Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Full Moon in 23° Sagittaius


Full Moon in Sagittarius
6/14/22 4:51 AM 
Natural Chart / Whole Houses

A Full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon occupy the same degree of opposite signs of the zodiac. As you can see from the chart above, the Moon is at 23° Sagittarius and the Sun is at 23° Gemini forming an opposition creating a dynamic of challenging one another; something is being split or divided.
How to Work with Full Moon in Sagittarius Energy
  • Get out of your comfort zone
  • Practice being more honest with yourself and others.
  • Be more independent (think and do for yourself!)
  • As much as you are able, engage in travel (even if it is an unfamiliar part of your city)
  • Explore a culture, religion, belief, or philosophy outside your own (respectfully)
  • Read up on a subject that you are interested in but have little knowledge of.
  • Try some "foreign" food.
  • Get some physical exercise; go for a walk, jog, or run
  • Take a risk
  • Adopt a more optimistic attitude about life.
Full Moon in Sagittarius (General)
Gemini is all about my vicinity, my neighborhood, my community, my culture. Sagittarius on the other hand is about foreign people and cultures. So there is a dynamic here of a divide between "us and them" or the "familiar vs. the unfamiliar". This is a dynamic that we will see play out in the world at large, and in our personal lives. We can see this dynamic play out by watching the news and seeing events take place in the lives of our friends and associations on social media.
During the Full Sagittarius Moon in 2019 a movement, believed to be associated with White Supremacy, was set in motion to initiate a Straight Pride Parade. This created a divide on both sides with gay people questioning the need for such a parade and straight people wanting to honor their own sexuality.
In 2021 around this time, police office Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd while being arrested for suspicion of having used a counterfeit $20.00 bill to make a purchase - a claim which has since been disproven. During Chauvin's sentencing hearing we saw attempts to widen the divide between "us and them" across the country.
To understand how the Full Moon in Sagittarius will affect you, you need to look at where Sagittarius and Gemini fall in your natal chart.
  • If Aries is your Ascendant, then Sagittarius is your 9th House.
  • If Taurus is your Ascendant, then Sagittarius is your 8th House.
  • If Gemini is your Ascendant, then Sagittarius is your 7th House.
  • If Cancer is your Ascendant, then Sagittarius is your 6th House.
  • If Leo is your Ascendant, then Sagittarius is your 5th House.
  • If Virgo is your Ascendant, then Sagittarius is your 4th House.
  • If Libra is your Ascendant, then Sagittarius is your 3rd House.
  • If Scorpio is your Ascendant, then Sagittarius is your 2nd House.
  • If Sagittarius is your Ascendant, then Sagittarius is your 1st House.
  • If Capricorn is your Ascendant, then Sagittarius is your 12th House
  • If Pisces is your Ascendant, then Sagittarius is your 11th House.
For example, in my birth chart Sagittarius is in the second house of my resources and personal values and Gemini is in the 8th house of shared resources. Additionally, the 8th house is associated with transformation and change, while the 2nd house likes things to stay as they are. So for me there is a divide between my resources and resources shared with others; someone or something is trying to make me change but I want things to stay as they are.
Let us suppose that your natal Moon is at 29° Aries. This means that the Full Moon is applying a Trine (easy aspect) to your natal Moon. Under this aspect you enjoy emotional harmony and domestic bliss. In fact, domestic affairs run smoothly and you find pleasure and satisfaction in your routines.
Where does the full moon in 23° Sagittarius fall in your chart and how will it manifest for you?
- Carolina Dean

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