Friday, May 17, 2019

Full Moon in Scorpio

Full Moon in Cancer
5/18/19  2:11 PM 
Natural Chart / Whole Houses

A Full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon occupy the same degree of opposite signs of the zodiac.  As you can see from the chart above, the Moon is at 27 degrees Scorpio and the Sun is at 27 degrees Taurus forming an opposition creating a dynamic of challenging one another; something is being split or divided.  

The Big Picture 

Taurus is all about me. My money, my possessions, my values. Scorpio is about us. Our money, our possessions, our values.  So there is a dynamic here of being torn between what is mine and what is ours. We can see this energy play out on a grand scale by watching the news, looking at our newsfeeds on social media, and listening to the people around us. 

As I write this blog entry, the big newsstory right now is the passing of sweeping legislation in various states, most notably Alabama,  that ban abortions after a heartbeat is detected and imposes severe punishments on the woman who have them. So we can see the dynamic of my values vs. our values; or the rights of the individual vs. the rights of the collective. 

The Personal Touch 

To understand how the Full Moon in Scorpio affects us on a personal level we would look to see where Scorpio and Taurus falls in our natal charts. For example 27 degrees Scorpio in my Natal Chart falls in my first house and 27 degrees Taurus falls in my 7th house. These houses rule over the self and one's relationships respectively.  Therefore, for me, I may feel torn between my own needs as a person and the needs of my partners in business, friendships, or relationships. The Full moon also makes a sextile to my natal Jupiter can indicate a desire to make new friends and have more fun. However, it also makes a conjunction to my natal Neptune making me vulnerable to deception by others. 

In addition, whereas a new moon brings news beginnings and opportunities, the full moon brings ending and completion. In some cases, a Full Moon can act like the sun and illuminate the house where it falls. Again, Scorpio falls in my 7th house and so a full moon in the 7th house can also indicate evaluating your relationship with another person in business or love. This could indicate the end of such a relationship or taking it to a new level. You may even step back a little to allow your partner to shine brighter or to be more attentive to their needs.  

Where does the Full Moon in Scorpio fall in your chart and how will it manifest for you?

Carolina Dean 

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