Thursday, June 9, 2022

Stones of Light Pt. 6: The Speckled Stone


Speckled Stone of Carolina Dean ©2021

The Speckled Stone of Hoodoo 

Hoodoo is a magical system used by common people who often used common herbs, roots, and other tools that could easily be found around homes and farms. Often something as ordinary and mundane as a screwdriver or an awl would be used in a magical way. Blown out eggs were often used as container spells. A sewing needle could be used to inscribe a candle. A wedding ring suspended on a string made a powerful pendulum.  Playing Cards and tea- leaves would be used for divination. Yes, tarot cards were often available by mail order catalogs and I am not saying that Rootworkers in the distant past did not use them, - but that many workers may not have felt the need  to use them unless they were professionals. 

The same is true with crystals balls and other scrying tools. Crystals balls were available to the general public via mail order catalogs as far back as the 1920's. However, many workers who had the gift for scrying could just as easily use a speckled stone such as the one pictured above for scrying purposes. To use the stone the individual would think of an issue or question about which they would like more insight and then stare at the stone until an image forms before their eyes. 

As I write this brief article, I have my speckled stone before me.  I stop for a moment to look at it  and suddenly I see a monkey, a skull, and a dog. From this I quickly divine that I may encounter a trickster spirit (monkey + skull) but that I will be protected (the dog) from any evil or negativity that it may cause. 

What will you see when you look into the Speckled Stone? 

- Carolina Dean

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