Tuesday, May 7, 2024

New Moon in Taurus (2024)


New Moon in Taurus 

Natural Chart 

  • Theme: Renewed Determination 
  • Affirmation: I am grounded and secure. Abundance flows freely to me. I attract stability and joy.
  • The Lesson: The New Moon in Taurus reminds us to slow down, appreciate our inner strength, and cultivate abundance by believing in ourselves.


When a New Moon occurs in the sign of Taurus, it's like a cosmic reminder to focus on building stability and comfort in our lives. This translates to a surge of determination and a practical mindset. People tend to become more focused on achieving their goals, particularly those related to security and pleasure. This might involve working hard, saving money, or simply enjoying the finer things in life, like delicious food, beautiful objects, or relaxing experiences.

However, it's important to be mindful of overindulging in these pleasures. While enjoying ourselves is essential, getting too caught up in material possessions or excessive spending can lead us astray from our practical goals. Finding a healthy balance between enjoying the present and staying grounded in our long-term vision is key during this time.



  • Emerald
  • Rose Quartz 
  • Malachite 


  • Thyme
  • Chamomile
  • Patchouli 

Essential Oils

  • Sandalwood
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Bergamot 

Carolina Dean 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius (2024)


Pluto RX in Aquarius

Natural Chart 

Affirmation: I transform through pioneering acts of freedom, reforming the world for a more humanitarian future.

The Lesson: Reclaim your power by facing realities about yourself and society 


When Pluto stations retrograde in Aquarius, it marks a period of profound introspection and transformation. This celestial event ushers in a time where we are drawn inwards, compelled to delve deep into the hidden corners of our psyche. This introspective journey isn't just about self-discovery; it's about confronting the fundamental truths that shape our lives.

This introspective phase sheds light on power dynamics, both personal and societal. We become acutely aware of the power structures that govern our lives, both the ones we readily accept and those that subtly influence us. This awareness can stir up intense emotions, forcing us to confront the ways in which we have been controlled or limited by these dynamics.

However, Pluto retrograde isn't just about unearthing uncomfortable truths; it's about liberation and empowerment. This transit presents us with a powerful opportunity to shed outdated patterns and behaviors that no longer serve us. It's a chance to face past traumas head-on, releasing their hold on our present and paving the way for a more authentic self.

Ultimately, Pluto is the planet of transformation, and its retrograde in Aquarius is a potent catalyst for personal evolution. It's a call to reclaim our power and use it consciously. This transit compels us to identify the ways we can leverage our personal strengths and resources to create a more just and equitable world. It's a time to examine the impact we have on the collective and actively work towards building a better future for all.

Aspects: Added Dimensions 

Pluto RX in Aquarius Square Venus in Taurus 

As Pluto, the planet of transformation, journeys backwards through Aquarius, a sign associated with revolution and progress, a powerful internal conflict arises. The urge for radical change and the dismantling of outdated structures clashes with the desire for stability and comfort. This creates a tension within individuals, pulling them between the yearning to transform their values and relationships and the deep-seated need for security and familiarity. This period may feel like a tug-of-war between the call for revolutionary change and the pull of familiar comforts, leaving many grappling with how to navigate this internal conflict.

Additional Dates 

  • Pluto will enter Capricorn on September 1st, 2024
  • Pluto will station direct in Capricorn on Oct 11th, 2024 
  • Pluto will re-enter Aquarius on November 19th 2024 

Correspondences (Pluto RX in Aquarius) 


  • Labradorite: Known for transformation and self-discovery, resonates with Pluto's transformative energy and Aquarius's focus on individuality.
  • Black Tourmaline: Protects against negativity and promotes grounding, aligning with Pluto's intensity and Aquarius's need for emotional stability.
  • Amethyst: Enhances intuition and spiritual awareness, connecting with Pluto's introspective nature and Aquarius's openness to higher consciousness.


  • Mugwort: Associated with dreams and psychic abilities, aligning with Pluto's subconscious influence and Aquarius's unconventional thinking.
  • Chamomile: Promotes calmness and inner peace, balancing Pluto's intensity and Aquarius's potential for emotional overwhelm.
  • Peppermint: Stimulates mental clarity and focus, resonating with Aquarius's intellectual nature and Pluto's ability to delve into hidden truths.

Essential Oils:

  • Frankincense: Promotes deep reflection and spiritual connection, connecting with Pluto's introspective energy and Aquarius's openness to the unknown.
  • Patchouli: Enhances grounding and emotional stability, balancing Pluto's transformative power and Aquarius's potential for emotional fluctuations.
  • Bergamot: Uplifts mood and promotes optimism, counteracting Pluto's intensity and supporting Aquarius's forward-thinking perspective.

Carolina Dean 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Mars in Aries (2024)


Mars in Aries 

Natural Chart 

Affirmation: I act assertively! 

The Lesson: Channel your fiery passion and courageous spirit into taking bold action towards your goals.


When Mars, the planet of drive and ambition, finds itself in the fiery sign of Aries, it's like pouring gasoline on a flame. Aries, the ram, is the zodiac's pioneer, known for its boldness and take-charge attitude. This combination creates a potent surge of energy that fuels increased motivation, assertive communication, and a relentless go-getter spirit.

This is a prime period to capitalize on your initiative.  Think of starting a new project, tackling that long-overdue challenge, or finally pursuing that goal you've been putting off. The confidence and willpower are there to push through obstacles.  However, this potent energy can be a double-edged sword.  If not channeled constructively, it can manifest as impulsiveness, short tempers, and even aggression.  Remember, the ram charges headfirst, so it's important to temper your enthusiasm with a dash of strategy to avoid burning out or alienating others.

Here are some tips for harnessing this powerful Aries Mars transit:

  • Channel your energy into physical activity: Aries thrives on movement. Exercise, sports, or even a brisk walk can help direct that fiery energy productively.
  • Set clear goals and take action: The assertive energy of Aries is perfect for initiating projects. Write down your goals, break them into manageable steps, and get started!
  • Practice healthy competition: A little friendly rivalry can be motivating under this influence. Just remember to be gracious in victory and defeat.
  • Practice patience and diplomacy: Aries' directness can sometimes come across as blunt. Be mindful of your communication style and try to express yourself assertively, but not aggressively.

By understanding this astrological influence, you can leverage its strengths and mitigate its potential downsides.


For a brief time, Mars in Aries will make a sextil to the Moon in Aquarius. This aspect is a positive influence for taking action on progressive ideas. It's a time to embrace your inner rebel and fight for what you believe in, but with a healthy dose of Aquarian innovation to guide your actions.

Magical Correspondences 

Crystals for Mars in Aries:

  • Carnelian: This fiery red crystal resonates with Mars' assertive energy, boosting courage, motivation, and confidence.
  • Bloodstone: Known for its grounding properties, bloodstone helps channel Martian energy productively, reducing impulsive tendencies.
  • Smoky Quartz: This grounding crystal balances Mars' fire with calming earth energy, promoting focus and resilience.

Herbs for Mars in Aries:

  • Ginger: This spicy herb stimulates circulation and ignites passion, mirroring Mars' energetic drive.
  • Nettle: Nettle leaf tea is known for its invigorating properties, supporting physical and mental stamina.
  • Ginkgo Biloba: This herb enhances focus and mental clarity, aiding Mars in Aries' goal-oriented nature.

Essential Oils for Mars in Aries:

  • Rosemary: With its invigorating aroma, rosemary essential oil enhances mental focus and stimulates circulation, aligning with Mars' active energy.
  • Grapefruit: This uplifting oil promotes optimism and motivation, helping channel Martian energy productively.
  • Peppermint: Known for its energizing properties, peppermint essential oil can help overcome fatigue and maintain focus, supporting Mars' drive.

Carolina Dean 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Venus in Taurus (2024)


Venus in Taurus 
Natural Chart 

Affirmation: I love comfort! 

The Lesson: Enjoy all the goodness of life. 


When Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure, finds itself in the grounded and sensual sign of Taurus, a powerful force for indulgence and appreciation takes hold. Here's a breakdown of this astrological influence:

People tend to become more attuned to their senses. They crave the touch of luxurious fabrics, the intoxicating aromas of fine perfumes, and the delightful flavors of gourmet meals. Simple pleasures like a warm bath or a candlelit dinner take on a whole new level of significance.

Romantically, Venusian Taurus seeks a partner who embodies stability and security. Someone who shares their values and provides a sense of groundedness becomes highly attractive. Flingy connections hold little appeal,  replaced by a desire for a deep, committed relationship built on trust and shared goals.

Taking care of oneself becomes a priority. Long bubble baths, relaxing massages, and indulging in beauty routines become expressions of self-love.  Surrounding oneself with beautiful objects and comfortable spaces is key to creating a personal haven that fosters well-being.

Experiences that stimulate the senses and indulge the finer tastes take center stage.  Savoring a perfectly prepared meal, attending a concert, or exploring a museum filled with art are seen as investments in happiness.  The act of creation,  whether it's painting, cooking, or gardening, becomes a way to express love for oneself and the world.

Under this influence, people slow down and appreciate the finer things in life.  They linger over a delicious meal, savoring each bite, rather than rushing through it. They take the time to appreciate the beauty of a sunset or the intricate details of a piece of art. This focus on mindfulness allows them to fully experience the joy present in each moment.

In essence, Venus in Taurus creates a desire to create a life filled with beauty, comfort, and pleasure. It's a time to indulge the senses, prioritize self-care, and cultivate meaningful connections built on stability and shared values.

Magical Correspondences 


  • Rose Quartz: The quintessential love stone, rose quartz resonates with Taurus' focus on love, beauty, and sensuality.
  • Emerald: Known for its connection to abundance and prosperity, emerald aligns with Taurus' appreciation for the finer things in life.
  • Malachite: A stone of transformation, malachite can help with releasing emotional blockages and embracing new experiences, which can be beneficial during Venus in Taurus' focus on commitment.


  • Chamomile: This calming herb promotes relaxation and inner peace, aligning with Taurus' desire for comfort and security.
  • Lemon Balm: Known for its uplifting properties, lemon balm can enhance feelings of joy and optimism, mirroring Venus in Taurus' appreciation for pleasure.
  • Ylang Ylang: This fragrant flower promotes feelings of love and connection, perfect for tapping into the romantic energy of Venus in Taurus.

Essential Oils

  • Sandalwood: This grounding oil fosters feelings of sensuality and emotional security, resonating with Taurus' love for stability.
  • Patchouli: Known for its aphrodisiac qualities, patchouli can deepen intimacy and connection during Venus in Taurus' focus on love and commitment.
  • Jasmine: A luxurious oil, jasmine embodies sensuality and creativity, aligning with Taurus' appreciation for beauty and pleasure.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Mercury Direct (2024)


Mercury Direct 

Natural Chart 


My communication is clear, confident, and courageous. My thoughts flow freely, and my words have impact. I express myself authentically and take initiative in my interactions

Mercury Direct 

Mercury has just stationed direct at 15° 58' Aries. We've officially passed the peak of the retrograde phase, but the journey isn't quite over yet. We're now entering the shadow period, which lasts until May 13th, 9:00 PM Pacific Time.

While the full-blown retrograde throws curveballs our way, forcing us to confront communication breakdowns, revisit old ideas, and re-evaluate our approach, the shadow period is all about integration. This is where the rubber meets the road. Did you learn your lessons? Are you ready to put those newfound skills to the test?

Remember the Retrograde in Aries? A Refresher

Mercury's retrograde dance through Aries was all about harnessing that fiery energy for good. It challenged us to:

  • Channel impulsiveness: We learned to take a breath before blurting things out, transforming our "ready, fire, aim" tendencies into thoughtful communication.
  • Master healthy stress responses: Aries often charges headfirst into stressful situations. The retrograde likely nudged us towards calmer strategies for dealing with pressure.
  • Respect boundaries (ours and others'): Aries has a pioneering spirit, but sometimes that means steamrolling over people. The retrograde may have highlighted the importance of respecting limitations, both personal and those of others.
  • Discern value in revisited opportunities: Sometimes old ideas deserve a second look. The retrograde might have prompted us to re-evaluate past projects or reconnect with people from our history.

But wait, there's more!

The personal impact of the retrograde goes beyond just the sign of Aries. It all depends on where this transit landed in your natal chart, the blueprint of your birth. Additionally, if Mercury interacted with any other planets during its retrograde dance, the lessons become even more nuanced.

The Shadow Period: Putting it into Practice

The upcoming shadow period is your chance to integrate these lessons into your daily life. Here's what you can do:

  • Reflect: Journal about your experiences during the retrograde. What communication snafus did you encounter? How did you deal with stress? Did you have any "aha" moments about old projects or relationships?
  • Refine: Now that you've identified areas for improvement, take steps to refine your approach. Practice active listening and clear communication. Experiment with healthy stress-reduction techniques. Set boundaries and learn to recognize them in others.
  • Revisit: If the retrograde stirred up thoughts about past endeavors, consider revisiting them with a fresh perspective. Maybe that old business idea deserves another look, or perhaps it's time to reconnect with someone from your past.

By May 13th, when the shadow period ends, you'll be ready to move forward with a newfound clarity and a toolbox full of communication and stress management skills. So, embrace the shadow period, dear reader, and use it to your astrological advantage!

Carolina Dean

Link Tree

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Full Moon in Scorpio


Full Moon in Scorpio 

Natural Chart 

Full Moon in Scorpio

  • Theme: Emotional Catharsis 
  • The Lesson: To bravely confront your deepest emotions and shadows to achieve powerful transformation.
  • Affirmation: I fully feel and experience my emotions. Opening up makes me a stronger person. By letting go of things that hold me back, I allow myself to heal and change. I'm cleansed and ready for a fresh start.


This full moon is said to bring a wave of introspection.  Imagine yourself floating on a calm lake, gazing beneath the surface.  Just as the moon's light illuminates the night, this full moon energy can illuminate the depths of your subconscious.  Hidden fears, emotions, and desires might bubble up, prompting you to confront them.

This can be an intense experience.  You might find yourself brooding more than usual, lost in thought as you grapple with these unearthed feelings.  But remember, this is a chance for growth!  By acknowledging these hidden aspects of yourself, you can begin to release them and create space for something new.

The full moon isn't just about dredging up the past; it's about stepping into the future.  This lunar phase is believed to be a potent time for change.  With a newfound awareness of your outdated thoughts and behavior patterns, you might feel a strong urge to break free from them.  This could involve anything from finally quitting that unfulfilling job to letting go of a toxic relationship.

The full moon's energy is often associated with heightened emotions, and vulnerability can be a big part of that.  You might find yourself craving deeper connections with loved ones, feeling a stronger desire for intimacy and emotional support.  This is a beautiful time to open up to those you trust, to share your newfound insights and experiences.

Remember, the full moon isn't about becoming a different person; it's about embracing your authentic self.  By confronting your inner world and letting go of what no longer serves you, you create space for growth and transformation.  So use this full moon energy to illuminate your path, embrace your vulnerability, and connect with those who matter most.

The Mercury Influence 

With Mercury Retrograde conjunct the North Node in Aries, get ready for a communication do-over! This is a strong influence pushing us to speak our minds and be upfront with what we think. However,  watch out for falling back on old habits in our relationships, like saying what we think people want to hear instead of being honest. This is a time to find a middle ground: be yourself and express your ideas clearly, but also build real connections with others through open communication.


Crystals for the Full Moon in Scorpio

  • Smoky Quartz: Known for its grounding and protective properties, Smoky Quartz can help you navigate the emotional intensity of a Scorpio Full Moon. It can also aid in releasing negativity and past traumas.
  • Obsidian: A powerful truth-revealing stone, Obsidian can help you confront your shadow self and release what no longer serves you. It's a great crystal for introspection and personal growth.
  • Garnet: Associated with passion, desire, and willpower, Garnet can help you tap into your inner strength and determination during the Scorpio Full Moon. It can also boost your confidence and vitality.


  • Mugwort: This herb has been used for centuries in divination and dreamwork. It can help you connect with your subconscious mind and intuition, which are heightened during a Scorpio Full Moon.
  • Chamomile: Known for its calming and soothing properties, Chamomile can help ease emotional tension and anxiety associated with the Scorpio Full Moon. It can also promote relaxation and restful sleep.
  • Lavender: Similar to Chamomile, Lavender is a calming herb that can help balance intense emotions. It can also promote feelings of peace and well-being.

Essential Oils 

  • Patchouli: This grounding and earthy essential oil can help you connect with your base chakra and feel more rooted during the Scorpio Full Moon. It can also promote feelings of security and stability.
  • Jasmine: Associated with love, sensuality, and psychic awareness, Jasmine can help you tap into your inner power and intuition during the Scorpio Full Moon. It can also promote feelings of creativity and connection.
  • Ylang Ylang: This calming and balancing essential oil can help ease emotional volatility and promote feelings of peace and harmony during the Scorpio Full Moon. It can also be aphrodisiac.

Carolina Dean 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Uranus Conjunct Jupiter (2024)


Get ready for a cosmic shake-up! On April 20th, 2024, two powerhouse planets, Jupiter and Uranus, will join forces in the sign of Taurus, creating a rare astrological event known as a conjunction. This hasn't happened in Taurus since 1941, making it a potent influence with the potential to usher in significant change.

What are Jupiter and Uranus bringing to the table?

  • Jupiter: Nicknamed the "great expander," Jupiter is associated with growth, abundance, and optimism. It encourages us to think big and reach for our wildest dreams.
  • Uranus: The "great awakener" Uranus is all about rebellion, innovation, and breaking free from the status quo. It thrives on change and pushes us to embrace new possibilities.

When these two collide in Taurus, the sign of stability and security, we can expect a crackling energy of transformation.

Here's what this might mean for us:

  • A surge of innovation: Taurus is connected to our material world, finances, and creativity. We might see breakthroughs in areas like sustainable technology, new economic models, or even a shift in our relationship with possessions.
  • Redefining comfort: Taurus craves comfort, but Uranus throws a wrench in that. We might be rethinking what truly makes us feel secure, leading to a more progressive and innovative approach to stability.
  • Embracing positive change: Jupiter's optimistic influence can help us navigate the disruptions caused by Uranus. We might be more open to embracing change as a catalyst for growth, rather than clinging to outdated systems.

How will this affect you personally?

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will impact everyone differently. To understand how it might influence you personally, consider where Taurus falls in your natal chart (a map of the sky at your birth). If you have Taurus placements, you might feel this energy more intensely.

But even without strong Taurus placements, we can all harness this potent energy. Here are some tips:

  • Be open to new ideas: Don't dismiss unconventional solutions. Embrace the unexpected and see where it takes you.
  • Challenge the status quo: Is there something in your life that feels stuck? This is a powerful time to break free from limitations and explore new possibilities.
  • Believe in abundance: Jupiter's influence encourages optimism. Focus on what you want to create and cultivate a mindset of abundance.

This Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is a rare opportunity for growth and transformation. By embracing change and staying open to new ideas, we can all tap into this potent energy and create a brighter future.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Sun in Taurus (2024)


Sun in Taurus 

Affirmation: I am determined! 

The Lesson: Finding stability and building security in your life.


As the Sun makes its annual journey through Taurus, a shift in our collective energy takes place. We find ourselves gravitating towards stability and security. Patience becomes a virtue, and we're less likely to rush into decisions or actions. This introspective nature fosters a desire to build a solid foundation in all aspects of life.

Taurus, ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, also appreciates the finer things. During this transit, we might prioritize financial security to ensure we can enjoy these indulgences. We might become more meticulous with our budgets, saving and investing for the future. This focus on material security doesn't erase the importance of relationships, but it does highlight the desire for stable partnerships that contribute to a secure and comfortable life.

The influence of Taurus brings a newfound determination to pursue our goals. We become more methodical and persistent, chipping away at our objectives with unwavering focus. This persistence can sometimes be interpreted as stubbornness, but it's a sign of the deep commitment Taurus energy ignites within us.

Beyond financial security, Taurus appreciates all the sensual pleasures life offers. We might find ourselves drawn to beautiful art, delicious food, or luxurious experiences. This heightened appreciation for aesthetics can inspire creativity and a desire to surround ourselves with beauty in all its forms.

Overall, the Sun's transit through Taurus marks a period of groundedness, determination, and a focus on building a secure and enjoyable life.



  • Emerald: Emulates the Venusian energy of Taurus, promoting love, beauty, and abundance. It can also aid in intuition and emotional balance.
  • Malachite: Known as the "Stone of Transformation," Malachite can help Taurus natives embrace change and growth during this transit. It can also be used for protection and grounding.
  • Rose Quartz: A stone of love and compassion, Rose Quartz can help Taurus focus on positive relationships and self-love during this transit.


  • Chamomile: A calming herb that can help Taurus individuals manage stress and anxiety during this transit. It can also promote relaxation and sleep.
  • Lemon Balm: Known for its uplifting properties, Lemon Balm can help Taurus natives stay positive and motivated during this transit. It can also improve focus and concentration.
  • Venus Flytrap: This unique plant is associated with Venus, the ruler of Taurus. It can be used to attract love and abundance, as well as to boost confidence.

Essential Oils

  • Sandalwood: A grounding and calming essential oil, Sandalwood can help Taurus individuals stay centered and focused during this transit. It can also promote relaxation and meditation.
  • Ylang Ylang: Known for its balancing properties, Ylang Ylang can help Taurus natives manage their emotions and find inner peace during this transit. It can also promote relaxation and sensuality.
  • Patchouli: An earthy essential oil that can help Taurus individuals connect with their sensuality and creativity during this transit. It can also promote grounding and stability.

- Carolina Dean 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

The New Moon in Aries: A Spark to Ignite Your Passions

New Moon in Aries

The New Moon in Aries is a potent time for fresh starts, fueled by the fiery energy of this cardinal sign. It's a cosmic nudge to embrace renewed enthusiasm and set intentions that propel you towards a brighter future.

Theme: Embracing Your Inner Trailblazer

Think of Aries as the courageous pioneer, the first sign of the zodiac. This lunation ignites a spark of courage within us, urging us to shed the limitations of the past and step boldly into the unknown. It's a time to break free from self-doubt or external constraints that may have held you back.

Lesson: Letting Go to Move Forward

The new moon, by its very nature, signifies a period of endings and beginnings. While the urge to chase new endeavors is strong under this lunation, it also compels us to acknowledge what needs to be released to make space for this growth. This might involve letting go of limiting beliefs, unhealthy habits, or even past relationships that no longer serve you.

Interpretation: A Time for Action

This isn't a time for passive dreaming; the Aries energy is all about taking initiative. This lunation grants us the confidence and determination to overcome challenges and push ourselves beyond perceived boundaries. Perhaps you've been yearning to start a creative project, pursue a new career path, or finally confront a personal fear. The New Moon in Aries whispers, "Now is the time."

Embrace the Boldness Within

  • Identify areas of your life that feel stagnant. What limiting beliefs or habits are holding you back?
  • Connect with your passions. What truly ignites your fire?
  • Set clear intentions. What do you want to cultivate in your life?
  • Take action! Don't wait for the "perfect" moment. Start small and build momentum.

By harnessing the potent energy of the New Moon in Aries, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and ignite the fire within to create the future you desire.



  • Carnelian: This fiery red crystal is associated with courage, motivation, and vitality. It can help you tap into your inner strength and take bold action towards your goals.
  • Bloodstone: This deep green crystal is known for its grounding and protective properties. It can also help you to increase your stamina and perseverance, which are both important qualities for Aries.
  • Red Jasper: This jasper stone is associated with passion, strength, and confidence. It can help you to stay focused on your goals and to overcome any obstacles that may stand in your way.


  • Dandelion: A symbol of resilience and vitality, dandelion resonates with the pioneering spirit of Aries. It can be used in teas or tinctures to support courage, initiative, and a positive outlook.
  • Nettle: Known for its stimulating properties, nettle aligns with the action-oriented energy of Aries. It can be used in teas or added to soups and stews to promote mental clarity, focus, and drive.
  • Ginger: A fiery herb that matches the assertive nature of Aries, ginger can be used in teas, stir-fries, or consumed fresh to ignite passion, creativity, and a sense of adventure.
Essential Oils
  • Orange Essential Oil: This bright citrus oil is perfect for harnessing the fresh start energy of the new moon. It's uplifting and invigorating, helping you set intentions and take action on your goals.
  • Ginger Essential Oil: Ginger is known for its fiery nature, which aligns well with Aries' bold and courageous energy. It can help you tap into your inner strength and motivation, propelling you forward with new ideas and initiatives.
  • Rosemary Essential Oil: Rosemary is another invigorating oil that can help with mental clarity and focus. It's a great choice for the new moon in Aries, as it can help you stay sharp and on track as you begin new projects.
Tarot Cards

  • The Emperor (IV): This card embodies leadership, authority, and structure. Its presence in a new moon in Aries spread suggests a time to take charge, set clear goals, and establish a plan to achieve them. The Emperor's strong will aligns with the go-getter nature of Aries, encouraging initiative and decisive action.
  • The Chariot (VII): The Chariot represents willpower, determination, and focus. During a new moon in Aries, it highlights the importance of harnessing your inner drive and directing it towards your desires. The Chariot encourages you to overcome obstacles and stay focused on your path.
  • The World (XXI): The World signifies completion, achievement, and fulfillment. While it may seem like an odd fit for a new beginning, The World in this context reminds you that the seeds you plant now have the potential to blossom into something truly significant. It encourages a sense of trust in the journey and the satisfaction of reaching your goals.

- Carolina Dean
Staff Astrologer

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Find Your Crystal Match: Crystals for Every Zodiac Sign

Have you ever wondered if there's a crystal out there that perfectly complements your personality? Well, wonder no more! Crystals have long been associated with the zodiac signs, and each sign can benefit from specific stones that resonate with their energy.

This guide will explore the perfect crystal companions for all twelve zodiac signs. Remember, these are just recommendations, and you can always choose a crystal that you're simply drawn to!

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

  • Aries (March 21 - April 19): Carnelian, Bloodstone, Clear Quartz. Channel your fiery energy with these crystals that promote courage, motivation, and creativity.
  • Leo (July 23 - August 22): Carnelian, Citrine, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye. Tap into your inner strength, unleash your creativity, and attract success with these powerful crystals.
  • Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Amethyst, Labradorite, Sodalite, Turquoise. Broaden your horizons, enhance your creativity, and attract good luck with these crystals that match your optimistic spirit.

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

  • Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Amethyst, Emerald, Rose Quartz, Turquoise. Embrace change, enhance creativity, and attract love and abundance with these grounding crystals.
  • Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Amethyst, Carnelian, Citrine, Moss Agate. Reduce stress, find inner peace, and sharpen your problem-solving skills with these calming crystals.
  • Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Amethyst, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Sodalite. Overcome challenges, boost focus, and achieve your goals with these crystals that match your ambitious drive.

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

  • Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Agate, Citrine, Fluorite, Labradorite. Improve focus, enhance communication, and encourage clear thinking with these crystals that match your adaptability.
  • Libra (September 23 - October 22): Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Opal, Unakite. Balance your emotions, strengthen relationships, and promote peace with these harmonious crystals.
  • Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Amethyst, Aquamarine, Labradorite, Lepidolite. Connect with your intuition, express yourself clearly, and support humanitarian efforts with these crystals that resonate with your innovative spirit.

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

  • Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Moonstone, Carnelian, Hematite, Pearl. Balance your emotions, heal emotional wounds, and attract love and peace with these crystals that nurture your sensitive soul.
  • Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Amethyst, Black Tourmaline, Garnet, Malachite. Release emotional baggage, transform yourself, and enhance your intuition with these crystals that match your depth.
  • Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Amethyst, Aquamarine, Moonstone, Selenite. Ground your energy, unleash your creativity, and heal emotional wounds with these crystals that embrace your compassionate nature.

Crystals can be a fun way to explore the energy linked to your zodiac sign. But remember, these connections are based on tradition and not science. The best crystal for you is the one that you feel a personal connection to, the one that helps you center your goals. If none of the crystals listed here seem right, look into crystals associated with your rising sign. Enjoy choosing your crystals!

- Carolina Dean