Thursday, April 11, 2019

Your Astrology Journal

Your Astrology Journal is, or will be, an invaluable tool for learning Astrology.  Not only will it serve to keep records of all your charts, it will also act as a guide as you record your charts, meditate on their placements, track your transits, and study the aspects between planets in your charts, contemplate your retrogrades and more! 

You can use whatever type of blank book, binder, or spiral bound notebook that you desire as your Astrology Journal.  When I started out, I used a blank book pasting my various charts in the pages of the journal and keeping notes about various aspects of my chart(s). However, I found that a blank book wasn't an ideal choice for me, even though I like using bound blank books for others types of journals that I keep.  

What I found that ultimately worked for me was a three ring binder.  I found that I could better arrange the information that I wanted to keep a record of in such a binder as well as move various pages around as needed.  It took a little trial and error, but using tab dividers I was able to come up with a system that really worked for me. 

My Astrology Journal is divided into 7 distinct sections. They are:

  1. My Natal Chart- This section includes my birth chart and all my notes, observations, and interpretations of my birth chart. Sometimes I buy computer generated delineations, or astrological readings from professional astrologers and include them in this section for study and meditation.
  2. Reference Material- This section includes articles and other astrology related material found online for reference and study. Notes I've taken while watching youtube videos, photocopies of certain pages from my collection of books for quick reference, handouts and PDFs found online, etc... I also keep a print out of the current year ephemeris for quick reference so I don't always have to refer to my big, bulky one hundred year ephemeris
  3. Personal Notes- A collection of my personal keywords for planets, signs, houses; techniques for prediction, and other helpful directions I have learned or developed as well as astrological articles I have personally written (many of which can  be found in this blog) 
  4. Past Charts- Old Solar Return, Lunar Returns, Progressions, Retrogrades, Venus Returns, Saturn Return, etc.. along with my personal notes and observations. 
  5. Current Charts- Current Solar Return, Lunar Return, Progressions, Retrogrades (Venus, Mars, Jupiter), etc... along with my notes. Once these charts are no longer active they are moved into the past charts section.
  6. Future Charts- At the end of the year, I printed all my future Solar Return, Progressions, Lunar Returns, Venus Return, various retrogrades and Major Transits for 2019, etc.... to be examined. Once these charts are activated they move into the "current charts" section. I make it a point to meditate on them and write out my notes before they "take affect".
  7. Relationships- This section contains the charts of old boyfriends, lovers, my parents, friends etc... along with my notes for examination and study.
Obviously, as I collect charts the notebook will grow and become larger and more cumbersome. Some folks may be tempted to dispose of them, however, these charts will have a great deal of information that you will want to keep for future reference. At some point the Past Charts will have to be moved to a separate notebook.  When this point comes I will likely keep past charts up to a year in my main Astrology Journal and keep all my previous charts in a separate notebook(s).  

Tell me about your journal, what form does it take and how has it helped you in your study of Astrology?

Carolina Dean 


  1. Amazing post. I love the way you break it down. #virgomode

    My current astrology journal is in different notebooks and folders. After reading this, I am going to try the 3 ring method!

    1. Thank you. Let me know how this works for you.
