Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Astrology of Donald J. Trump

The Astrology of Donald J. Trump 

The 45th President of the United States of America

The Chart


At the time of the native’s birth, the Sun was in Gemini, which would be the native’s Sun-Sign. However, many factors go into the delineation of a natal chart and this report doesn’t solely rely on the placement of his Sun but also the placement of the other planets and other factors as well such as aspects or relationships between planets. 

The archetypal Gemini is someone who can be described as restless, curious, indecisive, open minded and yet vacillating. The native needs constant activity, or change,  in his life or else he will get easily bored and disinterested. He likes to believe that he does well in everything. He will likely learn more from his own experience rather than formal education. In the 11th house, the Sun gives a tendency towards humanitarianism and generally sees others as equals, though he himself wants to retain his individuality by being unique among others in some way. His general outlook of life tends towards looking for opportunities in all situations and interactions.  

With a greater number of planets in the Eastern Hemisphere of his chart, the native is naturally gifted with leadership ability, he is likely a self-starter who is focused on making his own future. With a fourth quadrant dominate chart, this native is focused on how his efforts will impact the world. Jupiter transiting the native’s 3rd house at the time of his birth indicates a tendency to project an image that everything is fine, even when things are falling apart. He makes many promises and can even make you believe them but often fails to deliver. With the 10th house in Taurus, he is very concerned with how he appears to the world at large. The native is someone who wishes to be perceived as having wealth and power. 

With Mars transiting Leo, the native is someone who is driven to have a life of significance. He is terrified of living an ordinary life and being quickly and easily forgotten. This placement gives the native the ambition and drive to generally get what they desire and to endow them with staying power so he is not likely to retreat easily. Nonetheless there is a tendency to start projects and yet fail to finish them. Pluto transiting the native 1st house gives the aura of a brooding nature with an intense stare. This placement of Pluto also grants the native a magnetic personality. He seeks power to overcome his own insecurities. 

With Leo on the Ascendant, the native is often perceived as someone who needs a great deal of attention and praise. He can be something of a showman and a drama queen, he needs the drama in order to attract the attention that he craves. The native is driven to possess power and authority over others as well as to develop some kind of creative expression of himself. The native wants to “shine’ in life and will not tolerate anyone or anything that will tarnish that shine. The native is proud, ambitious and has a strong temper who is quick to anger. 

With a majority of planets in Air and Cardinal signs the native is likely restless, impatient and domineering and tends towards revealing his frustrations in communicative ways such as speaking and in writing. A lack of planets in Fixed and Earth signs indicates a personality that his impractical, lazy and impatient and who lacks stability and endurance. Taken together this paints a picture of someone who has big dreams and ideas and who is unable to realize them himself due to his own inability to apply himself and stick to his guns.

With his Moon in Sagittarius, the native is naturally optimistic and is emotionally tuned to his own passions and desires. He is incapable of seeing the downside to anything that he feels strongly about. Sagittarius being a mutable sign, the native is uncomfortable with the status-quo. He needs constant change and activity or else he becomes frustrated and restless. He thrives on making grand gestures and bold, controversial statements just to see others react. With Jupiter Trine his Uranus this strategy is often successful for him as he gets rewarded for pushing limits and he is known for landing on his feet. 

With the Moon transiting his fifth house, he has an emotional drive to create. This placement gives him a subtle talent for acting and a lack of self control when it comes to expressing himself. With the Moon conjunct his South Node and simultaneously Opposite his North Node, the native likely carries over his emotional nature from a previous life. Until he learns to control his emotions, rather than allow them to control him, the native will be hesitant, irritable and dissatisfied in life. 

With Scorpio in the 4th House, the native likely has strong ties to his family that are not emotionally supportive or healthy. The native is apt to have had a loveless childhood (hence his strong desire and search for it in throughout life). The mother was likely secretive and emotionally manipulative, this is a pattern that the native will repeat in his own relationships. 

Chiron in the third house also points to a wound centered around communication and how the native expresses himself. The native likely had an early speech impediment of some kind, he began talking and forming words later than expected, had a weak voice or was a low-talker at an early age forcing others around him telling him to speak up and assert himself. Though unintentional, the criticism of those around him especially the parents, left a wound or hurt that affects his communication style today. The native likely had to have some form of special speech therapy, or developed means on his own to overcome or overcompensate for his impediment. 

Neptune transiting the native’s third house can indicate some kind of learning disability. He likely has no “book sense” and struggled in school. This placement also grants the native an inability to understand, appreciate, and accept facts. The native is likely susceptible to the power of suggestion and the wiles of his own imagination. The native can be an ineffective communicator and along with Mercury in the 12th house he will have to learn to communicate his thoughts and ideas more clearly and effectively. The native likely finds conversations with others draining and he becomes more impatient as the conversations go on. He will likely need to keep his one-on-one conversations with others brief and space them out so that he can re-charge between meetings. 

With Venus in Cancer, the native is sensitive in matters of the heart. The ego may be somewhat underdeveloped and he can sometimes smother his romantic partner because he wants and needs to be loved so badly. With Aquarius in the seventh house, he can be dominant and controlling in his relationships so he may try to force his partner to love him in the way that he needs to be loved; or to show their love for him in ways that may not be natural to his partner. 

With Venus transiting the 12th house he fears losing his identity in his relationship. He cannot abide a partner who gets more attention, praise, or who has more status that he himself has. Due to the fact that he needs attention, and affection so badly he will tend to make sacrifices or concessions in his romantic relationship so long as these conditions are not made generally known to others. For this reason, he can sometimes be taken advantage of in terms of his romantic and sexual relationships. Neptune transiting Libra tends to make the native to constantly be on the lookout for the perfect lover or spouse, which in and of itself is futile as there is no such thing as the perfect lover. The native desires instant intimacy and perfection without putting the work in that develops and strengthens long term relationships. 

With Mars in the first house, the native is driven to appear as someone who is masculine, virile, powerful and a great lover. The native becomes bored easily with his lover and or romantic partners, especially if they do not feed his ego and desire to keep up the appearance of himself as a masculine and virile lover. Afterwards, he can become impulsive, aggressive, and rude to his ex-lovers. 

The ruler of his 5th house transiting the 3rd house would indicate that the native’s children will likely be intelligent and have good communication skills. The native’s children may become successful or well-known in some creative enterprise but will change jobs frequently until they find their niche. With Sagittarius, a barren sign, in the 5th house, the native may adopt or otherwise raise children that are not his own biologically. The Moon transiting the native’s fifth house is often an indicator of an unhealthy attachment to the native’s children or children in general. 

In terms of friendships, the native likes to surround himself with people who are original, unconventional and unique. He has a diverse social circle but very few close friends. The naive has a natural ability for attractive friends or forming relationships that support him in and assist him in achieving his goals of having wealth and power. The native is able to rile up and charm crowds but often fails to connect with them. He can sometimes be friends with everyone but a friend to no one. He is as quick to end friendships as he is to form them.

In terms of career, the native has Taurus in the tenth house which indicates a career involved in finance and the arts. However, the native will have to love his job or career in order to have any success at what he does. Doing otherwise will rob the native of his energy and vital life force. With Venus, the ruler of his tenth house, in the twelfth house the native will be driven to build up his reputation and his achievements (no matter how great or small) so as to be recognized by others. However, such recognition or fame may prove to be the native’s own undoing. The native is best suited for any work that involves supporting those in power by working to help others behind the scenes. 


  • Birth Data The Mountain Astrologer, Feb/Mar 2019 Issue 
  • Chart Generated at

Carolina Dean 


  1. That does sound a lot like him! A couple of things stood out to me.

    1. "In the 11th house, the Sun gives a tendency towards humanitarianism and generally sees others as equals"

    This, obviously, does not sound like him at all. Could that be due to some affliction in the chart?

    2. The part about his needing attention and affection, being sensitive in matters of the heart, and wanting instant intimacy... I always thought it was rather incongruous that, in the midst of the "pussy grabbing" story he described how he likes to kiss hot women. Kissing is more emotionally intimate than sex for a lot of people, and it does suggest that he is trying to force not only sexual contact but that emotional intimacy as well.

    1. Hello,

      Thank you for your comment. I think the problem with Donald Trumps humanitarianism lies in the how he defines humanitarianism. I feel that, in his mind, nationalism equals humanitarianism. He is only interested in humanitarianism so far as it allows him to accumulate wealth, power, and recognition.

      Who is his fan base? White, Racists, Christian, and Evangelicals. So long as these people give him the wealth, power, and recognition that he wants those are the ones that he will identify and surround himself with. You also have to remember that these are the people that he profits off of and is protected by.
