Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Venus in Aries (2024)


Venus in Aries 

Affirmation: I love confidently 

The Lesson: Embrace passionate living in the moment, but be mindful of impatience and the need for reciprocity.


When the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure, Venus, waltzes into the fiery sign of Aries, things get passionate.  Imagine a simmering pot of desire suddenly set to high heat. Emotions flare, and a boldness washes over us. We crave not just love, but enthralling, adventurous love. The world becomes a vibrant tapestry, and we're drawn to beauty in all its forms - a captivating person, a stunning piece of art, or the pure comfort of a luxurious experience.

This transit ignites our inner Don Quixote, tilting at windmills of desire. We take initiative, stop waiting for love to find us, and chase after what sets our hearts ablaze.  Finances loosen up too, and we're more inclined to indulge in those designer shoes or that dream vacation.  However, this newfound boldness can be a double-edged sword. The fiery energy of Aries can lead to impulsive decisions. We might fall for fleeting infatuation instead of genuine connection, or get swept away by the thrill of a purchase without considering the long-term consequences.

The key during this transit is to find a balance. Embrace the enthusiasm and confidence that Venus in Aries brings. Let your desires guide you, but temper them with a touch of reason.  Savor the beauty around you, but don't be afraid to ask yourself, "Is this a fleeting spark or a genuine flame?" By harnessing the positive energy of this transit, you can ignite your passions without getting burned.



  • Rose Quartz: This classic love stone can help temper the fiery energy of Aries with its gentle vibrations of love, compassion, and peace. It can also encourage self-love and acceptance, which can be especially important during a time of self-discovery.
  • Carnelian: Carnelian is a stone of passion, motivation, and creativity. It can help you tap into your inner fire and express yourself authentically. It can also boost your confidence and courage, which can be helpful when pursuing new relationships or experiences.
  • Emerald: Emerald is a beautiful green crystal associated with love, abundance, and prosperity. It can help attract positive energy into your life, both in terms of love and finances. It can also promote emotional balance and harmony, which can be helpful during a time of change.

  • Ginger: Ginger's fiery nature aligns perfectly with the boldness of Aries. It can help you take initiative in love and express your desires with confidence. Ginger is also a warming herb, which can be helpful if Venusian energy feels a little too cool or detached during this transit.
  • Hawthorn:  This herb is associated with love, passion, and fertility, all themes that resonate with Venus. Hawthorn can also help to soothe the sometimes-aggressive tendencies of Aries, promoting a more balanced and gentle approach to love and relationships.
  • Damiana: Often used as an aphrodisiac, Damiana can help to increase libido and passion during a Venus in Aries transit. It can also help to ease social anxiety and promote feelings of confidence, making it easier to connect with others.
Essential Oils 

  • Clary Sage: Known for its calming and balancing properties, clary sage essential oil can help to soothe any impatience or irritability that may arise during this fiery transit. It can also promote feelings of peace and relaxation.
  • Bergamot: Uplifting and mood-boosting, bergamot essential oil can help to enhance feelings of joy and optimism during a Venus in Aries transit. It can also help to ease any feelings of anxiety or stress.
  • Geranium: Balancing and harmonizing, geranium essential oil can help to temper the assertive energy of Venus in Aries. It can also promote feelings of emotional well-being and self-compassion.
- Carolina Dean 

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