Sunday, August 4, 2024

New Moon in Leo (2024)


New Moon in Leo 
Natural Chart 

Theme: Renewed Confidence 
The Lesson: To embrace your inner star, radiating confidence, creativity, and a passionate pursuit of your heart's desires.


When the New Moon occurs in Leo, people are more creative and self-expressive. They have the urge to step into the spotlight. this is a powerful time to set intention for personal projects, romantic endeavors or anything that sparks joy. You can face insecurities and rewrite your narrative with boldness and confidence. 

In Pop Culture 

Mary Katherine Gallagher, as portrayed by  Molly Shannon,  was a force of nature, a supernova of awkwardness and confidence wrapped in one unassuming package. Her unwavering belief in herself was her secret weapon. While others might have been deterred by snickers and raised eyebrows, Mary Katherine pressed on, her spirit as indomitable as her enthusiasm. Her unique brand of charm, coupled with a fearless approach to life, transformed her from a social outcast into a cultural icon. It was her refusal to conform, her unapologetic authenticity, and her infectious joy that captured hearts and propelled her to superstar status.

Magical Correspondences 

  • Lemon Balm 
  • Motherwort
  • Dandelion 

Essential Oils 
  • Frankincense 
  • Lemon 
  • Clary Sage 

  • Citrine 
  • Tiger's Eye 
  • Carnelian 

Carolina Dean 
Two Headed Astrology 

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