Aries- Your focus this month is on your personal values and those things which you value. You identify with the material things you possess and see them as a symbol of your status or position in life. Your possessions, the amount of money you have in the bank, the state of your home, the make and model of your car... do they really define you or are you defined by those intangible values called loyalty, trust, and honesty to name a few?
Taurus- You are likely to experience a sense of renewal and revitalization this month. However, this will be preceding by an ongoing period of positive self-centeredness (what Dr. Martello called psysho-selfism) that others may misconstrue as unapologetic selfishness. For this reason you may find it difficult to work with others too closely this month. Now is the time for you to focus on your personal needs and goals and devise a spiritual plan for achieving them.
Gemini- This month will likely be marked by a period of deep introspection. You will find yourself exploring the deeper, more hidden parts of your own psyche in an attempt to bring illumination and a greater understanding of who you are. You may confront aspects of yourself that no longer serve you and challenge yourself to move past them. This will be a time of completion and endings in which you shed your ego and destroy negative patterns of thought and behavior so that you can regenerate.
Cancer- Friendships and group related activities come to bear this month. Your role in the groups you belong to come under your scrutiny now as well as their purpose and function in your life. You find yourself questioning what you are getting out of these associations or if you are contributing your own fair share. The best way to figure this out is by active participation in common activities. It is important for you now to be a part of the group in which your individuality is also well established.
Leo- You're focused on your career and reputation this month and you want both to shine. This is a good time for examining what drives you in terms of the outer-world, what your goals and aspirations in life are as well as how close or even how far you are from achieving them. You could be charged with more authority this month and with added responsibility on your shoulders comes added scrutiny and observation by your superiors. It is important for your own advancement that you do well.
Virgo- You're waxing philosophical this month and want to broaden your horizons in many ways. This will entail you stepping out of your comfort zone to experience people, places and things with which you are not familiar. Breaking out of your usual routine brings unique and beneficial opportunities. You absorb everything now and you find yourself with a powerful thirst for knowledge as well as a strong desire for meaningful experiences. The study of new subjects as well as travel is favored at this time.
Libra- You're more reflective this month and are focused on transforming some aspect of your life in a significant and meaningful way. You may find yourself to be more moody and emotional as you try to figure out both what you want to change and how you want to change it. Your emotional pendulum can swing towards the extremes and you tend to keep things to yourself. You will also find that you excel at any type of research or information gathering.
Scorpio- You are all about relationships this month and you are poised to learn a great deal about yourself and the world that you live in through your relationships to the other people in your life. Your focus is on the other in your life this month and you are concerned with how you work with your partners of all kinds (business or personal). You generally benefit from the relationships in your life and should find yourself becoming closer to others this month.
Sagittarius- You identify more with the work that you do this month. You're not interested in fun or fantasy and prefer to throw yourself into your work. You are more organized at this time and can deal with the small details of any matter. For this reason you can focus on completing several small projects rather than one big one. Successfully accomplishing needed tasks makes you feel good about yourself and the life that you have.
Capricorn- You experience a greater sense of freedom and happiness than you have in a long time this month. You aren't overly concerned with work, responsibilities, or other obligations right now. You just want to have fun and you want you want to have it now. You are warmer, more friendly, and are enthusiastic about life and people now. The world is one big stage for you this month and you have the starring role in the picture of the year. Enjoy your time in the sun!
Aquarius- You are more of a homebody this month and issue of home and family occupu your attention and interest. You're not interested in going out or doing things away from home but rather prefer quiet evenings at home doing things you enjoy or spending time with your family and other loved one. This is also a good time to re-arrange, re-model, or renovate your home so that your home and surroundings are more of a sanctuary for you.
Pisces- You're more mentally active and alert now. Your mind overflows with thoughts and ideas, you are eager to talk about and others are eager to listen to what you have to say. For this reason, you find yourself being more social for the next four weeks or so and you are able to network with others and make those connections that are so important for having success in life. This is a good period for collecting and analyzing data and information to be used or implemented later.
Carolina Dean