Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The Sun in Aries (2024)


Sun in Aries

  • Affirmation: I am confident ! 
  • The Lesson: The lesson of the transit Sun in Aries is to boldly claim your individuality and initiate your own path

Spring has sprung in the astrological world! As the Sun ignites the fiery sign of Aries, a surge of vibrant energy crackles through the zodiac. People are pulsating with boldness – ready to take on challenges and conquer new horizons. This is a prime time to dust off that dream project you’ve been contemplating or champion a cause you believe in.

Enthusiasm runs high under the Aries influence. You might find yourself naturally attracted to competition and rising to meet any challenge head-on. This go-getter spirit is contagious, and you’ll likely inspire others with your infectious zeal.

However, Aries’ fiery nature can be a double-edged sword. Impatience can creep in, urging you to rush through things without proper planning. That “just do it” attitude, while admirable, can lead to impulsive decisions that might backfire later. Remember, even the mightiest ram needs a steady course to reach its destination.

The key to harnessing this potent Aries energy is to find a balance. Embrace your pioneering spirit and take charge, but channel your enthusiasm strategically. Break down your goals into manageable steps and prioritize ruthlessly. By strategically focusing your abundant energy, you can turn your Aries-fueled drive into unstoppable momentum and make significant progress on those new beginnings.  

The Seventh House 

The Sun is transiting the seventh house of relationships in this chart.  With the Sun traversing the 7th house of relationships in Aries, people may experience a surge of energy in their partnerships. This can manifest as a craving for excitement and a desire for more independence, both within themselves and from their partner. They might find themselves drawn to others who exude these qualities, seeking a dynamic and stimulating connection. 

While this influx of energy can be invigorating, it's crucial to be mindful of Aries' inherent assertiveness. Open communication is key during this transit. By expressing their needs and desires clearly, while also being receptive to their partner's, they can navigate this period and ensure a balanced dynamic within the relationship.


In this chart the transit Sun in Aries and the 7th house is conjunct Neptune in Pisces and the 6th House and sextile Pluto in Aquarius and the 5th house 

This aspect ignites a potent crucible for your relationships. The Sun's fiery presence in the 7th house throws a spotlight on partnerships, stirring a deep yearning for connection and a spark of independent spirit within existing bonds. However, Neptune's dreamy influence, residing in the 6th house of daily routines, can cast a rose-colored filter. There's a potential to be swept away by idealized visions of your partner, overlooking potential issues in your pursuit of a fairytale romance. This can even disrupt your work and daily habits as your focus shifts towards finding "the one."

Yet, amidst this potential confusion lies an opportunity for profound transformation. The sextile between the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius acts as a bridge. Pluto, residing in the 5th house of creativity and self-expression, awakens a potent energy for passionate pursuits. This passionate energy can be channeled into creative endeavors, igniting a fire within you that can then be brought to your relationship. Herein lies the key. By embracing your authentic passions and expressing them fully, you can foster a deeper, more genuine connection with your partner. This shared exploration and transformation can strengthen your bond and create a more fulfilling partnership.

Ultimately, this transit is a potent invitation to delve into the world of relationships. It's a time to be both assertive and open-minded. Acknowledge the risk of getting carried away by idealized versions of your partner, yet embrace the profound opportunity for transformation that lies within. By channeling this passionate energy towards self-expression and shared exploration, you can unlock a deeper level of connection and create a truly remarkable partnership.

Magical Correspondences 

  • Affirmation: I am a radiant force of independence, attracting harmonious partnerships that fuel my creative fire. With unwavering determination, I navigate life's challenges with inspired action.
  • Mystic Mantra: With open eyes, I embrace passion's fire. Authenticity ignites, transforming desire.
  • The Lesson: Find a balance between your assertive nature and a more empathetic approach in relationships. It's also a time to tap into your creative power for personal growth and transformation.
  • Colors: Yellow (the Sun); Red (Aries) 
  • Tarot Cards: The Sun (Sun and Aries) 
  • Element: Fire (Aries) 


  • Carnelian - Aries is a fire sign known for its passion and drive. Carnelian is a fire element crystal that can amplify these traits while also promoting courage, confidence, and creativity. It can be a great stone to carry during this transit to help you take initiative and assert yourself in your relationships.
  • Amethyst - Neptune in Pisces can bring idealism and a desire for deep connection. Amethyst, a water element crystal, can help navigate these emotional waters by promoting intuition, peace, and spiritual awareness. It can also be helpful for letting go of unrealistic expectations in relationships.
  • Clear Quartz - Pluto in Aquarius encourages transformation and innovation. Clear quartz, a universal crystal, can amplify this energy by promoting clarity, focus, and a willingness to embrace change. It can be a powerful tool for personal growth during this transit.

  • Ginkgo Biloba - Ginkgo Biloba is an herb known for its cognitive benefits. It can be helpful during this transit to improve focus and communication, which can be especially important in partnerships.
  • Lavender - Lavender is a calming herb that can help to ease anxiety and promote emotional balance. This can be helpful during the more idealistic or confusing aspects of the Sun conjunct Neptune transit.
  • Hawthorn Berry - Hawthorn berry is a heart health tonic that can also promote emotional well-being. It can be helpful during this transit to strengthen your capacity for love and compassion in your relationships.
Essential Oils 

  • Lemon - Lemon essential oil is uplifting and invigorating, which can be helpful for the energetic and assertive nature of Sun in Aries. It can also promote clear thinking and communication.
  • Frankincense - Frankincense essential oil is known for its grounding and calming properties. It can be helpful during the more dreamy or idealistic aspects of the Sun conjunct Neptune transit.
  • Ylang Ylang - Ylang Ylang essential oil is known for its balancing and aphrodisiac properties. It can be helpful during this transit to promote harmony and connection in your relationships.
How to Use these Correspondences

Think of these correspondences as a list of ingredients you have in your magical cabinet. You can choose as little or as many as you would like to make something magical. Gather these together on your altar in an aesthetically pleasing manner. 

For example, you might Anoint a yellow (the sun) candle (Aries Fire) with Lemon Essential Oil and place this inside a circle of lavender flowers with a carnelian next to the candle. You might further decorate your altar with the Sun Card from the Tarot Pack to act as a sort of Prayer Card. You might then light the candle and mediate on the Mystic Mantra or Affirmation while holding the card and then place it under the candle until it burns out. 

Later, you might gather these correspondences into a little mojo bag and carry them as you focus on the lesson of the Sun in Aries and the 7th House until the Sun transits into the next sign in approximately 30 days. 

- Carolina Dean 

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