Thursday, May 23, 2024

Full Moon in Sagittarius (2024)


Full Moon in Sagittarius 
Natural Chart 

  • Affirmation: With fearless optimism, I release limiting beliefs and embrace expansive possibilities.
  • The Lesson: Embrace a Bigger World View


Under the glow of a Full Moon in Sagittarius, a vibrant energy infuses us with a yearning for adventure and exploration. This isn't just a call for a weekend getaway; it's a deep pull towards expanding our horizons in all directions. Sagittarius is the zodiac's globetrotter, and during a Full Moon in this sign, the desire to break free from routine and experience new cultures and landscapes intensifies.  You might find yourself drawn to exciting destinations, faraway lands, or even just a road trip to somewhere unfamiliar.

The thirst for knowledge is another hallmark of Sagittarius. This Full Moon ignites a curiosity within us, making us eager to learn new things, delve into philosophical discussions, or take a class that's piqued our interest. Sagittarius energy is naturally optimistic and full of faith in the future. This Full Moon is a time to shed cynicism and embrace a more positive outlook.  We're more receptive to new ideas and experiences, making us open to meeting people from different backgrounds and engaging in stimulating conversations.

This Full Moon is the perfect time to step outside your comfort zone.  Sample a new cuisine, attend a lecture on a topic you know little about, or strike up a conversation with someone you wouldn't normally talk to. By embracing new experiences and knowledge, you'll not only satisfy your Sagittarian urges but also enrich your life in unexpected ways.


This Full Moon period can be a powerful time for personal growth and transformation. The Sagittarius energy encourages us to break free from limiting beliefs and embrace new possibilities. Meanwhile, the sextile to Pluto grants us the strength and determination to make those changes a reality. It's a good time to set ambitious goals, challenge yourself, and step outside your comfort zone.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • This transit can stir up restlessness and a desire for excitement.
  • Be mindful of the potential for overindulgence or taking unnecessary risks with Sagittarius' influence.
  • The Aquarian influence of Pluto can bring a rebellious streak, so be sure to channel your energy constructively.

Overall, this Full Moon offers a potent opportunity for positive change and growth. By embracing the expansive energy of Sagittarius and the transformative power of Pluto, we can break free from limitations and create a brighter future for ourselves.

In Popular Culture 

Here are three examples of a character who embraced a bigger worldview 

  1. Elsa in Frozen: Throughout the first movie, Elsa is consumed by fear of her ice magic, isolating herself from the world and her sister Anna. However, in Frozen 2, she ventures beyond Arendelle to discover the truth about her powers and the history of her kingdom. This journey forces her to confront the consequences of isolation and embrace a responsibility towards the wider world, ultimately using her magic to protect not just Arendelle but a mystical forest and its inhabitants.
  2. Steve Rogers in Captain America: Captain America initially represents a very nationalistic worldview, dedicated to defending the American ideal. However, throughout the Captain America sequels, he grapples with the complexities of global politics and the evolving nature of war. He questions authority figures and fights for what he believes is right, even when it clashes with his initial allegiances. This journey expands his worldview from blind patriotism to a more nuanced understanding of justice and the need for international cooperation.
  3. Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games: Katniss volunteers for the Hunger Games to save her younger sister, initially motivated by a desire to protect her immediate family.  As the games progress, she witnesses the suffering of other tributes and forms alliances out of necessity and compassion. By the end of the first movie, she becomes a symbol of rebellion against the Capitol's tyranny, her worldview expanding from personal survival to encompass the fight for a just society.

Magical Correspondences for the Full Moon in Sagittarius 


  • Citrine 
  • Tiger's Eye 
  • Sodalite 


  • Dandelion
  • Peppermint
  • Basil 

Essential Oils 

  • Frankincense 
  • Bergamot 
  • Roman Chamomile 

Carolina Dean 

Two Headed Astrology 

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