Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Full Moon in Leo 2021


Full Moon in Leo 
1/28/2021 11:16 AM 
Natural Chart / Whole Houses 

Full Moon in Leo (General)

With the Full Moon transiting the area that rules love, children, and creativity-  people's confidence increases and they feel flirty and playful.\ They may have the urge to express themselves in big, dramatic gestures and they may want more attention that usual from others. They are also willing to go to extra lengths to get the attention and interest that they are craving. If you have children, this is a good time to spend some quality time with them.

.The Big Picture 

A Full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon occupy the same degree of opposite signs of the zodiac. As you can see from the chart above, the Moon is at 09° Leo and the Sun is at 09° Aquarius forming an opposition creating a dynamic of challenging one another; something is being split or divided

Leo is a proud, possessive, and territorial sign; while Aquarius is detached and altruistic. So we have a dynamic here of Me vs. Them or what I want in opposition to what we need. Full Moons are thought to bring completion or endings and with the possessiveness of that Leo energy at play here this can sometimes feel like someone is taking something away from us, or depriving us of something. This is a pattern we can see play out or a large scale by watching the news, paying attention to what is going on on social media and in the lives of our family and friends; or on a small scale by examining our own natal charts to see where the Full Moon is taking place there. 

How to Work with Full Moon in Leo Energy 
  • exercise more self-confidence 
  • work on building greater self-esteem
  • show more pride in yourself and celebrate your accomplishments 
  • learn to relax and have more fun 
  • go to the movies or see a play
  • show more affection (where and when it is welcome) 
  • have mind-blowing sex 
  • spend some time on your hobbies or start a new one. 
  • get in touch with your inner child 
  • channel your inner-artist and be more creativity. 
  • go out with friends and be more sociable 

The Personal Touch 

To understand how the Full Moon in Leo affects us an individuals we need to see where 20° Leo is in our own natal charts. For example, 20° Leo in my natal chart is on the cusp of the 10th House, which is known as the public sector of our charts. One-hundred and eighty degrees across from the 10th house is the 4th house where the Sun is transiting at 20° Aquarius.   With the 10th house vs 4th house dynamic at play, I may feel a divide between my public and private aspects of my life. It could indicate that career and reputation is at odds with my root sand traditions. 


Aspects, or relationships between planets, is another dimension of astrological interpretation that should be considered. For example, in my own chart the transit moon at 09° Leo is applying a very tight conjunction to my natal MC at 10°  Leo. With this aspect, I can expect to have difficulty hiding my emotions and feelings. I may be more defensive due to a feeling of vulnerability which can lead to public emotional outburst. Overreacting to outside stress has the potential to damage my public image or reputation so I need to take extra care to keep my emotions in check. 

Where does 9° Leo fall in your chart and how will the Full Moon in Leo manifest for you? 

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