Monday, June 20, 2022

Torch Song Trilogy

Note: This free article is a part of my ongoing series of content in celebration of Pride Month. Pride Month is celebrated each year during the month of June in honor of those who fought for LGBTQ+ rights beginning with the Stonewall Riots in 1969.

Synopsis - Torch Song Trilogy 

The story of the life and loves, ups and down, wrongs and rights of a homosexual, drag queen, Virginia Hamm (Nee Arnold Beckoff),  living in New York City  in the 1970's and 80's - told in three acts. 


This is another one of those movies that I didn't get to see until it aired late at night on, I think, Turner Classic Movies.  Again, at that time in my life I didn't really know any other gay people, I had no mentors, no role-models, there was no course in How to be Gay 101. Torch Song Trilogy offered me a peak into  the kind of life that I could only dream of having at the time, because I didn't know how to make it so for myself. 

No. I didn't want to be a drag queen. I wanted what Arnold had. I wanted to be free and independent. I wanted a home and friends who loved, respected, and accepted me. I wanted boys to like me, to want me, to pursue me. I wanted options at a time and place in my life when I felt that I didn't have any. 

I have to honest, it is my opinion that Harvey Feirstein wasn't the most attractive man (or woman) but he was able to pull some attractive men! I had a boy crush on Brian Kerwin as Deputy Birdie on BJ and the Bear back in the day. 

There were some very powerful moments in this film that really touched me. Two that really stand out in my mind are when Alan, the love of Arnold's life, is killed in a homophobic attack as well as the confrontation between Arnold and his Ma. 

Arnold: Try and imagine the world the other way around. Imagine every book, every magazine, every TV show, every movie was telling you you should be homosexual. You know you're not, but...
Ma: Stop already, you're talking crazy.
Arnold: You wanna know what's crazy? After all these years I'm still sitting here trying to justify my life. THIS is crazy!

Torch Song Trlology taught me that coming out is a beginning not an ending at that there is a whole life on the other side of it that you have to make for yourself. 

- Carolina Dean 

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