Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Mercury in Taurus (2024)


Mercury in Taurus
Natural Chart 

Affirmation: I communicate purposefully!
The Lesson: Deepen connections with patient and focused communication. 


As the planet of communication, Mercury, glides through the stable and grounded sign of Taurus, a noticeable change washes over our thoughts. We shed the scattered, impulsive energy for a more practical and sensual approach.  Concepts and ideas become meticulously formed, taking on a clear and concise form.  

This shift allows for well-structured communication, where every word carries weight.  Learning becomes a patient pursuit, fueled by a newfound determination to grasp information and master new skills.  This focus on practicality extends to financial matters and negotiations.  Discussions surrounding money and deals transpire with a deliberate calmness, where careful consideration paves the way for successful agreements.

With transit Mercury in Taurus trining transit Moon in Leo, communication becomes bold and confident. You can express yourself clearly and creatively, while also being grounded and patient. This is a great time to share ideas, indulge in playful conversations, and enjoy luxurious experiences that stimulate your senses.



  • Emerald
  • Malachite
  • Chrysoprase


  • Verbena
  • Licorice Root 
  • Peppermint

Essential Oils 

  • Sandalwood 
  • Vetiver 
  • Patchouli 

Carolina Dean 

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