Saturday, October 12, 2019

Full Moon in Aries 2019

Full Moon in Libra 
10/13/19 2:07 PM (Pacific) 
Natural Chart / Whole Houses 

A Full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon occupy the same degree of opposing houses. As you can see from the chart above, the Sun is at 20° Libra and the Moon is at 20° Aries forming an opposition making this a Full Moon.

The Big Picture 

The Sun is transiting the relationships sector of the chart while the fiery Aries Moon is lending power to our sense of individuality.

When the Moon is new, we can expect new things in our lives. However, the Full moon is the domain of endings. The Full Moon in Aries is interesting because, being the first sign of the zodiac, it is associated with beginnings. Aries rules the self, so with the Full Moon in Aries this is a time in which we can re-evaluate the self and our priorities in life.  This is a time to let go of negative or unwanted aspects of our self and identity so that we can grow and evolve.  This can also be a time in which people generally feel like they need more attention and they can go a little overboard in how they try to get that attention.  Aries is ruled by Mars and so we can also be a little more quicker to anger. Mars is making a sextile to Jupiter at the time of the Full Moon new ideas are open to us, we can follow a new path and we have the energy we need to pursue our goals. 

Whereas Aries is all about the self and our personal needs, Libra is all about our relationships and connection to others With the Moon in Aries and the Sun in Libra there is a divide between what we want and what the other in our lives need from us. The Moon is making a square to Pluto adding to the emotional tug of war between the ego of "me" and the partnership of "us".  This is a time in which we may want to spend more time alone with our selves and less time with our partners causing friction in our relationships. 

This is a pattern that we will see play out in world events, on social media in the lives of our friends and followers, and in our own lives.  

The Personal Touch 

To better understand how the Full Moon in Aries will affect you, you need to look at the natal houses Aries and Virgo occupy in your birth chart. For example, Aries occupies my 6th house while Libra rules by twelfth setting up. The 6th house rules our routines, work, and service to others while the 12th house is all about escape and withdrawal so for me there is a divide between being useful to others and doing what I want to do. 

With the Full Moon in my natal 6th house, areas of health and work become a concern.  This is a good time to refine and improve any diet or exercise program. Let go of what is not working and try to figure out something else that works better.   

Transit Uranus making an opposition to my natal Moon can manifest as an inability to rein in my emotions and my desire for change may even seem irrational. This is balanced somewhat by Transit Pluto making a trine to my Natal Sun granting a new sense of personal power in my life and that I have more control over any changes that happen to me or in my life.   

How to Work with Full Moon in Aries Energy 

  • Finish old projects before starting new ones. 
  • Take a personal inventory of self and choose one aspect of your personality you don't like and make an effort to eliminate that quality,  mode of thought or behavior. 
  •  Decide what you like about yourself and work on expanding and accentuating those qualities. 
  • Spend some time on self-care, whatever that means to you. Get your hair or nails done, treat yourself to a nice meal, buy a new outfit.  
  • Take your relationships to the next level or break if off completely if you don't think it's going to go anywhere. 
  • Let go of the past. 
  • Study  your own Natal Chart. 

Where does the Full Moon in 20° Libra fall in your chart and how will it manifest for you?

Carolina Dean 

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