Monday, March 23, 2020

New Moon in Aries 2020

New Moon in Aries 
3/24/20 2:28 AM PST 
Natural Chart / Whole Houses 

The New Moon

A New Moon occurs when both the Sun and the Moon simultaneously occupy the same degree of the same sign in the zodiac. As you can see from the above chart, the Sun and Moon both occupy 4° Aries at 2:28 am on 3/24/2020 making this a new moon.

How to Work with New Moon in Aries Energy

  • Finish old projects before starting new ones. 
  • Take a personal inventory of self and choose one aspect of your personality you don't like and make an effort to eliminate that quality,  mode of thought or behavior. 
  •  Decide what you like about yourself and work on expanding and accentuating those qualities. 
  • Spend some time on self-care, whatever that means to you. Get your hair or nails done, treat yourself to a nice meal, buy a new outfit.  
  • Take your relationships to the next level or break if off completely if you don't think it's going to go anywhere. 
  • Let go of the past. 
  • Study  your own Natal Chart. 

New Moon in Aries (General) 
When the Moon (I feel) is in Aries (I am) people feel more energetic, confident, and assertive. They can be more impatient and crave change. Since Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, this is a good time for beginning and to start new things. When the Moon is in Aries people are generally more courageous, assertive, and imaginative.  They can be forceful and rely on themselves more than usual (perhaps too much).  However, they can be more argumentative as well and so butt heads with others if they are not able to keep their cool (Aries is a fire sign that rules the head so the term hot-headed applies here).  

The Astrological House in which the New Moon occurs in your Natal Chart gives an indication of the area of life activated by the New Moon and where you can expect to see the energy of the New Moon in Aries to play out. Since the New Moon occurs in 4° Aries, you would look at your Natal, or Birth Chart, to ascertain in what House 4° Aries occurs.   

The Twelve Houses of Life 

  1. The self, ego, appearance, initiative, leadership, fresh starts and new beginnings. 
  2. Money and material matters.  Your physical environment, income, money, and your sense of self-esteem. 
  3. Communication in all its forms (thinking, writing, speaking, etc... ) as well as siblings, local travel, teachers and community events. 
  4. Home, privacy, your basic sense of security, your mother, children, and your own ability to nurture others.
  5. Creative expression, drama, attention, love, and romance. 
  6. Health and service to others. Your routine, diet, exercise and helpfulness to others. 
  7. Marriage, partnerships, and relationships of all kinds.  Contracts, business deals, etc... 
  8. Birth, death, sex, other people's money and property. 
  9. Expansion, the higher mind, foreign matters (languages, cultures, travel) luck, adventure, risk, philosophy, ethics and morals. 
  10. The public, fame, honors, reputation, awards, boundaries, rules, discipline, authority, the father. 
  11. Groups of people such as friends and associations, networking, social justice.  Originality, sudden unexpected events, invention, surprises, and all things futuristic.
  12. Endings. Completion, tying up loose ends, old age, karma, making amends, and the afterlife. Imagination, creativity, poetry, and the subconscious mind. 

A Practical Example 

New Moon in Aries and the 6th House 

With the Moon (I feel) in Aries (assertive) and the 6th House (health and work) ruled by Virgo (I analyze), you may be feeling more critical at this time and see problems everywhere. Problems that need to be corrected. You want to get more organized in your work, streamline your processes, and make your self as efficient as possible. If you are not able to make these changes at work, this may also be a good time to look for a new job that is more in harmony with the way you like to work. This is also a good time to change or refine your diet or exercise routine.


Aspects, or relationships between planets are another dimension of astrological interpretation that should be considered. For example, if your Natal Neptune was at 4° Sagitarrius the New Moon would be making an exact square (difficult aspect) to Neptune. Such an aspect would make you more nostalgic, you may find that you live more in the past thinking about better days or the way things were rather than the present. It could be harder for ou to make decisions now and you are more susceptible to deception by others and by yourself. 

Your Annual Wishing Moon 

If Aries if also your natal 11th house, this would be your annual wishing moon. 

Carolina Dean 

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