Friday, April 5, 2019

Your Annual Wishing Moon

New Moon Chart 
4/5/19  1:50 AM 
Gemini Rising / Whole Chart 

What is the Wishing Moon?

Your annual wishing moon occurs when the new moon takes place in your natal 11th house. For example, today's new moon occurs in 15 degrees Aries. Therefore, if your rising sign is Gemini, then this New Moon is your annual wishing moon (see New Moon Chart above). 

You may be asking yourself why the 11th house and not some other house? The answer is simple, the 11th house in astrology is (among other things) associated with your hopes and dreams, which in and of themselves are tied to our wishes. The 11th house is naturally ruled by Uranus and corresponds to the future as well as people and groups that share common interests and goals. 

How to Use the Annual Wishing Moon 

Your wishing moon is a good time to perform any kind of  wish-craft, that is, any type of spell or ritual that centers around making a wish come true. Here are just a few examples of how you can harness the energy of your annual wishing moon to make your wishes come true. 

Since there are 13 new moons in any given year, on a piece of paper write down 13 goals that you wish to achieve or manifest in the following year. Dress the four corners and center of the paper with a condition oil. Since your wishes will presumably center around different areas of life such as love, sex, money, good health, happiness and prosperity using several different oils on your petition may be impractical. Instead, you may wish to use an all purpose type oil such as African Juju Oil, Attraction Oil, Crown of Success, Blessing Oil, or Good Luck  Oil.  If you are more astrologically inclined, you might want to dress the paper with Aquarius or Uranus Oils as they are both associated with the 11th house. 

Light the candle and some incense making your prayer or petition for all your wishes to come true. You might want to smoke your wish paper in the incense and say something along the lines of the following:

"This candle burning true and bright before me now represents my sincere hope and desire for these wishes to come to pass as quickly as possible and in a natural way. As it is written, so let it be done. In Jesus name. Amen."

Fold the paper towards yourself three times and place it under the candle holder. For added power you may wish to place a few quartz crystals near your candle to amplify your prayer and petition. Imagine your wishes have already materialized. When the candle is spent, remove the wish paper and press it in the Bible anywhere it says "and this shall come to pass"

Each new moon, remove the paper and draw a line through any wish that has manifested or which no longer seems important. When your annual wishing moon comes around again, burn the old wish paper and replace it with a new one.

Carolina Dean 

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