Monday, April 11, 2022

MIPC: Dr. Lotus' Hot Foot Spell


Dr. Lotus

  • Medium: The Cosby Show Season 5, Episode 17
  • Episode Title: The Dead End Kids Meet Dr. Lotus
  • Air Date:  2/16/1989
  • Episode Description: Theo's former girlfriend, Justine, is starting to date other men and Theo is upset. Theo consults a voodoo shopkeeper for a spell or potion that will help him win her back.

The Spell 

"I take this chicken foot and cover it with vinegar. Then I write Scott's name
backwards on sheet parchment. I burn the sheet parchment and sprinkle the ashes
over the chicken foot. And Scott will go away, and he will know why."

The Analysis 

I think whoever wrote this spell knew exactly what they were doing. I wouldn't be surprised if it was taken from the writer's own experience with these matters, his or her local, reginal, or ethnic lore or if it could be found in a grimoire unknown to me. At any rate, this rite is very symbolic. Let's break it down. 

  • The Chicken Foot - Chicken feet have long been used in folk magic spells for protection and money. In this instance, I believe the chicken foot as as a sort of Voodoo Doll for the enemy in question. 
  • The Vinegar - Vinegar is sometimes used to cleanse objects, but more commonly it is the main ingredient in sour jars. In this instance, I believe the vinegar is used to sour Scott on the particular place that he is in, so that he is no longer happy there. 
  • The Petition - Many spells include a written elements, and petitions are often written backs (called mirror writing) when doing enemy work to send someone away. 
  • Burning - The act of burning the written petition brings the heat needed to activate the spell and get things moving. 
  • Sprinkling the Ashes - Sprinkling the ashes on the chicken foot is done to form a connection between the enemy and one's desire to send them away. 

Again, I think that this is a good  old-time spell. The only thing I would add to this rite would probably be to 1) dress the chicken foot and the name-paper with Hot Foot Oil 2) pray over the chicken foot that the enemy go away and 3) burn the chicken foot or bury it somewhere far off one's property at the conclusion of the spell. 

You could also augment this spell by burning a fixed hot foot candle and burning hot foot incense while performing this spell. At the conclusion of the spell remove any candle remains, incense ashes, and the chicken foot well off your property. I would NOT toss it in running water as this is a hot foot spell and wouldn't want the water to cool it. 

- Carolina Dean 

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