Thursday, June 2, 2022

The Stones of Light Part 5: The Seer Stone


Window Stone, ©2021

The Seer Stone 

Seer Stones are stones that are used, mostly, for scrying or crystal gazing. However, they have other uses as well. They come in all  kinds of shapes and sizes such as the following 

  • crystal balls - crystal or glass balls, they may be clear or colored.  
  • palm stones- flat, smooth, glossy stones that fit in the palm of the hand. These are also referred to as shew-stones. 
  • Window Stones- stones that have been tumbled by a river, or rock tumbler, creating a rough surface and which have been cut smoothly on one side to create a shiny surface or window used for scrying. For this reason, these are often called Window Stones
  • Scrying Stones- these are any shiny stones that do not fit in any of the above categories and which are used for scrying purposes. 

In fact, when I was a young man one of my first jobs was as a courtesy clerk (bag boy) at the local Piggly Wiggly. There was an old man named Duncan who would come into the store about once a month. None of the other baggers wanted to bag his groceries or take them out to his old beat up car because he was considered weird. I was considered something of a weirdo myself so I never minded bagging for some of the odd cast of characters that come into our store. There was an old black woman who claimed God talked to her and she would randomly give people messages that she said came from God. 

Palm Stone, Carolina Dean ©2021

Duncan was considered weird because not only was he old, but he had long greasy hair, a long beard, thick glasses and frankly he sometimes smelled. I was just beginning to explore my own spirituality and was studying and practicing Wicca about this time. I proudly wore my pentagram on a silver chain around my next. One day as I was putting his groceries in his car, Duncan commented on my pentagram. I had found that sometimes when people ask questions about my star, it was usually just to open up a dialogue in order to make fun of the religion or me. Duncan, however, seemed genuinely interested. He asked some intelligent questions and I answered them to the best of my ability. 

Duncan only came in about once a month and after a few months of us chatting about magic and spirituality he asked me to come by his home so that he could show me something. Duncan lived in an old mill-hill house at the end of a dead end street with no electricity or running water. When I showed up at his house, I knocked on the screen door and he invited me to come inside. I found him in his living room sitting in an armchair with a book. When he saw me come in, he stood up and went over to  his fireplace and grabbed something off the corner of the mantle board. He held the object out to me, which turned out to be a crystal stone, and asked me what I thought about the crystal. I said it was beautiful and had good energy. 

Duncan explained that it was his Seeing-Stone which he used to find lost objects and people as well as to see visions of the past and future. It was Duncan who first taught me how to use a Seer Stone. Later I learned that he also had what he called a Doing Stone. He explained that his Seeing Stone is for seeing things and his Doing Stone is for making things happen

How Seer Stones are Used for Scrying 

On a basic level, a person would sit comfortably and go into a meditative state in which both their mind and body are completely relaxed - this is called the Alpha State. Next, they would look into their seer stone which they have positioned before them. From this state of complete relaxation and concentration on the seer stone they would then receive visions. 

At first they may be random and even inconsequential. For example, you may see something as mundane as a friend buying a carton of milk at the local convenience store. However, with practice, the individual can train their inner eye to focus on one subject or question about which they would like to receive a vision. 

My Personal Experiences with a Seer Stone 

Seeing Stone of Carolina Dean ©2021

My seer stone takes the form of a Window Stone made of yellow quartz and I call it my Yellowstone. I found that it is not unusual for a person to give their stone a name as part of the process of forming a connection with the spirit of the stone. When people think of scrying or crystal gazing that think of looking into the crystal and seeing a vision in much the same way they look at a television screen and see a scene play out. However, that is not always the case- although it can happen in this way. 

In my experience, there have been times when I was gazing into my stone when the sight of the stone goes away and is replaced by a vision that plays out on a screen before my eye.  At other times, I see pictures in my head. The difference between the former and the later is with the mental screen all I see is the vision, but with the pictures in my head I see the crystal in front of my eyes but also see the vision in my mind's eye. Still at other times, I simply concentrate on the stone and suddenly know without knowing -  without the benefit any vision. In some cases the vision is symbolic and needs to be interpreted while at other times the vision is literal. Sometimes I may see a symbol that I have to interpret.

I have also found that I can use my seer stone to send me prophetic dream. This is usually done by keeping the stone on my nightstand beside my bed. I usually kiss the stone and ask it to send me good dreams or a dream about a specific person or subject. Occasionally, I will take my seer stone with me when I go to my local thrift store and ask it to help me find something good. I also hold my seer stone in my hand when I am walking around my home looking for something I have lost and ask it to help me find the item in question. 

I sometimes keep my seer stone near me when I am practicing any kind of divination such as card reading, bone reading, or reading astrological charts in order to amplify my prophetic powers and grant me greater insight and clarity. I have also found that placing the flat side of the seer stone against my third eye chakra helps to awaken it and pull power into the energy center associated with psychic ability. 

 - Carolina Dean 

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