Saturday, January 19, 2019

Full Moon in Leo

Full Moon in Leo 

The Full Moon in Leo takes places on January 20th at 7:53 PM (Pacific).  A Full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon occupy the same degree of opposite signs of the zodiac.  As you can see from the chart above, the Moon is at zero degrees Leo and the Sun is at zero degrees Aquarius forming an opposition creating a dynamic of challenging one another; something is being split or divided. 

This also being a Lunar Eclipse, the effects are pretty much the same but only stronger. However, as the eclipse subsides the opportunity for healing and balance will return. The Lunar Eclipse acts like a reset button on our emotions. 

The Big Picture 

Leo is a proud, possessive, and territorial sign; while Aquarius is detached and altruistic.  So we have a dynamic here of Me vs. Them or what I want in opposition to what we need.  Full Moons are thought to bring completion or endings and with the possessiveness of that Leo energy at play here this can sometimes feel like someone is taking something away from us, or depriving us of something.  

We can see this play out in politics with Donald Trump stumping for his wall (what I want) and congress wanting to reopen the government (what we need) . There is a clear split or division here. Nancy Pelosi (Aries) un-invites Donald Trump (Gemini) from delivering his State of the Union. In turn, Donald Trump prevents Nancy Pelosi from traveling to Afghanistan with neither side showing any signs of backing down. With Mars (the ruler of Aries) in Nancy's sun sign right now she has the strength, drive, and energy to stand up to the President. 

We can see this pattern in what occurred in Washington D.C. when a youth wearing a MAGA hat (proud, arrogant - what I want) disrespected an elder native (detached, altruistic  - what we need) at an Indigenous People's March.  

This is a pattern we can see play out or a large scale by watching the news, paying attention to what is going on on social media and in the lives of our family and friends; or on a small scale by examining our own natal charts to see where the Full Moon is taking place there. 

The Personal Touch 

To understand how the Full Moon in Leo affects us an individuals we need to see where Zero Degrees Leo is in our own natal charts.  For example, zero degrees Leo in my natal chart is on the cusp of the 10th House, which is known as the public sector of our charts. The 10th house rules over our reputation and public standing. Across from the 10th house, is the 4th house which rules over our private life and home.  

Since the Full Moon brings completion and endings, the full moon in my 10th house could herald some kind of public embarrassment or receiving negative attention from the public. With the 10th house vs 4th house dynamic at play, I may feel a divide between my public and private aspects of my life. 

Where does zero degrees Leo fall in your chart?


Carolina Dean 

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