Sunday, April 14, 2019

How to Use Your Lunar Return Chart

"This is likely to be, guard against it, if it is bad. If it is good, make the most of it."

Evangeline Adams 

In my last blog entry, I described the Lunar Return Chart, what it is, how to calculate it, and how to interpret it. In this article, I would like to describe how to use your lunar return chart in your daily life. At the beginning of the year, I used to print all my charts for 2019 including my solar return, lunar returns, venus return and mars return charts and placed this in my Astrology Journal.  

At least a week before a Lunar Return Chart activates, I remove it from the journal and spend some time meditating on the chart and making my notes on the chart itself (see image at left).  

If you study this image closely, you'll see that my notes only reflect the placements in the Lunar Return itself and not my natal chart. The reason for this is that I have studied my natal chart for years. I know my natal placements and their degrees by heart and there isn't a lot of room to write on the paper so I use that space for writing about the Lunar Return Chart itself. If you wish to keep more detailed notes, you may write them up on an additional piece of paper and keep this in your Astrology Journal.  

On the reverse side of the page, I have notes about the New and Full Moons that fall within the 28 days this chart is active. For example, the Lunar Return in the image above began on 4/6/19 @ 5:42 am. On the reverse of this page I have my notes about the New Moon which occurred on 4/5/19 in my 6th house and the Full Moon which will occur on 4/19/19 in my 12th House.    

In addition, I have space reserved on the reverse side of this page for taking notes about things that occurred that the Lunar Return Chart predicted as well as notes about my daily transits. For instance, transit Neptune at 17 degrees Pisces in the first house is applying an opposition to my natal Sun in 22 degrees Virgo in the 11th (not pictured). Due to the fact that Neptune moves slowly through the zodiac going retrograde (backwards) from time to time, this is a transit that will last for approximately 2 years.  This is an aspect wherein relationships become more confusing, the native (me) may struggle with trust issues, and others may mislead him with false promises.

I find this interesting because, I have Saturn in the 11th house in my LR chart which can indicate the end of a superficial relationship and a stellium of planets in the first house can be indicative of being more self-reliant and presenting a more "self-ish" image to others in the interest of self-care and self-maintenance; Neptune, the chart ruler in the LR in the first house and with Pisces rising all points to isolating myself from others and drawing more into self---- all things which have occurred since my Lunar Return chart activated on 4/6/19. 

The day before a Lunar Return Chart activates, I take it out of the "future charts" section of my astrology journal and read over my notes. I usually do this in my bedroom where it is more calm and serene and I keep a spirit altar. I usually light some candles and incense and spend some time meditating on the chart, reading over my notes so I know what to expect, and making note of new insights (if any). When I am done, I will place the chart under a candle and leave it there until the chart activates at the precise time the moon returns to 29 degrees Aries just as it was at my time of birth.  

The next day, studying the Lunar Return Chart becomes a part of my daily routine.  I generally wake up early enough in the morning to exercise and then I have about 30 minutes before I have to get in the shower and get ready for work. During that 30 minutes, I sit at my desk, drink a glass of water to get hydrated,  and listen to the radio on my laptop. I also pull up my daily transits in a separate browser window. I have my current Solar Return attached to a bulletin board on the wall over my desk for quick reference. I quickly compare the daily transits to my Natal Chart and my Solar Return Chart. I should also note that I have AstroGold on my iPhone and keep my Natal Chart on a bi-wheel with my transits which I can refresh at anytime at the touch of a button for quick reference. So if I don't have time to study my transits in the morning I can study them on my iPhone during my breaks or any other various times throughout the day such as sitting in the waiting area while getting my oil changed.  

I don't really compare the daily transits to the Lunar Return the first few days after the LR chart activates because the planets are essentially in the same place and have not moved enough to change anything significantly unless a planet changes signs/houses or moves closer to another point in the Natal Chart forming an aspect between the LR and the Natal Chart. Even then, I typically see an aspect forming before it actually starts applying, is exact, or is separating.  

When I leave for work, the LR chart is folded and placed in my back pocket where I can keep it near me. I have a clerical job in an office and my co-workers are open minded about my beliefs and practices. My current solar return is my background image on my computer at work and I even have a small success and prosperity altar on my desk! For the most part, the LR chart stays in my pocket but sometimes I may unfold it and place it on my desk within my sight. However, this usually occurs when something significant happens in my life and I look for it in my chart and I may flip the chart over and make a note of what occurred and a quick reference to the placement, aspect, or transit that I feel is indicative of what occurred.  

In an attempt to actively use my chart in a positive manner, I tend to try to manifest the good things indicated in my chart while avoiding or preventing the negative things. For instance, in the Lunar Return Chart above, you can see that I have Pisces Rising with Mercury in the first house. Pisces falls in the 5th house in my natal chart. The fifth house rules love, children and creativity (including hobbies) to name a few things. So these are areas that will be of importance to me this month. With Mercury in the 1st house of my LR chart and the 5th House of my Natal Chart, this would indicate taking a mental approach to life, having many thoughts and ideas (mercury in the first house) which I may express in the form of writing (mercury in the 5th house of hobbies). Of course with Pisces rising (and Neptune in the 1st House), I would be writing about things of a mysterious or occult nature in an attempt to make sense of them. 

On the flip side, you'll see that I have the moon in the second house which can indicate emotional spending, so this is something I am really wary about right now. I am avoiding making any large purchases and stop to ask myself, is this something I need or is this something I want? If I need it can I afford it? If I simply want it, why do I want it? Would purchasing this create a hardship for me? In fact, I just realized as I am writing this blog entry that I was bored last night and started shopping for a new ipad on ebay--- which I ultimately did not buy.

Of course some things are inevitable no matter how much we try to avoid or mitigate them because they are necessary for our own personal growth and soul evolvement.... but know about them ahead of time can help soften the blow. 

When the chart expires, (for lack of a better word) and the next Lunar Return Chart activates that old chart is filed away in my astrology journal under "past charts" and the whole process starts over with the new lunar return chart. Over time, these charts become an invaluable reference for your study and practice of astrology.  So the next time you or someone you know has the same or similar placements, aspects, etc... you'll have a better idea of how it will manifest. 

How do you use your Lunar Return Chart to live your best life? 

Carolina Dean 

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