Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces (2024)


Neptune Retrograde in Pisces 

Natural Chart 

Affirmation: I actively refine my beliefs, seeking truth and understanding.

The Lesson: Through introspection, I confront limiting beliefs and past hurts to heal and create a stronger foundation for personal growth.


During this transit, people tend to draw inward for self-reflection. Their dreams and intuition may be stronger and they experience heightened emotions. This sis a time to confront and past illusions and deceptions both internal and external. This can lead to creative renewal, forgiveness and a deeper self awareness. 

Neptune's trine to Mercury awakens a powerful intuition, allowing you to tap into your emotional depths and express them with tenderness. It's a perfect time for creative endeavors, heartfelt conversations, and revisiting past memories with fresh eyes. Just be wary of getting lost in fantasy - Mercury's nurturing energy grounds your intuition, ensuring your newfound clarity translates into real-world action.

Remember, this is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with yourself as you uncover new truths and navigate emotional shifts. Neptune will station direct on December 7th 2024.

In Popular Culture 

In this scene from X-Men '97, Storm, stripped of her mutant abilities, faces The Adversary even as she suffers from her clautraphobia.  However, it's not a physical fight. The Adversary confronts her with the illusion of her own powerlessness. By defying this illusion and challenging her self-doubt, Storm unlocks her omega-level mutant powers once more. 

This internal victory is mirrored by a dramatic transformation, a la magical girl shows like Sailor  Moon. Her appearance and costume change, symbolizing her metamorphosis from a seemingly powerless human to a god-like being wielding the vast power of the weather.

Magical Correspondences 


  • Lavender 
  • Chamomile 
  • Peppermint 

Essential Oils 

  • Sandalwood
  • Frankincense 
  • Clary Sage 


  • Amethyst 
  • Aquamarine 
  • Moonstone 
Carolina Dean 

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