Saturday, June 8, 2024

Mars in Taurus (2024)


Mars in Taurus 

Natural Chart 

Affirmation: I act deliberately ! 

The Lesson: Find a balance between slow and steady perseverance and taking action to achieve your desires.


Under this transit, people's drive and energy become focused on building security and achieving goals through patient and deliberate actions. Persistence becomes a valuable tool now. Impulsive actions may be curbed and a steadier determination to see things through takes hold. This is a good time to tackle long term goals or projects that require a sustained effort. 

Magical Correspondences 


  • Red Jasper 
  • Bloodstone 
  • Agate 


  • Nettle 
  • Hawthorn 
  • Valerian Root 

Essential Oils

  • Clary Sage 
  • Vetiver 
  • Cedarwood 

Carolina Dean 

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