Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Sun in Taurus (2024)


Sun in Taurus 

Affirmation: I am determined! 

The Lesson: Finding stability and building security in your life.


As the Sun makes its annual journey through Taurus, a shift in our collective energy takes place. We find ourselves gravitating towards stability and security. Patience becomes a virtue, and we're less likely to rush into decisions or actions. This introspective nature fosters a desire to build a solid foundation in all aspects of life.

Taurus, ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, also appreciates the finer things. During this transit, we might prioritize financial security to ensure we can enjoy these indulgences. We might become more meticulous with our budgets, saving and investing for the future. This focus on material security doesn't erase the importance of relationships, but it does highlight the desire for stable partnerships that contribute to a secure and comfortable life.

The influence of Taurus brings a newfound determination to pursue our goals. We become more methodical and persistent, chipping away at our objectives with unwavering focus. This persistence can sometimes be interpreted as stubbornness, but it's a sign of the deep commitment Taurus energy ignites within us.

Beyond financial security, Taurus appreciates all the sensual pleasures life offers. We might find ourselves drawn to beautiful art, delicious food, or luxurious experiences. This heightened appreciation for aesthetics can inspire creativity and a desire to surround ourselves with beauty in all its forms.

Overall, the Sun's transit through Taurus marks a period of groundedness, determination, and a focus on building a secure and enjoyable life.



  • Emerald: Emulates the Venusian energy of Taurus, promoting love, beauty, and abundance. It can also aid in intuition and emotional balance.
  • Malachite: Known as the "Stone of Transformation," Malachite can help Taurus natives embrace change and growth during this transit. It can also be used for protection and grounding.
  • Rose Quartz: A stone of love and compassion, Rose Quartz can help Taurus focus on positive relationships and self-love during this transit.


  • Chamomile: A calming herb that can help Taurus individuals manage stress and anxiety during this transit. It can also promote relaxation and sleep.
  • Lemon Balm: Known for its uplifting properties, Lemon Balm can help Taurus natives stay positive and motivated during this transit. It can also improve focus and concentration.
  • Venus Flytrap: This unique plant is associated with Venus, the ruler of Taurus. It can be used to attract love and abundance, as well as to boost confidence.

Essential Oils

  • Sandalwood: A grounding and calming essential oil, Sandalwood can help Taurus individuals stay centered and focused during this transit. It can also promote relaxation and meditation.
  • Ylang Ylang: Known for its balancing properties, Ylang Ylang can help Taurus natives manage their emotions and find inner peace during this transit. It can also promote relaxation and sensuality.
  • Patchouli: An earthy essential oil that can help Taurus individuals connect with their sensuality and creativity during this transit. It can also promote grounding and stability.

- Carolina Dean 

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