Tuesday, June 7, 2022

MIPC: To Create a Pox of Redness Raw & Blisters Bubbling

Note: MIPC stands for Magic in Popular Culture and this is a series of entries in which I take a spell, ritual, belief, or tradition from a work of fiction such as a book, movie, comic book, or tv show and analyze it against real world magical theory and practice. 

To Create a Pox of Redness Raw & Blisters Bubbling 

Gather a smoky quartz gemstone, bowl of water, three pinches of sea salt.
Gather a silver or white candle
Gather a healing oil
Gather the healing herb of carnation, sandalwood and violet
The down feather of a live goose
Let the salt trickle through your fingers into the bowl
Add each herb into the bowl
then the feather
Carve the name of the person into the candle
Chant the invocation....

Lady of Darkness
Mistress of spells awake
Send your healing mother
Afflict this evil one with a pox
or redness raw and blisters bubbling

Anoint the candle with the material from the bowl. Light the candle, repeat the the name which...


Season 1 Ep. 4  "Fleas and Casserole" 

October 14th, 2009


As you can see from the directions above, this spell uses only those items which have traditionally been utilized for the purpose of healing which you may find odd in invoking a curse. This is one of those spells that illustrates the idea that "anything that can heal, can also kill". or "too much of a good thing can be bad."

I actually re-worked this spell for my own purposes to punish an enemy and to my surprise it worked! This is how I did it...

  • I used a red candle in place of the silver or white one called for, to represent the red rawness the spell is intended to cause. 
  • I used Lucky Mojo Healing Oil. 
  • I also used a chicken feather for it's association with chicken pox. 
  • I used the healing herbs rosemary, sandalwood, and eucalyptus 
  • I added a photo of the enemy to this spell. 

With this in mind, I added the salt, herbs and feather to the bowl. I carved the enemy's name on the candle using the smoky quartz. I anointed the red candle with the mixture from the bowl. I then lit the candle and let it burn for a few minutes while I summoned up all my hate for my enemy visualizing his face in the flame of the candle. 

Next, I picked up the candle and turned it upside down over my enemy's photograph allowing the wax to create red splotches all over their face and body as I chanted the following spell:

Lady of Darkness, mother of spells awaken,

Let (n) with bubbling blisters now be taken'

& plague him with a pox of redness raw 

until this spell I withdraw! 

Finally, I left the candle to burn out on it's own. The following day the individual was all broken out with red, itchy, hives! 

- Carolina Dean 

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