Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Horoscopes for January 2019

January 2019 Horoscopes
  • Aries- It’s too peopley out there for you right now and you’d rather be alone to reflect on your life and work on personal goals and projects. Creativity and imagination soars and your dreams are wild!
  • Taurus- You want a relationship and you want it now, which is good because now is a good time for forging relationships of all kinds. You are attracted to someone who is gracious and charming who is willing to compromise with you.
  • Gemini- Communication is the key to keeping partnerships strong and healthy. Now is the time to sit down and have a one-on-one conversation with your partner to fix any ongoing issues or negotiate improvements that need to take place.
  • Cancer- You have the urge to express yourself in big, dramatic gestures and desire more attention that usual from others. You are also willing to go to extra lengths to get the attention and interest that you are craving.
  • Leo- Rather than play, your focus now is on work, work, and work. You are more focused and detailed oriented now and are able to get several smaller projects done easily and on time. Now is a good time to refine and improve your daily routines.
  • Virgo- Your emotions interfere with your rational thinking right now so your mind is not as quick and efficient as usual. With your head and heart out of alignment, you take longer to make decisions. For now, stick to the familiar rather than the unusual.
  • Libra- Your focus at this time is on security and for you this usually translate to spending money and having objects of value around you. Lucky for you it’s easy for you to get any money that you need right now. Spend wisely.
  • Scorpio- You are more confident now which gives your more willingness to speak your mind. Your words carry more weight and you can ask for anything you want with the knowledge that you’ll likely get it without too much opposition.
  • Sagittarius- Your confidence soars and you’re feeling good about life. Your optimism leads you to want to do good things and improve yourself. Opportunities are presented to you that allow you to expand your life in a positive way.
  • Capricorn- Your encounter difficulties this month that teach you more about yourself and who you are. While some of these encounters may be unpleasant, you must remember that you’re being given a chance to become a better person.
  • Aquarius- Your mind is restless now and you have many new and unusual thoughts at once. You may find yourself trying to learn new things but lack the focus to see them through to the end. Changes occur that disrupt your daily life and routines.
  • Pisces- You crave change right now and have the creativity to make it come to pass, if only you can figure out what needs to change in your life. If not, you may feel lost and insecure. While you’re trying to figure it all out, you tend to put others first.
Carolina Dean

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