a Natal or Transit chart. The basic principles are the same. Planets represent what is happening,  Signs represent how it is happening, and Houses represent where it is happening - only the focus is more internal than external.

When it comes to interpreting the progressed chart there are certain things you want to look out for. They are:

  1. A progressed planet changing signs/ houses 
  2. A progressed planet in an angular house 
  3. A progressed planet forming an aspect to a Natal Planet or Position. 

What Do the Planets Represent? 

In a progressed chart, I mainly focus on the personal planets as they move faster than the social and generational planets and will not likely change signs or houses during your lifetime depending on their exact position at the time of your birth. 
  1. The Sun moves approximately one degree per year in a progressed chat and represents how your identity grows and matures. The progressed Sun will change signs about three times in the average lifespan representing childhood, adulthood, and maturity. When the Sun changes sign there is typically a clear and definite change in the individuals personality 
  2. The Moon moves faster than any other personal planets taking about 28 years to move through each sign forming many aspects with other planets as it does. In a progressed chart the moon represents emotional growth and maturity. The house in which the moon occupies represents an area of focus in which we attempt to fulfill our needs. For example, when the Progressed Moon transits the 7th house, relationships come into focus and the individual may experience a deep need to be in a relationship. 
  3. Mercury moves just a little bit more than one degree per year in a progressed chart. It represents how our thinking and communication grows and develops over time. 
  4. Venus move just over one degree per year and represents how our desire to love and be loved changes over time. 
  5. Mars moves about half a degree per year and represents how our drive, energy, and ambition grows and develops over time. 

How Often Should I Check My Progressions?

It really is up to you. I know some people who check them on a daily basis and others who check them on a yearly basis such on their birthday each year. For the beginner astrologer, I would recommend checking your progressions once a month on the first day of the month with a focus on aspects between the progressed planets and the natal planets and positions. 

Other Considerations 

This is a general overview of progressions, how they work, and how to interpret the progressed chart. However, there are other factors to consider when delineating your progressions. The are:

  • The Lunation Cycle 
  • Aspects to Transits 
  • When Progressed Planets Station Retrograde or Direct 

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