Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Mercury in Leo (2024)


Mercury in Leo 

Natural Chart 

Affirmation: I communicate boldly. 

The Lesson:  Find your voice, express yourself with confidence, and share your unique perspective with the world.


Under this transit people are more bold and expressive. Ideas flow freely and are often delivered with a touch of theatricality. People are more likely to speak their minds with confidence, eager to share their passions there is danger of being domineering in your conversations. It's important to balance self expression with active listening. 

Mercury's confident voice in Leo finds a harmonious grounding with the Moon in Taurus. This creates a blend of bold self-expression with a desire for security and comfort. We can communicate our ideas with passion and clarity, while still seeking stability and building connections through our words.

In Popular Culture

Here are three examples in Pop Culture in which a character found their voice and expressed their self with confidence. 

  • Elle Woods from Legally Blonde (2001): Elle Woods, the stereotypically "dumb blonde" sorority girl from California, overcomes societal expectations to attend Harvard Law. Initially underestimated, Elle uses her fashion sense, positive attitude, and sharp legal mind to not only succeed but also challenge the status quo. Through her journey, Elle finds her voice by advocating for a different perspective in the courtroom and proving that intelligence can come in many forms.
  • Scout Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird (1960): Scout Finch, a young girl growing up in the racially segregated American South, narrates the story. Scout's innocence and curiosity lead her to question the social norms surrounding her. Through her observations and growing understanding of justice, Scout learns to speak up for what's right, even if it goes against the grain. Her voice, honest and unfiltered, exposes the hypocrisy and prejudice of her society.
  • Miguel Rivera from Coco (2017): Miguel, a young aspiring musician, comes from a family with a generations-old ban on music. Miguel's passion for music clashes with his family's tradition. Despite the disapproval, Miguel embarks on a magical journey to the Land of the Dead to pursue his dream. Through his determination and courage, Miguel not only finds his musical voice but also bridges the gap between his family and their artistic heritage.
Magical Correspondences 

  • Lemon Balm 
  • Ginko Biloba 
  • Chamomile 

Essential Oils 
  • Frankincense 
  • Lemon 
  • Clary Sage 

  • Citrine 
  • Tiger's Eye 
  • Carnelian 

Carolina Dean 

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