Thursday, July 11, 2024

Venus in Leo (2024)


Venus in Leo 
Natural Chart 

Affirmation: I love me (and you should too)!
The Lesson: To act boldly in matters of love and self expression. 


This transit ignites a desire for self-expression, creativity, and connection. People are more romantic and playful, with an emphasis on grand gestures and passionate connections. They dress more flashy. Social gatherings are charged with warmth and liveliness. Unfortunately, people also need more attention and are more sensitive to criticism. It's important to balance confidence with humility. 

Venus in Leo  makes a trine to Neptune in Pisces and opposes Pluto in Aquarius creating an interesting mix of energies. Imagine yourself feeling super attracted to love and wanting everything to be grand and luxurious. You might shower your partner with affection and love compliments, and enjoy the attention you get back. On the other hand, you might also be idealizing love and overlooking any problems because you're so focused on the perfect picture in your head.

Here's the twist: something is forcing you to see things more realistically. You might uncover hidden jealousy or a need for control, and past emotional baggage could come up in your relationships. It can be messy, but it's actually a good thing! By facing these challenges, you can build stronger, more real connections based on honesty and understanding.

In Popular Culture 

The lesson of Venus in Leo is to express yourself boldly, especially in matters of love. In my mind, the perfect example of this in Pop Culture is Dr. Pamela Isley's transformation into the eco-terrorist (some would say warrior) Poison Ivy! In "Batman and Robin," Poison Ivy's boldness is outrageous. Transformed by toxins into a scantily clad eco-warrior, she revels in her sexuality, manipulating men with ease and even holding an auction for her affection. Her love, however, is fiercely dedicated to plant life, a cause she's willing to take on Gotham for.

Magical Correspondence 


  • Damiana
  • Chamomile 
  • Hawthorn 

Essential Oils 

  • Frankincense 
  • Ylang Ylang 
  • Tangerine 


  • Carnelian 
  • Citrine 
  • Golden Healer Quartz\

Carolina Dean 

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