Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Sun in Virgo (2024)


The Sun in Virgo 
Natural Chart

Affirmation: I am discerning. 
The Lesson: To learn the importance of attention to detail, organization, and service to others.


The Sun in Virgo heralds a period of meticulous organization and ken analysis. People feel a strong urge to declutter their environment, and routines with a focus on efficiency and practical solutions. This can be a great time to tackle tasks that have been put off, break down large projects into manageable steps and prioritizing your well being through mindful (healthy) habits. 

However, the Sun in Virgo is making a square to Uranus in Taurus. Under the influence on this aspects People may experience unexpected challenges to their usual routines or feel compelled to break free from traditional structures. This transit can also bring sudden insights or revelations that challenge the individual's existing beliefs about their values and possessions.

In Pop Culture 

Tony Stark was a self-destructive, alcoholic, narcissist. Initially focused on personal gain, Tony Stark eventually realizes the importance of using his technological genius to protect others. His development as a superhero requires him to become more organized and detail-oriented, as he must carefully plan and execute his missions to save the day.

Magical Correspondences 

  • Chamomile 
  • Lemon Balm 
  • Dandelion Root 

Essential Oils 
  • Lavender 
  • Clary Sage
  • Cedarwood 

  • Hematite
  • Citrine 
  • Carnelian 

Carolina Dean 
Two Headed Astrology 

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