Thursday, June 20, 2024

Sun in Cancer(2024)


Sun in Cancer 

Natural Chart 

Affirmation: I am sensitive! 

The Lesson: Prioritize emotional security and nurture your connection to loved ones and home.


The Sun entering the Cardinal Sign of Cancer, kicks of not only Cancer Season but is also the Summer Solstice! Under this transit, people's focus turn inward and they seek to replenish their emotional reserves. Casual social interactions are less appealing and people crave a more deeper connection. They are drawn to the security of home, family, and loved ones. They want to create a sense of emotional security and safety that allows them to flourish. 

A conjunction of the Sun and Venus brings a desire for closeness and intimacy, both at home and in our relationships. Expressing affection and vulnerability comes more naturally, and we may find ourselves craving comfort and security. It's a good time to reconnect with loved ones, express appreciation, and create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Magical Correspondences 


  • Chamomile
  • Lavender 
  • Lemon Balm 

Essential Oils 

  • Bergamot 
  • Clary Sage 
  • Sandalwood 


  • Moonstone
  • Rose Quartz 
  • Carnelian 

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