Sunday, June 16, 2019

Full Moon in Sagitarrius 2019

Full Moon in Sagittarius
6/17/19  1:36 AM (Pacific) 
Natural Chart / Whole Houses 

A Full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon occupy the same degree of opposite signs of the zodiac.  As you can see from the chart above, the Moon is at 25 degrees Sagittarius and the Sun is at 25 degrees Gemini forming an opposition creating a dynamic of challenging one another; something is being split or divided.

The Big Picture 

Gemini is all about my vicinity, my neighborhood, my community, my culture. Sagittarius on the other hand is about foreign people and cultures. So there is a dynamic here of a divide between "us and them" or the "familiar vs. the unfamiliar".  This is a dynamic that we will see play out in the world at large, and in our personal lives. We can see this dynamic play out by watching the news and seeing events take place in the lives of our friends and associations on social media. 

As I write this blog entry it is currently Pride Month in the USA a time when the LGBTQ community celebrate and honor their impact on society and strive to raise their visibility in the world, and discourage homophobia, transphobia, etc... This year a movement, believed to be associated with White Supremacy, has been set in motion to initiate a Straight Pride Parade. This has created a divide on both side with gay people questioning the need for such a parade and straight people wanting to honor their own sexuality. 

The Personal Touch  

To understand how the Full Moon in Sagittarius will affect you, you need to look at where Sagittarius and Gemini fall in your natal chart. For example, in my birth chart Sagittarius is in the second house of my resources and personal values and Gemini is in the 8th house of shared resources. Additionally, the 8th house is associated with transformation and change, while the 2nd house likes things to stay as they are.  So for me there is a divide between my resources and resources shared with others; someone or something is trying to make me change but I want things to stay as they are. 

The full moon makes a sextile to my natal Uranus bringing an openness to change softening that resistance to change stated above and can herald sudden exciting events and encounters with other people. The full moon often brings endings and completion and a full moon in the second house of finance can indicate paying off a debt or there being a danger of overspending. At any rate, this is a time when finances should be watched closely and any risky investments should be avoided. 

Where does the full moon in Sagittarius fall in your chart and how will it manifest for you?

Carolina Dean

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