Thursday, July 28, 2022

Jupiter Retrograde in 08° Aries


Jupiter Retrograde in 08° Aries 
7/28/22 1:37 PM 
Natural Chart / Whole Houses

Jupiter Retrograde

Jupiter goes retrograde about once a year and generally last anywhere from four to five months. This year, Jupiter Retrograde will take place in Pisces and Aquarius. 

Significant Dates 

  • 7/28/22     Jupiter Retrograde in 08° Aries 
  • 10/27/22   Ingress of Jupiter RX into 00° Pisces 
  • 11/23/22   Jupiter Direct in 28° Pisces 
  • 12/20/22   Ingress of Jupiter into 00° Aries 

When a planet goes retrograde it changes the meaning of that planet in our charts.  Jupiter is known as the Greater Benefic (Venus being the Lesser benefic), and it is the planet of Luck, Expansion, and Optimism.  When Jupiter goes retrograde, it isn't really bad per se, but rather this is a time when we should refrain from taking too many risks, and our optimism should be tempered with a little skepticism. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is..... 

Jupiter Retrograde in Aries 

Some keywords associated with Aries include, but are not limited to ​assertive, strong, initiative, energy, impatient, headstrong, adventure, fearless, leader, pioneer, eager, enthusiastic. 

When Jupiter retrogrades through the fiery sign of Aries, that fire shines a light on our inner selves. We feel compelled to look inward at who we are and to assess if we like what we see and; if not, to strive to improve ourselves in any wat that we can. Jupiter Retrograde in Aries provides the opportunities to grow on an internal level and we often encounter people and events that test how much we have actually grown and evolved. 

To understand how Jupiter Retrograde will affect you on a personal level, you will need to see where 08° Aries falls in your chart. 

  • If your rising sign is Aries, Aries is your 1st  House  
  • If your rising sign is Taurus, Aries is your 12th House 
  • If your rising sign is Gemini, Aries is your 11th House
  • If your rising sign is Cancer, Aries is your 10th House 
  • If your rising sign is Leo, Aries is your 9th House
  • If your rising sign is Virgo, Aries is your 8th House
  • If your rising sign is Libra, Aries is your 7th House 
  • If your rising sign is Scorpio, Aries is your 6th House 
  • If your rising sign is Sagittarius, Aries is your 5th House
  • If your rising sign is Capricorn, Aries is your 4th House 
  • If your rising sign is Aquarius, Aries is your 3rd House 
  • If your rising sign is Pisces, Aries is your 2nd House


Jupiter Retrograde in Aries and the 6th House 

With Jupiter Retrograde in Aries and the 6th house, you are now eager to find ways in which you can refine and improve your daily routine in a manner that will allow you to grow internally. The urge of the sixth house is "service to others" and so you want to re-view how being of service to others helps you be a better person. 


You will also want to see how Transit Jupiter is interacting with other points and positions in your natal, or birth chart. For example, transit Jupiter at 08° Aries is separating a trine to my Natal MC at 10° Leo. Under this transit, you benefit from being of service to others because other people notice your selflessness and want to reward you for your hard work and selflessness. People generally like you more and want to see you succeed in life. 

How will Jupiter Retrograde affect you?

Carolina Dean 

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