Sunday, May 12, 2019

Your Moon, Your Mother, and You

Your Moon, Your Mother, and You

Today is Mother's Day in the USA and so we take the opportunity to look to Astrology to help us better understand our relationships to our mothers and mother-figures. 

In the practice of Astrology, the moon is associated with not only our emotions but also our sense of nurturing. How we nurture ourselves, how we nurture others, and how others nurture us as well. The moon always connects to your mother in some way. For this reason, we look to our moon sign to get an idea of our relationship to our mothers, who are usually our primary caregivers.  

By contrast we look to Saturn to learn more about our relationships to our fathers. Saturn is the disciplinarian of the zodiac and our fathers often fill this role in our early lives. 

  • If your moon is in Aries, your mother was likely stubborn and bossy. She may have often pushed you into certain situations or patterns of behavior --- out of love --- to be more outgoing, independent, and free-thinking. The result of this is that you likely butted heads often with her as well.  
  • If your moon is in Taurus, your mother was likely a very patient and determined woman. It is likely that she had good self-esteem and took care of herself, even if she was a bit materialistic. You, in turn, could have been a very demanding baby wanting the best of everything and learned the value of self-care and treating yourself well from her. 
  • If your moon is in Gemini, your mother is probably a very energetic and active woman who didn't let the grass grow under her feet. She's chatty, sociable and open-minded...except when it comes to her child! There can be something of a disconnect between the two of you but that can be overcome with effort and compromise
  • If your moon is in Cancer, your mother is likely very emotional, sensitive, homebody.  You required a lot of love and attention growing up and your mother was there to give it to you sometimes at the expense of other household duties and chores.  As a result, you can be more dependent on others in life as opposed to be self-independent. 
  • If your moon is in Leo, your mother is likely loud, brash, prideful and boastful.  She rarely holds herself in check and can be quite childish at times and so you learned this from her. As a result you and she can get into some pretty spectacular arguments in which neither of you backs down.  
  • If your moon is in Virgo, chances are your mother is a critical, perfectionist. She most likely took care of all your needs well and, seeing this, you wanted more. As a result she likely felt like something of a failure as a mother on some level because she couldn't satisfy all your requirements.  It is likely that there is a certain amount of distance between the two of you in your relationship. 
  • If your moon is in Libra, your mother likely has very good taste and looks put together every day without a hair out of place. In turn, it is important to her that you also look your best each day and she passed on to your the importance of who you know over what you knowShe did her best to treat you fairly and give your every benefit of the doubt.
  • If your moon is in Scorpio, your mother is likely attractive, intense, and mysterious. You may find yourself always wondering what she is thinking or feeling and she, in turn, always seems to know exactly what you are feeling and thinking. As a result issues of privacy may be a concern  between the two of you. You may find that you want to open up to her on an emotional level but you also want to keep some of your secrets too. 
  • If your moon is in Sagittarius, your mother is smart, independent, and worldly.  She tried her best to pass these qualities on to you and so it was likely difficult to raise someone who is as independent and know-it-all as you. Chances are she held you to a higher standard that she had for herself which inspired you to have a broader world view and a natural wisdom. 
  • If your moon is in Capricorn, your mother is likely conservative, formal and somewhat cold. While she take care of your physical needs such as food, clothing, and shelter; you may have felt that she lacked in fulfilling your emotional ones. As a result you felt more like the mother and she the child. As a result you had to grow up fast and more than likely adopted her responsible, goal-oriented outlook.  
  • If your moon is in Aquarius, your mother is likely quirky, unconventional, and altruistic. She probably introduced you to unusual things early in life and so you grew up feeling different. At time it may have seemed that she was more interested in the bigger picture of life and people in general rather than this little person she created. As a result there may be a bit of emotional distance between the two of you. 
  • If your moon is in Pisces, your mother is likely introverted, sensitive and self-sacrificing.  Giving so much of herself can be overwhelming as she would rather shrink into a dream world of her own imagination. Perhaps out of guilt, you try to shield her from your problems and not burden her with them and, as a result you developed a certain emotional strength. 
Carolina Dean 

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