Tuesday, March 22, 2022

MIPC: Ritual of the Wax & Water

 The Ritual 

Janey: Now remember, Wanda, whatever shape the wax takes, that's what your husband's job will be.[Wanda lets a drop of wax fall from a candle and into a bowl of water, and sees that the wax is shaped like a mop]
Wanda: [disappointed] It's a mop. My husband will be a janitor.
Lisa: That looks like an Olympic torch to me. Your husband could be an Olympic athlete who will go on to have a great acting career!
Wanda: [lets another drop of wax fall] It's a dustpan.
Lisa: The wax never lies.

The Simpsons 
Season 22, Episode 11 
Air Date; 11/21/91 

The Analysis 

Carromancy is a form of divination in which wax is allowed to drip into a bowl  of water, then cool and solidify to form a shape or images which augurs a future events. Divination by wax and water has its roots in ancient Celtic practices and it is said to have been practiced by the Druids. 

In the modern era, it was once common in Germany to pour led into cool water on New Year's Eve to divine what lies in store for a person in the coming year. In recent years, the lead was replaced with wax. The symbols which formed in the wax can be read in a literal sense (i.e. a dog might mean you will get a pet) or metaphorically (the same dog could represent a loyal friend or companion). 

I performed such a ritual for myself this year and the wax formed what appeared to be a key. I interpreted this as having the tools needed to open the doors of opportunity, gaining wisdom, and success.

- Carolina Dean 

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