Tuesday, October 25, 2022

New Moon in 02° Scorpio


New Moon in 02° Scorpio 

10/25/22 3:49 AM 

Natural Chart / Whole Houses 

New Moon in Scorpio
A New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon occupy the same degree of the same zodiac time at the same time. As you can see from the above image, both the Sun and Moon will occupy 02° Scorpio - making this a New Moon.
Whereas a Full Moon represents endings and completion, New Moons represents new ideas, opportunities or people. The New Moon is transiting the sector of the natural chart represents shared resources, sex,  birth, death and transformation. New opportunities for sex, transformation, and the sharing of resources are possible now.
When the New Moon is in Scorpio, people are generally more sexual and need more intimacy. They may seek out some kind of deep connection with another person that is intense and powerful.  However, they can be more skeptical and judgmental which can add to the difficulty of finding the intimacy that is needed.
How to Work with New Moon in Scorpio Energy
  • Identify & explore your passions.
  • Research a topic that interests you
  • Investigate a Mystery / Solve a Puzzle (word search, crosswords, jigsaw, etc..)
  • Participate in a Treasure Hunt
  • Be more flirtatious, have a fling
  • Practice self-transformation (what house in Scorpio in your natal chart?)
  • Embrace / Explore / Express your sexuality
  • Dare yourself to push past your own limitations.
The Personal Touch
The Astrological House in which the New Moon occurs in your Natal Chart gives an indication of the area of life activated by the New Moon and where you can expect to see the energy of the New Moon in Scorpio to play out. Since this New Moon occurs in 23° Scorpio, you would look at your Natal, or Birth Chart to ascertain in what House 23° Scorpio occurs.
The Twelve Houses of Life
  1. The self, ego, appearance, initiative, leadership, fresh starts and new beginnings.
  2. Money and material matters.  Your physical environment, income, money, and your sense of self-esteem.
  3. Communication in all its forms (thinking, writing, speaking, etc... ) as well as siblings, local travel, teachers and community events.
  4. Home, privacy, your basic sense of security, your mother, children, and your own ability to nurture others.
  5. Creative expression, drama, attention, love, and romance.
  6. Health and service to others. Your routine, diet, exercise and helpfulness to others.
  7. Marriage, partnerships, and relationships of all kinds.  Contracts, business deals, etc...
  8. Birth, death, sex, other people's money and property.
  9. Expansion, the higher mind, foreign matters (languages, cultures, travel) luck, adventure, risk, philosophy, ethics and morals.
  10. The public, fame, honors, reputation, awards, boundaries, rules, discipline, authority, the father.
  11. Groups of people such as friends and associations, networking, social justice.  Originality, sudden unexpected events, invention, surprises, and all things futuristic.
  12. Endings. Completion, tying up loose ends, old age, karma, making amends, and the afterlife. Imagination, creativity, poetry, and the subconscious mind.
New Moon in Scorpio and the 1st House
Scorpio represents the archetype of the researcher, the moon is all about our feelings and emotions and the first house represents yourself. With the New Moon in Scorpio and the First House this is a good time to get to know yourself all over again. You may feel refreshed and renewed by forming an intense connection to yourself.
The Aspects: Relationships Between the Planets
Finally, you would look at the relationship between the New Moon in 2° Scorpio to other planets in your Natal Chart. When I look at my own chart, for example, the New Moon in 2° Scorpio is applying a conjunction to my Natal Venus. Under this aspect you feel more sexy, attractive, and charming (because you are). You may draw closer to your friends and lovers now and share a new level of closeness and intimacy. You may also feel more self-indulgent and have a tendency to over indulge in food, drink, or spending money.

- Carolina Dean

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