Saturday, June 4, 2022

Saturn Retrograde 28° Aquarius


Saturn Retrograde
6/4/22 2:46 AM 
Whole Houses / Natural Chart 

Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius 

6/4/22 to 10/22/22 

Saturn Retrograde begins in 28° Aquarius. Saturn is the planet that seeks out structure and stability. He is all about discipline and order. With Saturn in Retrograde you can expect delays in any effort to grow on your part --- or the part of others for that matter. Such delays teach us patience and gives us the opportunity to review any changes we would like to make. This is a good time to review our long-term goals for the future and any plans we may have for success and achievement. Trying to move forward now can actually make us fall behind. 

Saturn Retrograde & You

Saturn Retrograde brings the opportunity for us to redefinerestructure, or reorganize some area of our life in some way. The house where Aquarius falls in your natal, or birth, chart is the area of life where these opportunities and lessons will be presented to you. When Saturn stations direct again, it is time to apply what your learned to your life. 

To better understand how Saturn Retrograde will affect you, look to the house that Aquarius and Capricorn occupy in your birth chart and check if Saturn makes any aspects to your natal planets. 

  • If your rising sign is Aries, Aquarius is your 11th House
  • If your rising sign is Taurus, Aquarius is your 10th House
  • If your rising sign is Gemini, Aquarius is your 9th House
  • If your rising sign is Cancer, Aquarius is your 8th House
  • If your rising sign is Leo, Aquarius is your 7th House
  • If your rising sign is Virgo, Aquarius is your 6th House
  • If your rising sign is Libra, Aquarius is your 5th House
  • If your rising sign is Scorpio, Aquarius is your 4th House
  • If your rising sign is Sagittarius, Aquarius is your 3rd House
  • If your rising sign is Capricorn, Aquarius is your 2nd House
  • If your rising sign is Aquarius, Aquarius is your 1st House
  • If your rising sign is Pisces, Aquarius is your 12th House

The 12 Areas of Life 

  1. self, outlook, persona, appearance, outward behavior, "mask", individuality, vitality. 
  2. money, material things, possessions, values, security, resources, self-worth, how you make money. 
  3. conscious mind, near environment, short journeys, communication, self-expression, how you learn. 
  4. home, roots, mother, traditions, subconscious, where you live, property, early life conditions. 
  5. self-expression, creativity, pleasure, what you love, hobbies, talents, need for attention. 
  6. employment, work, co-workers, working conditions, health, routine, health, diet, hygiene, service to others. 
  7. marriage, agreements, partnerships, relationships, close associates, open enemies, peers, contracts. 
  8. sex, death, birth, transformation, shared resources, spirituality 
  9. higher education, ethics, travel, foreign people and places, religion, publishing, media, internet
  10. career, ambition, profession, public reputation, status, responsibilities, authority figures, father. 
  11. hopes, dreams, wishes, ideals, goals, associates, acquaintances, groups, friends, humanitarianism 
  12. subconscious mind, unseen or hidden matters, secrets, fears, hidden enemies, spirituality, withdrawal. 


Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius and the 4th House 

In my chart, I have Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius and the 4th house can be difficult. Aquarius represents the future and the unknown, while the 4th house is related to the past and your roots. For the person with Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius and the 4th house, you may find yourself torn between the future and the past. Before you can move forwards, you may need to revisit your past, your family, and your roots to build up your foundation. 

Saturn Retrograde is also making a square, hard aspect, to my natal Mars. Under this aspect, you can experiences blockages that result in bouts of anger. You may feel like other people are trying to stop you from doing something and so you lash out and make things worse for yourself. 


Aspects, or relationships between planets, is another dimension of astrological interpretation that you would want to investigate. Personally, I like to look at only the tightest aspects. The tightness of an aspect is determined by how close they are to being exact. The tighter an aspect the more powerful it is thought to be. I like to look at the tightest hard (difficult) aspect and the tightest soft (easy) aspect. 

Example from my own chart:

  • Easy Aspect: Saturn Sextile Moon - This aspect brings the opportunity to REVIEW how you control your emotions and your emotional responses in response to stress (especially in terms of your home and family). 
  • Hard Aspect: Saturn Square Mars - This aspect brings the opportunity to REVIEW and RESTRUCTURE how you respond to opposition (especially in terms of rules and regulations) when you attempt to assert yourself. 

How will Saturn Retrograde manifest for you? 

Carolina Dean 

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