Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Astrology of Honey Jars

PictureWhat is a Honey Jar 

Honey Jars are a type of container-spell which uses sweeteners such as honey, syrup, molasses, etc… in conjunction with the burning of a series of fixed-candles for the purpose of compelling an individual to favor your petition in business, love, or court-cases. However, honey-jars aren't limited to these either. They may be used on your doctor to get him to genuinely care about your and your health. they may be used on your child's teacher so that she or he will like the child and really want him or her to be successful. 

How Are Honey Jars Made?

A typical honey jar is created using a small glass container, such as a baby-food jar, that has a metal lid and filling it with honey. Depending on your specific intent as well as what herbs, curios, and/or personal concerns you have available, additional items may or may not be placed inside the honey. At the very least, a written petition should be placed inside the honey. The jar is then sealed and a prepared candle is affixed to the top of the lid.

The candle is lit as one’s prayer or petition is made and then allowed to burn itself out. The following day, and each successive day for a total of seven days, a new fixed candle is burned on the honey-jar to heat up the situation and get movement on your issue. After the first seven days, a new fixed candle is burned three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Theoretically, honey-jars work on various principles including sympathetic magic and correspondences.

Sympathetic magic is a concept which states that “invisible bonds connect all things.”  It can be divided into two distinct subcategories. They are:

  • Homeopathic Magic holds that “like attracts like.” While making the petition for a honey jar, the practitioner will often ask that the individual it is intended to affect will become as sweet to the practitioner as the honey is to the taste.
  • Contagious Magic holds that “things once in contact with one another continue to exert an influence on one another after they have been separated.” When available, the personal-concerns of the individual the honey jar is to affect will be included in the jar so that it will have a more powerful affect on him or her. Examples of personal concerns include: blood, hair, semen, photograph, handwriting, etc….

Correspondences refer to the relationships that can be used for magickal workings. They make use of how things relate to one another. It is helpful to think of correspondences as a list of possible ingredients from which you can make selections. Correspondences are present in the form of the herbs and or curios, if any, that are included in the honey jar as well as the color of the candle chosen and the type of condition oil with which it is anointed.

The term correspondences can also refer one’s choice of time in which to work the spell. Choices include the Moon Phase, Moon’s Sign, Day of the Week, and Hour of the Day. Most honey jars are worked for positive purposes, therefore they will often be begun while the moon is Waxing, or growing in size. The reasoning for burning the candle on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays has to do with the planetary correspondences attributed to those days of the week as well as their associations. 

  • Monday is ruled by the Moon which is concerned with our emotions
  • Wednesday is ruled by Mercury which rules communication and the exchange of information and ideas. 
  • Friday is ruled by Venus which rules over friendship and love

As most honey jars are worked for love and friendship, the burning of the candles on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays is done to communicate the emotion of love and friendship to the individual and have those feelings returned in the form of having one’s petition granted.

When to Burn Your Candle 

Anyone who has studied planetary hours knows that the first hour of the day (which can last more or less than sixty minutes, depending on the time of the year) corresponds to the planet that rules that day. So the time for Sunrise on Monday would be ruled by the Moon; on Wednesday by Mercury; and Friday by Venus. Therefore, if at all possible, I would recommend burning your candle at sunrise to draw in the energy of both the Planetary Day and the Planetary Hour.  

As you can see, honey-jars are a powerful tool to sway others to your cause and win favors in business, love, and other matters. 

Carolina Dean 

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