Wednesday, March 6, 2019

New Moon in Pisces

New Moon in Pisces 
3/7/19  8:03 AM Pacific 
Natural Chart / Whole Houses 

The New Moon

A New Moon occurs when both the Sun and the Moon simultaneously occupy the same degree of the same sign in the zodiac. As you can see from the above chart, the Sun and Moon both occupy 15 degrees Pisces at 8:03 am on 3/7/2019 making this a new moon. 

The Moon Represents What is Happening 

Occurring approximately once every 28 1/2 days, new moons denote the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. New Moons are a great time to initiate any kind of change or to begin attracting anything that is needed or wanted.   Due to the fact that the moon is associated with our emotions, this is often seen as a new emotional cycle. 

Some keywords associated with the moon include, but are not limited to, the following: emotions, feelings, family, change, instincts, reflection, imagination, subconscious, or nurturing. 

Pisces Represents How it is Happening 

The Astrological Sign in which the New Moon occurs can indicate how this emotional renewal may express itself. Some keywords associated with Pisces include, but are not limited to, the following: sensitive, dreamer, escapist, isolated, introverted, shy, psychic, romantic, vague, artistic, and creative. 

The New Moon in Pisces 

A good way to better understand the Moon in Pisces is to put these keywords side by side and blend them together. For example 

When the Moon is in Pisces people are more sensitive to the prevailing psychic undercurrents of their environment and people around them.  They may also be more apt to associate with shady individuals or those who are handicapped. This usually manifests as a more altruistic, humanitarian, or emphatic outlook towards others.  The bad side of this a tendency to be too self-sacrificing. People generally have lofty dreams and goals.   

The House is Where it Happens

The Astrological House in which the New Moon occurs in your Natal Chart gives an indication of the area of life activated by the New Moon and where you can expect to see the energy of the New Moon in Pisces to play out. Since the March New Moon occurs in 15 degrees Pisces, you would look at your Natal, or Birth Chart to ascertain in what House 15 degrees Pisces occurs.  

The Twelve Houses of Life 

  1. The self, ego, appearance, initiative, leadership, fresh starts and new beginnings. 
  2. Money and material matters.  Your physical environment, income, money, and your sense of self-esteem. 
  3. Communication in all its forms (thinking, writing, speaking, etc... ) as well as siblings, local travel, teachers and community events. 
  4. Home, privacy, your basic sense of security, your mother, children, and your own ability to nurture others.
  5. Creative expression, drama, attention, love, and romance. 
  6. Health and service to others. Your routine, diet, exercise and helpfulness to others. 
  7. Marriage, partnerships, and relationships of all kinds.  Contracts, business deals, etc... 
  8. Birth, death, sex, other people's money and property. 
  9. Expansion, the higher mind, foreign matters (languages, cultures, travel) luck, adventure, risk, philosophy, ethics and morals. 
  10. The public, fame, honors, reputation, awards, boundaries, rules, discipline, authority, the father. 
  11. Groups of people such as friends and associations, networking, social justice.  Originality, sudden unexpected events, invention, surprises, and all things futuristic.
  12. Endings. Completion, tying up loose ends, old age, karma, making amends, and the afterlife. Imagination, creativity, poetry, and the subconscious mind. 
A Practical Example 

New Moon in Pisces and the 5th House 

With the New Moon in the fifth house you are more sensitive and it is harder for you to hide your feelings from those around you.  If you are in a relationship, you may experience deeper and more intense feelings for your lover or partner.  You may experience a certain obsession and possessiveness for your lover. Alternately, it is also possible that focus on your own feelings at the expense of the feelings of those around you. 

The moon brings the instinct to mother, or nurture, others and the 5th house rules over children. With the moon transiting the 5th house you may experience the desire to take care of others in a parental or mothering manner -- in fact you can be quite overprotective. It is important that your efforts to protect another person does not keep them from assuming responsibility for their own thoughts, words, and deeds. 

A Deeper Look 

You can get a good idea of how the New Moon in Pisces will affect you with this simple technique. However, if you wish to go deeper, then, in addition to the Moon Sign and Natal House you may also wish to look at any aspects the New Moon is making to other planets at the time of the New Moon as well as any aspects the New Moon is making to your natal placements.  

Nonetheless, this is another subject entirely and will be the addressed in a future blog post. It is important to remember though that the aspects the New Moon make to the other planets at the time of the New Moon will affect everyone, while the aspects the New Moon is making to your Natal placements will apply only to you. 

Where is 15 degrees Pisces in your chart? How will the New Moon in Pisces manifest for you? 

Carolina Dean 

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