Thursday, March 28, 2024

Delving Deeper into the Medicine Bowl: Form, Function, and Personalization


Medicine Bowl ©2024

In part one, we explored the intriguing concept of the Medicine Bowl – its origins, essence, and its distinction from other ritual vessels. Now, let's delve deeper into its physical form and unlock the power it holds within your spiritual practice.

Shape and Material: A Vessel of Harmony

It's important to acknowledge that these are my personal insights, gleaned from experience. Your own intuition and connection to the Medicine Bowl may differ.

There's a reason why the circle is a universally powerful symbol. Across cultures and traditions, circles represent wholeness, containment of energy, and the cyclical nature of life. Therefore, I believe a circular Medicine Bowl best embodies these concepts. While other shapes exist, the circle fosters a sense of completion and flow.

Natural materials like pottery, wood, or metal resonate best with the Medicine Bowl's purpose. Pottery, especially handcrafted, carries a unique energy of creation. Wood connects us to the earth's grounding power. Metal, however, should be a last resort, and avoid synthetics like plastic altogether.

Manifesting Your Medicine Bowl: A Personal Creation

The ideal Medicine Bowl is an extension of yourself. If you feel called to, create it! Mold it from clay, paint it with symbols that resonate with you, personalize it in any way that feels intuitively correct. Alternatively, commission a potter to create a piece that reflects your desires.

Finding a pre-made bowl is equally valid. Explore online shops, thrift stores, even garden centers – you might stumble upon a perfect vessel waiting to be imbued with your purpose. Think outside the box – perhaps your favorite mortar can double as a Medicine Bowl, fostering the connection between crushing herbs and clearing away energetic blockages.

Utilizing Your Medicine Bowl: Cleansing and Manifestation

The Medicine Bowl transcends a simple container – it's a tool for transformation. Here are three ways I've integrated mine into my practice:

  • Spiritual Bathing for Cleansing: Prepare your bathwater directly in the Medicine Bowl, infusing it with cleansing herbs or essential oils. During the bath, use the bowl to scoop water and pour it over your head, symbolically washing away negativity. Afterward, collect some bathwater in the bowl for proper disposal, completing the cleansing ritual.

  • Purification of Objects: To cleanse crystals or other objects, place them within the Medicine Bowl. Consider burning a candle or incense nearby, or leaving the bowl in direct sunlight for a short period. The smoke or sunlight carries away unwanted energies, while the bowl acts as a container for the process.

  • Manifestation through Symbolic Representation: To manifest a goal, choose symbols from the three kingdoms – animal, vegetable, and mineral – that resonate with your desire. For example, to attract prosperity, you might place an alligator foot (persistence), a high john root (luck), and pyrite (abundance) in the bowl. Meditate, pray, or repeat affirmations near the Medicine Bowl daily, focusing your intention on your goal. Remember, only use ethically sourced and natural items.

These are just a few ways to utilize your Medicine Bowl. As you develop your practice, experiment and discover what resonates most deeply with you. Let the Medicine Bowl become a cherished companion on your spiritual journey.

Carolina Dean

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Unveiling the Medicine Bowl Part One: A Journey Through Healing and Heritage

The Sacred Path Oracle Deck offers a wealth of insights, and recently, the Medicine Bowl card piqued my curiosity. This card, according to the deck's guidebook, signifies healing, visions, dreams, and enduring wisdom. It represents a sacred container holding remedies for both body and soul.

Intrigued, I delved deeper into the Medicine Bowl's message:

  • Healing: The bowl symbolizes restoration and balance. It could indicate recovery from illness or emotional distress.
  • Visions and Dreams: The card suggests a time for introspection and receiving guidance through dreams and intuition.
  • Enduring Wisdom: The Medicine Bowl signifies ancestral knowledge passed down through generations. It encourages us to connect with our heritage and spiritual traditions.

Drawing the Medicine Bowl felt like a prompt to:

  • Seek healing: This could involve traditional medicine, holistic practices, or inner work.
  • Embrace dreams: Pay attention to their messages and use them for guidance.
  • Explore ancestry: Delve into your cultural background to gain wisdom.

Here's where things got interesting. My family history is a tapestry woven with threads of Jewish, Native American, and Irish heritage. While Jewish folk magic (expressed through Hoodoo practices) and Native American herbal lore resonated deeply, I felt no connection to Irish beliefs.

Further research revealed a fascinating truth: the concept of a "Medicine Bowl" isn't widely documented in traditional Native American spirituality. It might be a creative interpretation, possibly conflating two distinct items:

  • Medicine Bags: Found throughout Native American cultures, these sacred pouches hold objects symbolizing a person's spirit, connection to nature, and healing power.
  • Ceremonial Bowls: Different tribes use bowls in rituals. These bowls might hold offerings, tobacco, or symbolic items, with their meaning depending on the specific tribe and ceremony.

This discovery opened my eyes to the importance of discernment when interpreting spiritual tools. The Medicine Bowl card, despite its potential misinterpretation, served as a powerful catalyst. It sparked a journey towards healing, dream exploration, and ancestral exploration – even if parts of that ancestry remain a mystery.

Perhaps this is your invitation too. Will you delve into your own heritage? Will you pay attention to your dreams? Will you seek healing, however it may come? The path forward might be filled with unexpected twists, but the Medicine Bowl, in its own way, reminds us of the wisdom waiting to be discovered.

Carolina Dean


12the House Books (Shamanism)

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Found in the Pages: Part One Household Saints (1981)

A Collector's Curious Discoveries

For years, the musty scent of aged paper and the comforting weight of a well-worn book have been my companions. As a collector and bookseller, countless volumes have passed through my hands, each with its own story waiting to be unearthed. But these stories aren't always confined to the printed words. Tucked away within the pages, I often stumble upon unexpected treasures – some delightful, some downright bizarre.

Inspired by a captivating Instagram account, I'm launching a new series here on the blog: Found in the Pages. In each post, I'll share photos and tales of the curious objects I unearth from the books that grace my shelves (and sometimes, my selling table!).

Prepare to be surprised! We might find pressed flowers whispering secrets of forgotten gardens, playbills hinting at nights of laughter and drama, or even love letters penned in faded ink. Perhaps we'll encounter shopping lists meticulously scrawled in a bygone era, or train tickets holding the dreams of journeys long past. Who knows, we might even uncover a hidden stash of… well, let's just say the possibilities are endless!

So, buckle up, bookworms and lovers of the curious! Join me as we delve into the unexpected treasures hidden within the world of books. You never know what forgotten memory or fascinating artifact might be waiting to be rediscovered on the next page.

Household Saints (1981)

Household Saints by Francine Prose dives into the lives of the Santangelo family, set against the backdrop of New York's Little Italy in the 1950s. The story hinges on three generations of women:

  • Joseph, the butcher: A man of tradition who isn't above bending the rules, like cheating at cards.
  • Mrs. Santangelo, Joseph's mother: Deeply religious and superstitious, she relies heavily on saints for guidance in everyday life.
  • Catherine, Joseph's wife: A modern woman who clashes with Mrs. Santangelo's old-world ways. She strives to raise their daughter differently.

Their daughter, Theresa, becomes the heart of the story. Unlike her parents who are assimilating into American culture, Theresa gravitates towards the religious fervor of her grandmother. She becomes fixated on becoming a saint herself, leading to a series of unusual acts as she tries to emulate the life of her namesake, Saint Theresa.

The novel explores the clash between tradition and modernity within a family, alongside the struggles of raising a child who seems more connected to the past than the present. It delves into themes of faith, family dynamics, and the immigrant experience in America.

Unearthing the Treasure

Our first unearthed gem is a vintage newspaper ad! It tantalizes with the promise of "Pin Up Portrait Packages" styled by the enigmatic Fuschia Foxx. Shena Lee Photography is credited, but the web address it whispers is now a faded memory. What secrets lie within this forgotten piece of history?

The reverse offers a fascinating contrast. One side boasts the artistry of "Tattoos by Tony" at P.A. Stephen's, a local tattoo parlor. The other half unveils a glimpse into a more practical world, showcasing a bucket, white towels, and what appear to be cleaning products. One wonders about the connection between these seemingly disparate elements.

- Carolina Dean

Monday, March 25, 2024

Moon Magic for Every Sign: Unlocking the Power of Lunar Energy

The moon's influence on our planet is undeniable, and astrology recognizes its connection to our inner rhythms. Moon water, charged under the moon's various phases, can be a powerful tool to tap into that energy and enhance your zodiac sign's strengths. 

There are several ways to use Moon Water, including but not limited to the following:

  • Enhance your beauty routine:  Mist your face with moon water for a refreshing and potentially spiritually charged pick-me-up. You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil like lavender for calming or rosehip for a brighter complexion.
  • Create a peaceful atmosphere:  Diffuse moon water with calming essential oils like lavender or chamomile to create a tranquil ambiance in your home. You can also mist the moon water directly around your living space for a touch of lunar serenity.
  • Nurture your plants: Give your houseplants a boost with a watering of moon water, believed by some to enhance growth and vitality.
  • Cleanse your crystals:  Moon water can be used to cleanse and recharge your crystals. Submerge your crystals in moon water for a few hours, especially under a specific moon phase depending on your intention (e.g., new moon for new beginnings, full moon for amplification).

Here's how to harness the moon's magic for your personal growth based on your Moon Sign. 

Aries (March 21 - April 19): The Ram's Charge

Fiery Aries are driven by ambition. To empower your success journey, create a "Lunar Charge Potion" under a full moon. Write your goals on a bay leaf, a symbol of victory, and infuse it in the moon water overnight. In the morning, take a sip while visualizing yourself achieving those desires. Feel the moon's energy fueling your unstoppable spirit!

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): The Bull's Indulgence

Sensual Taurus craves relaxation. Pamper yourself with a luxurious "Lunar Soak" under a new moon. Add a touch of luxury – rose petals for love, lavender oil for calming, or Epsom salts for muscle relaxation. As you bathe in the moon-infused water, let go of stress and embrace pure self-care.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): The Twin's Clarity

Expressive Geminis thrive on clear communication. To combat communication breakdowns during Mercury retrograde, use moon water charged under this phase to cleanse your communication tools. Whether it's your phone, laptop, or even crystals you use for focus, this ritual can help clear away static and enhance your message.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): The Crab's Nurturing Flow

Deeply intuitive Cancers are naturally drawn to the moon's energy. Moon water is their birthright! Use full moon water to nurture your houseplants, symbolizing your inner garden. Alternatively, draw a soothing bath with calming essential oils and moon water for an emotional cleanse. Let the moon's gentle embrace wash away negativity.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): The Lion's Creative Spark

Creative Leos love to express themselves. Under a new moon, use moon water to cleanse your creative workspace or crystals you use for inspiration. This ritual helps clear stagnant energy, allowing your creative fire to burn brightly and freely.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): The Maiden's Well-being Ritual

Detail-oriented Virgos prioritize health and well-being. Use moon water for a refreshing facial mist, made with the moon's pure energy, to revitalize your skin. Alternatively, cleanse your crystals for overall well-being with a moon water bath.

Libra (September 23 - October 22): The Scales' Tranquil Oasis

Libra seeks balance and harmony. Create a peaceful atmosphere in your home with moon water charged under a full moon. Diffuse it with lavender oil, known for its calming properties, or mist it around your living space. Let the moon's serenity wash over you.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): The Scorpion's Transformation

Transformative Scorpios are masters of letting go. Utilize moon water charged during a waning crescent moon, a phase associated with release, for a cleansing bath. Alternatively, write down things you want to release on a piece of paper and infuse them in the moon water, symbolically letting them go with the moon's current.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): The Archer's Seeker's Journey

Sagittarians crave adventure and knowledge. Under a new moon, use moon water to cleanse your travel crystals or maps, amplifying your adventurous spirit. You can also write down your travel intentions on paper and infuse them in the water, setting your course under the moon's guidance.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): The Sea-Goat's Prosperity Path

Practical Capricorns excel at goal setting. To enhance your ambitions, create a "Lunar Prosperity Bowl" under a waxing crescent moon, a phase associated with attracting abundance. Write down your financial goals and add them to the moon water with crystals like citrine or pyrite, known for attracting prosperity. Place the bowl in a prominent location to serve as a constant reminder and attract your desires.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): The Water-Bearer's Innovative Spirit

Humanitarian Aquarius is a champion for change. Use moon water charged under a new moon to cleanse your crystals or tools you use for innovation or helping others. This ritual can help clear away any energetic blocks and allow your innovative spirit to flourish for the greater good.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Unveiling the Dreamscape

Pisces, the mystical fish of the zodiac, swims in a sea of intuition and creativity. To unlock the secrets of your dreamscape, create a "Full Moon Scrying Bowl" by pouring your Full Moon water into a black or dark colored bowl. Used the surface of the water to scry for visions.  This potent phase amplifies psychic abilities, making it the perfect time to tap into your subconscious mind.

- Carolina Dean 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Full Libra Moon (2024)

Full Libra Moon

The Libra Full Moon: Finding Balance Between Me and We

The upcoming Libra Full Moon casts a spotlight on the delicate dance between our individual desires and the needs of our relationships. It's a time of reckoning, a moment to assess the scales of our connections and see if they are balanced. This lunar event ushers in a period of introspection. We're called upon to ask ourselves: Are we truly fulfilled by the bonds we've built? Are our needs being met in a way that fosters mutual growth and happiness? This isn't about selfishness, but about self-awareness. A healthy relationship allows space for both individual journeys and a shared path.
If the scales are tipped unevenly, the Libra Full Moon empowers us to take action. For some, this might involve setting healthy boundaries. Perhaps we've been people-pleasers, neglecting our own needs to maintain harmony. This lunation encourages us to prioritize self-care, saying no when necessary, and expressing our desires openly. However, the answer doesn't always lie in separation. The energy of Libra is also about compromise and collaboration. Can we find a way to adjust the dynamic, working together to create a more fulfilling connection? Open communication and a willingness to meet each other halfway are key.
Ultimately, the Libra Full Moon encourages us to cultivate authentic connections. We're drawn towards relationships built on genuine respect, empathy, and mutual support. This might involve letting go of superficial bonds that no longer serve us and nurturing the ones that bring out our best selves. It's also a time to celebrate healthy partnerships, those beautiful collaborations where "me" and "we" exist in perfect harmony.
By embracing introspection, setting boundaries, and prioritizing healthy connections, we can leverage the energy of the Libra Full Moon to create a life filled with balanced and fulfilling relationships.

Full Moon in the 12th House

When the radiant fullness of the Moon lands in the mysterious 12th house, it stirs the potent energies of our subconscious. This is a powerful transit, a time for deep introspection and emotional processing that can feel both introspective and transformative.

  • Inner Reflection Takes Center Stage: The 12th house is associated with dreams, intuition, and the hidden aspects of ourselves. Under this Full Moon, a veil is lifted, allowing us to confront buried emotions, past hurts, and limiting beliefs. It's a time for shadow work, for gently confronting the parts of ourselves we may have kept hidden. Journaling, meditation, or dream analysis can be powerful tools during this introspective period.
  • Letting Go and Releasing: The 12th house also governs endings and letting go. This Full Moon might stir feelings of closure or a sense of needing to release something that no longer serves us. It could be a toxic relationship, a negative habit, or even a limiting self-belief. By acknowledging and releasing these burdens, we create space for new beginnings and emotional growth.
  • Compassion and Forgiveness: The emotional intensity of this transit can also bring a surge of empathy and compassion. We may feel a heightened sensitivity to the emotions of others, or a renewed desire to forgive past hurts, both for ourselves and for others. This can be a powerful time for healing and reconciliation.
  • Seeking Solitude and Self-Care: The energy of the 12th house is introspective and can be draining. During this Full Moon, it's important to listen to your intuition and prioritize rest and relaxation. Seek solitude in nature, indulge in a creative outlet, or simply take a quiet evening for yourself. Self-care is essential for navigating the emotional depths stirred by this transit.
  • Harnessing the Power of Intuition:While logic may take a backseat under this Full Moon, our intuition is amplified. Pay attention to your dreams, gut feelings, and sudden insights. They may hold valuable messages or nudges in the right direction.

The Full Moon in the 12th house is a potent time for emotional release, self-discovery, and spiritual growth. By embracing introspection, self-care, and the wisdom of our intuition, we can emerge from this transit feeling lighter, more whole, and ready to embrace new beginnings.


A Libra Full Moon usually focuses on relationships, but this one lands in the introspective 12th house. This Full Moon encourages us to look inward and examine how subconscious thoughts and past experiences might be affecting our connections with others. By understanding these hidden influences, we can achieve inner peace and build stronger, more balanced relationships. The 12th house also promotes intuition and creativity, making this a good time for self-reflection and artistic expression.

- Carolina Dean 

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Unveiling a Treasure Trove of Vintage Books!


Greetings, fellow bookworms and mystics! For those of you who haven't stumbled upon my hidden lair yet, I'm thrilled to announce that I have an Etsy shop, 12th House Books, brimming with rare and vintage finds! Explore forgotten wisdom through books from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and beyond at 12th House Books

Every week, I embark on a delightful thrifting adventure, scouring for hidden gems related to astrology, crystals, herbs, healing, dreams, divination, magic, witchcraft, and shamanism. To fuel your mystical pursuits further, I also offer downloadable PDFs on a variety of these topics! And the latest additions to my shop? A selection of astrological and tarot readings, ready to guide you on your unique path.

But wait, there's more! Through my tireless thrifting escapades, I've fostered wonderful relationships with the amazing staff at my local stores. They've become friendly allies, keeping an eye out for intriguing donations that resonate with my collection.

Speaking of intriguing finds, brace yourselves! This past week, I unearthed a motherlode – over 60 captivating vintage books, all at once! Needless to say, it took a delightful few days to meticulously sort through this treasure and bring them to life in my Etsy shop. Stay tuned, because a comprehensive list of these recently added titles is coming your way right after this...

  • Appleby, Derek. (1985). Horary Astrology.
  • Arroyo, Stephen. (1996). Exploring Jupiter.
  • Arroyo, Stephen & Green, Liz. (1984). The Jupiter / Saturn Conference Lectures.
  • Bennett, Judith. (1980). Sex Signs.
  • Bogart, Gregory C. (1994). Astrology and Spiritual Awakening.
  • Clow, Barbara Hand. (1987). Chiron, Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner & Outer Planets.
  • Cunningham, Donna. (1999). How to Read Your Astrological Chart.
  • Eakins, Pamela. (1992). Tarot of the Spirit.
  • Filbey, John. (1988). Solar and Lunar Returns.
  • Forrest, Steven & Forrest, Jodie. (1989). Skymates: The Astrology of Love, Sex, and Intimacy.
  • Green, Jeff. (1988). Uranus: Freedom from the Known.
  • Hall, Judy. (2003). The Crystal Bible Book 1 & 2 (Vols. 1 & 2).
  • Hastings, Nancy Anne. (1984). Secondary Progressions: Time to Remember.
  • Hebel, Doris. (1984). Contemporary Lectures.
  • Hebel, Doris. (1985). Celestial Psychology.
  • Hodgson, Joan. (1978). Astrology The Sacred Science.
  • Kirby, Babs & Stubbs, Janey. (1990). Interpreting Solar and Lunar Returns.
  • Kirby, Babs & Stubbs, Janey. (1992). Love & Sexuality.
  • Lewi, Grant. (1990). Astrology for Millions.
  • Lofthus, Myrna. (1983). A Spiritual Approach to Astrology.
  • Lundsted, Betty. (1980). Astrological Insights into Personality.
  • Lundsted, Betty. (1984). Planetary Cycles.
  • Lundsted, Betty. (1992). Transits of Pluto.
  • Mastro, Robin & Mastro, Michael. (2004). Altars of Power and Grace.
  • March, Marion & McEvers, Joan. (1976). The Only Way to Learn Astrology.
  • March, Marion & McEvers, Joan. (1994). The Only Way to Learn About Horary & Electional Astrology (2nd ed.).
  • Marr, Alexander. (1981). Prediction: Using Common Prenatal Cycles.
  • McEvers, Joan. (1989). Planets: The Astrological Tools.
  • Neville, E.W. (1990). Planets in Synastry.
  • Rathgeb, Marlene Masini. (1993). Sexual Astrology.
  • Rudhyar, Dane. (1972). The Astrological Houses.
  • Rudhyar, Dane. (1980). Person Centered Astrology.
  • Schulman, Martin. (1975). Karmic Astrology (Vols. 1, 2, & 3).
  • Schulman, Martin. (1984). Karmic Relationships.
  • Schulman, Martin. (1988). The Ascendant Your Karmic Doorway.
  • Spiller, Jan & McCoy, Karen. (1988). Spiritual Astrology.
  • Tomkins, Sue. (1989). Aspects in Astrology.
  • Van Gelder, Dora. (1999). The Real World of Fairies.
  • Van Toen, Donna. (1988). The Mars Book.
  • Zondag, Karen Hamaker. (1981). Jungian Symbolism and Astrology.
  • Zondag, Karen Hamaker. (2000). The Yod Book.

These remarkable books whisper tales of a fascinating past. My detective work suggests they belonged to a highly respected Seattle-based astrologer. Each volume, meticulously cared for, hints at a life dedicated to celestial exploration.

While the exact origin remains a mystery, it seems a significant chapter has closed in their astrological journey. Perhaps a well-deserved retirement, or maybe a new path has unfolded. Regardless, these books now embark on a new adventure, ready to share their wisdom with a fresh generation of seekers.

A thrill shot through me when I discovered an autographed copy of "Prediction in Astrology" by the legendary Noel Tyl! This gem, along with a few other particularly captivating finds, will occupy a place of honor on my own bookshelf. Other paper ephemera found between the pages of these wonderful books include the original owner's business card, several old bookmarks, a McDonald's  game piece from the 1988 Olympics, and sticky notes with hand-calculated positions of the the Moon and progressed planets! 

But the true magic lies within the remaining volumes. Imagine the potential for discovery! Each book holds the potential to unlock the secrets of a seasoned astrologer, their name perhaps hidden within a discreet stamp on the inside cover. Owning one of these volumes is not just acquiring a book, it's inheriting a piece of astrological history.

Carolina Dean 
Finder of Lost Books, Owner 
12th House Books

Friday, March 22, 2024

Mars in Pisces (2024)


Mars in Pisces 

Affirmation: I act compassionately. 
The Lesson: Channel your fiery drive into compassion, creativity, and a deeper connection to your inner world.


As Mars, the fiery planet of action and assertion, traverses the dreamy waters of Pisces, a fascinating shift unfolds. His usual boldness is softened by the emotional and spiritual energy of Pisces, the sign of intuition and compassion. This celestial encounter can have a profound effect on us all.

On a collective level, a wave of empathy washes over us. People are naturally drawn to be more understanding and compassionate towards others. Conflicts may seem less important, replaced by a desire to find common ground. This can be a powerful time for diplomacy and fostering peace. The creative spark within us is also ignited by this transit. The boundaries between logic and imagination blur, allowing us to tap into a wellspring of artistic inspiration. We may find ourselves drawn to creative endeavors we've long neglected, or discover new avenues for self-expression through music, art, or writing.

Pisces' deep connection to the spiritual realm is also amplified during this time.  People may feel a renewed interest in their inner world, exploring their intuition and exploring practices like meditation or spending time in nature. This introspective journey can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and one's place in the universe. However, not everyone experiences this transit smoothly. The heightened emotional energy of Pisces can sometimes lead to oversensitivity and emotional reactivity. It's important to be mindful of our triggers and practice healthy emotional regulation techniques during this time.


Mars in Pisces 7H  is making a Square to the Transit MC 9H. 

Mystic Mantra: I trust my intuition and express my desires with compassion. Focused action, guided by clear communication, brings my ambitious dreams to fruition.

This astrological configuration can certainly stir up feelings of frustration and indecisiveness. It's like having a powerful engine (Mars) revving in your garage (7th house), but the roadmap to your destination (MC) is unclear (Pisces influence on Mars) and the GPS (Gemini on MC) keeps giving conflicting directions (square aspect).  The key here isn't to slam on the brakes (suppressing the Martian energy), but rather to find a way to channel that powerful engine into a productive journey.

Here are some expanded tips to help navigate this transit:

  • Embrace the Creative Spark:  Mars in Pisces ignites a potent mix of passion and intuition. Instead of letting frustration simmer, channel this energy into creative pursuits. Take up painting, writing, or music. Explore a new artistic medium that allows you to express your emotions in a way that feels freeing.
  • Communicate with Compassion: The 7th house highlights partnerships and close relationships. Open and honest communication is crucial during this transit. However, remember that Mars in Pisces can make direct confrontation feel uncomfortable.  Express your needs and frustrations assertively, but with a dose of Piscean empathy. Consider "I" statements to frame your concerns without placing blame on others.
  • Refine, Don't Abandon Your Goals: The Gemini influence on the MC can make your professional aspirations feel scattered.  Instead of scrapping your goals entirely, take this as an opportunity to refine them.  Do some brainstorming exercises, write down your long-term vision, and then break it down into smaller, more manageable steps.  This will help you regain focus and keep that Martian engine pointed in the right direction.
  • Seek Inspiration Through Exploration: The 9th house, ruled by the Gemini MC, is all about expanding your horizons. If you're feeling stuck, consider a metaphorical (or literal) journey. Take a class online, delve into a new philosophy, or even plan a short trip.  Learning something new can spark fresh ideas and help you connect the dots between your current situation and your ultimate goals.
  • Find a Supportive Guide: Sometimes, the best way to navigate a confusing road map is to have a reliable co-pilot. Talking to a trusted mentor, therapist, or career counselor can provide valuable guidance during this transit. They can help you  identify underlying anxieties, clarify your vision, and develop a clear action plan that taps into your Martian drive without succumbing to indecisiveness.
By embracing these strategies and understanding the astrological influences at play, you can transform this potentially frustrating period into a time of growth, self-discovery, and ultimately, a more focused and fulfilling journey towards your goals.


  • Color: Red (Mars); Green (Pisces)
  • Metal: Iron (Mars) 
  • Tarot: The Emperor (Mars); The Moon (Pisces) 


  • Amethyst:  This calming crystal promotes emotional balance and clear communication, helping to navigate the tension in partnerships (7th house) and express goals effectively (MC).
  • Amazonite:  Known as the "Stone of Hope and Truth," Amazonite encourages clear thinking and soothes anxieties,  useful for overcoming indecisiveness related to the MC (Gemini) and fostering open communication in relationships (7th house).
  • Labradorite:  This stone fosters intuition and transformation, aiding in finding creative solutions (Mars in Pisces)  and adapting to unexpected challenges related to travel or education (9th house).
  • Chamomile:  This calming herb promotes emotional well-being and reduces tension,  helpful for navigating potential conflict in close relationships (7th house).
  • Ginkgo Biloba:  Known for its cognitive benefits, Ginkgo Biloba can enhance focus and mental clarity, aiding in overcoming scattered energy linked to the MC (Gemini).
  • Gotu Kola:  This herb supports mental clarity and nervous system health, beneficial for reducing anxiety and promoting clear thinking during a period of indecisiveness (Mars in Pisces).

Essential Oils 

  • Bergamot:This uplifting oil promotes emotional balance and reduces stress,  helpful for navigating challenges in partnerships (7th house).
  • Clary Sage:  Known for its calming and clarifying properties, Clary Sage can ease anxiety and promote clear communication,  beneficial during a period of indecisiveness (Mars in Pisces).
  • Frankincense:  This grounding oil promotes focus and mental clarity, aiding in overcoming scattered energy linked to the MC (Gemini) and fostering clear decision-making.

- Carolina Dean 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The Sun in Aries (2024)


Sun in Aries

  • Affirmation: I am confident ! 
  • The Lesson: The lesson of the transit Sun in Aries is to boldly claim your individuality and initiate your own path

Spring has sprung in the astrological world! As the Sun ignites the fiery sign of Aries, a surge of vibrant energy crackles through the zodiac. People are pulsating with boldness – ready to take on challenges and conquer new horizons. This is a prime time to dust off that dream project you’ve been contemplating or champion a cause you believe in.

Enthusiasm runs high under the Aries influence. You might find yourself naturally attracted to competition and rising to meet any challenge head-on. This go-getter spirit is contagious, and you’ll likely inspire others with your infectious zeal.

However, Aries’ fiery nature can be a double-edged sword. Impatience can creep in, urging you to rush through things without proper planning. That “just do it” attitude, while admirable, can lead to impulsive decisions that might backfire later. Remember, even the mightiest ram needs a steady course to reach its destination.

The key to harnessing this potent Aries energy is to find a balance. Embrace your pioneering spirit and take charge, but channel your enthusiasm strategically. Break down your goals into manageable steps and prioritize ruthlessly. By strategically focusing your abundant energy, you can turn your Aries-fueled drive into unstoppable momentum and make significant progress on those new beginnings.  

The Seventh House 

The Sun is transiting the seventh house of relationships in this chart.  With the Sun traversing the 7th house of relationships in Aries, people may experience a surge of energy in their partnerships. This can manifest as a craving for excitement and a desire for more independence, both within themselves and from their partner. They might find themselves drawn to others who exude these qualities, seeking a dynamic and stimulating connection. 

While this influx of energy can be invigorating, it's crucial to be mindful of Aries' inherent assertiveness. Open communication is key during this transit. By expressing their needs and desires clearly, while also being receptive to their partner's, they can navigate this period and ensure a balanced dynamic within the relationship.


In this chart the transit Sun in Aries and the 7th house is conjunct Neptune in Pisces and the 6th House and sextile Pluto in Aquarius and the 5th house 

This aspect ignites a potent crucible for your relationships. The Sun's fiery presence in the 7th house throws a spotlight on partnerships, stirring a deep yearning for connection and a spark of independent spirit within existing bonds. However, Neptune's dreamy influence, residing in the 6th house of daily routines, can cast a rose-colored filter. There's a potential to be swept away by idealized visions of your partner, overlooking potential issues in your pursuit of a fairytale romance. This can even disrupt your work and daily habits as your focus shifts towards finding "the one."

Yet, amidst this potential confusion lies an opportunity for profound transformation. The sextile between the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius acts as a bridge. Pluto, residing in the 5th house of creativity and self-expression, awakens a potent energy for passionate pursuits. This passionate energy can be channeled into creative endeavors, igniting a fire within you that can then be brought to your relationship. Herein lies the key. By embracing your authentic passions and expressing them fully, you can foster a deeper, more genuine connection with your partner. This shared exploration and transformation can strengthen your bond and create a more fulfilling partnership.

Ultimately, this transit is a potent invitation to delve into the world of relationships. It's a time to be both assertive and open-minded. Acknowledge the risk of getting carried away by idealized versions of your partner, yet embrace the profound opportunity for transformation that lies within. By channeling this passionate energy towards self-expression and shared exploration, you can unlock a deeper level of connection and create a truly remarkable partnership.

Magical Correspondences 

  • Affirmation: I am a radiant force of independence, attracting harmonious partnerships that fuel my creative fire. With unwavering determination, I navigate life's challenges with inspired action.
  • Mystic Mantra: With open eyes, I embrace passion's fire. Authenticity ignites, transforming desire.
  • The Lesson: Find a balance between your assertive nature and a more empathetic approach in relationships. It's also a time to tap into your creative power for personal growth and transformation.
  • Colors: Yellow (the Sun); Red (Aries) 
  • Tarot Cards: The Sun (Sun and Aries) 
  • Element: Fire (Aries) 


  • Carnelian - Aries is a fire sign known for its passion and drive. Carnelian is a fire element crystal that can amplify these traits while also promoting courage, confidence, and creativity. It can be a great stone to carry during this transit to help you take initiative and assert yourself in your relationships.
  • Amethyst - Neptune in Pisces can bring idealism and a desire for deep connection. Amethyst, a water element crystal, can help navigate these emotional waters by promoting intuition, peace, and spiritual awareness. It can also be helpful for letting go of unrealistic expectations in relationships.
  • Clear Quartz - Pluto in Aquarius encourages transformation and innovation. Clear quartz, a universal crystal, can amplify this energy by promoting clarity, focus, and a willingness to embrace change. It can be a powerful tool for personal growth during this transit.

  • Ginkgo Biloba - Ginkgo Biloba is an herb known for its cognitive benefits. It can be helpful during this transit to improve focus and communication, which can be especially important in partnerships.
  • Lavender - Lavender is a calming herb that can help to ease anxiety and promote emotional balance. This can be helpful during the more idealistic or confusing aspects of the Sun conjunct Neptune transit.
  • Hawthorn Berry - Hawthorn berry is a heart health tonic that can also promote emotional well-being. It can be helpful during this transit to strengthen your capacity for love and compassion in your relationships.
Essential Oils 

  • Lemon - Lemon essential oil is uplifting and invigorating, which can be helpful for the energetic and assertive nature of Sun in Aries. It can also promote clear thinking and communication.
  • Frankincense - Frankincense essential oil is known for its grounding and calming properties. It can be helpful during the more dreamy or idealistic aspects of the Sun conjunct Neptune transit.
  • Ylang Ylang - Ylang Ylang essential oil is known for its balancing and aphrodisiac properties. It can be helpful during this transit to promote harmony and connection in your relationships.
How to Use these Correspondences

Think of these correspondences as a list of ingredients you have in your magical cabinet. You can choose as little or as many as you would like to make something magical. Gather these together on your altar in an aesthetically pleasing manner. 

For example, you might Anoint a yellow (the sun) candle (Aries Fire) with Lemon Essential Oil and place this inside a circle of lavender flowers with a carnelian next to the candle. You might further decorate your altar with the Sun Card from the Tarot Pack to act as a sort of Prayer Card. You might then light the candle and mediate on the Mystic Mantra or Affirmation while holding the card and then place it under the candle until it burns out. 

Later, you might gather these correspondences into a little mojo bag and carry them as you focus on the lesson of the Sun in Aries and the 7th House until the Sun transits into the next sign in approximately 30 days. 

- Carolina Dean 

Friday, March 1, 2024

March 2024 Employee of the Month: Ghost


Hey everyone,

Get ready to be charmed! This month, we're thrilled to announce Ghost, our furry friend from the shipping department, as our Employee of the Month!

Ghost isn't your average employee. Sure, his dedication to his work is top-notch (treats are always delivered on time!), but it's his infectious enthusiasm that truly sets him apart. We all know the feeling of a bad day melting away after a good dose of puppy love, and Ghost's sloppy kisses are the ultimate stress reliever.

As our Shipping Manager, when he's not licking his package he's licking YOURS! A game of fetch turns into an Olympic-worthy competition, mail carriers become his arch-nemesis in a daily game of chase, and late nights are spent guarding the house against the ever-present threat of... well, seemingly nothing at all (but hey, someone's gotta do it!).

But Ghost's talents extend far beyond the realm of chew toys and belly rubs. This literary canine is also an aspiring writer, currently hard at work on his magnum opus, a scratch-and-sniff masterpiece titled "Bitches of Bellingham." We can't wait to see this tail-wagging tell-all hit the shelves this Fall!

Congratulations, Ghost! You're a true asset to the 12th House Books family, and we can't wait to see what adventures (and literary masterpieces) await you next.

- Carolina Dean

Owner and Operator 12th House Books